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Army Thread 28th June

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    Army Thread 28th June

    Good morning army,

    daylight outside now but it's still 29C inside and Poppy the cat is flaked out on the landing floor trying to keep cool. Poor bugger has got longer hair than me so she must be sweltering.

    I finally have all the bits of support I need in place - alcohol worker (today), psychiatric nurse (tomorrow), a brilliant doc (every month), and of course my friends in the army (every day - I lurk even if I don't post), so my second attempt to titrate down begins today. If that doesn't work, nothing will.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic not-too-hot day. Or in tips' case a fantastic not-too-cold day!

    Army Thread 28th June

    Morning Army
    Reccie it sounds like you have a good plan and loads of support. Just take it one day at a time. :l
    Still hot here too. Temps are supposed to start dropping again by tomorrow though.
    Wishing everyone a positive day whatever you are doing xxx.


      Army Thread 28th June

      Morning expatty

      better get pug dog walked before it gets too hot!


        Army Thread 28th June

        Recluse;1138006 wrote: Morning expatty

        better get pug dog walked before it gets too hot!
        I just did.
        Good luck with the alcohol worker today. Let us know how it goes.:l
        Early start today so I'm off. laters xxx


          Army Thread 28th June

          Bye expatty. Hiya zenny, and thanks. You're up late. Didn't realise you went to AA. Are you still moding or have you given AL up completely now? Hope you enjoy your lunch.


            Army Thread 28th June

            Oops, bit of an X-post there!


              Army Thread 28th June

              I do get the impression that very few people manage to mod successfully and it seems a shame to put what you've already achieved at risk for the sake of the occasional social drink, so I think you're right to try and finish with AL.

              I know for certain that if I ever get off the bloody stuff I will never be able to mod successfully. I simply can't stop at one drink.


                Army Thread 28th June

                Morning REcciebear Expattie and Zenneroonie.
                Reccie, I am delighted you have all your support systems in place and are going to give it another go.
                Zenners you too, I dont want to preach but sober really is the way to deal with life. I honestly dont think I could have coped with the last few years if I had been drinking.
                Good vibes are winging their way to both of you xx
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 28th June

                  Recluse;1137990 wrote: Good morning army,

                  daylight outside now but it's still 29C inside and Poppy the cat is flaked out on the landing floor trying to keep cool. Poor bugger has got longer hair than me so she must be sweltering.

                  I finally have all the bits of support I need in place - alcohol worker (today), psychiatric nurse (tomorrow), a brilliant doc (every month), and of course my friends in the army (every day - I lurk even if I don't post), so my second attempt to titrate down begins today. If that doesn't work, nothing will.

                  Hope everyone has a fantastic not-too-hot day. Or in tips' case a fantastic not-too-cold day!
                  You and Poppy should be grateful that you HAVE hair

                  On a more serious note: I like what I'm seeing. You're lining up everything you need to beat this thing.

                  Zenstyle;1138008 wrote:
                  I'm here for you Reccie... behind you 100%. Good on you bro... you're going to do it this time. You have a plan in place and you know what you're up against. xxx

                  In other news, ate an entire quarter of a watermelon for a midnight snack and I'm stuffed! lol

                  And I'm going in to see my mates in AA today. Its been a loooooong time since I was there so it will be emotional etc. I have an English girlfriend who lives beside me that goes to the same meetings I used to so I'm meeting her there and we're going for lunch after.
                  Good luck with AA, Zenners :l

                  Hi & bye, Expattie! Have a good one
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread 28th June

                    :hallo: Starty
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 28th June

                      Morning Tiggeroo!

                      Zenny, just do it, no matter how hard it seems or how miserable you feel (it wont last) just plough on until it makes no difference that you are not drinking
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread 28th June

                        Zenstyle;1138019 wrote: And... Reccie... I was where you are at. I isolated for a couple of years. I still do that sometimes... there have been days that the only people I talked to were the Army brats. And the cats. But I've come a long way and I want to be whole again... want rid of this crutch totally. Some of us have to dip our toe back in the water to see the woods for the trees... I totally understand that drinking is retarded now... but its taken a while.

                        And as for you... I'll commit to being there for you. You may screw up but that's OK. You're going to get there and we can do it together. K? )
                        I'd hate to tell you how long I've isolated for zenny and yeah, I have days when the only people I talk to are the troopers and the cat (and myself!) all the time. As for screwing up, I am an expert at that, so it's bound to happen at some point, but thanks very much for the offer of support. :l


                          Army Thread 28th June

                          Zenstyle;1138028 wrote: I'm not even going to be miserable Starty... there will be no detox or anything, all I have to do is put it straight in my head. And stay the course. And I want that for myself now... I deserve to be totally rid of the damn AL. Hey! You did it. So I can too...

                          I'm not physically dependent... its my stupid thought process. But I've given up on arguing with myself about it. I'll just do it, like the twaks, and call it a done deal. No need to over-think it any more.
                          Perfect attitude!!!! Go girl! :l
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 28th June

                            Morning startypants and tips.

                            I was sorely tempted to make a comment about the hair or lack thereof tips, but I thought the better of it. Didn't want to be cruel!


                              Army Thread 28th June

                              Right lovelies, its time for a spot of early morning dogging. My fave activity
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

