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Army Thread 29th June

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    Army Thread 29th June

    JackieClaire;1139038 wrote: How's your GF feeling?
    That is a good question JC.


      Army Thread 29th June

      EnglishWriter77;1139040 wrote: She is happy but worried...
      We all get worried even if it is planned or not.:l


        Army Thread 29th June

        Have you thought about having kids before, EW?

        I must admit it caught me completely unawares at the time (he was an accident)
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 29th June

          I have to be orff for a bit.

          I'll be lurking at the midnight hour, EW. if you want a natter.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread 29th June

            No, I thought dogs was good enough!
            If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


              Army Thread 29th June

              EnglishWriter77;1139047 wrote: No, I thought dogs was good enough!
              OMG! :H Well, they are good practise! For a responsiblity and stuff. And :h.


                Army Thread 29th June

                EnglishWriter77;1139047 wrote: No, I thought dogs was good enough!
                Shite, EW. You must be going through a whole range of emotions.

                I don't really know what to say - other than you'll have to give yourself time to digest it all and make decisions once it has all sunk in.

                Has your GF said what she's worried about?
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread 29th June

                  She is worried about me drinking...
                  If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                    Army Thread 29th June

                    EnglishWriter77;1139054 wrote: She is worried about me drinking...
                    That's fair enough, I guess.

                    If ever there was a strong trigger, this kind of stressful news would be it. How are you feeling (drinking-wise) right now?

                    And of course with the fucking sword that is constantly hanging over our heads those fears won't go away overnight. It took Mrs. T a very long time before trust was re-established.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 29th June

                      I have to be off, folksies - bedtime for me.

                      EW, PM or email me if you wanna chat, OK? Thinking of you :l
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread 29th June

                        More my stubborness!
                        If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                          Army Thread 29th June

                          :l Zen. Take care sweetie.
                          I am off for the evening. I think. But probably. xxx back in the morning.


                            Army Thread 29th June

                            ok so I figure I am going to let you all knwo now whats going on seeign as I may drop off the map for a while. My mum finally gave in and called the police on my brother the drug dealer today, they subsequently came to my house, seized his drugs and equipment and intend to prosecute him for posession with intent to supply class B, coupled with a pre-existing conditional discharge things do not look good. My mother and sister are both, as you know, mentally ill and thus as I am nwo 18 I have agreed to act as responsible adult when he is interviewed, taken to court etc. basically the fmailies in a bit of a mess as my brother is aware of what my mother has done, and owes a large sum of money to another drug dealer. I am of course in the middle of the whole affair as someone who uses drugs but would really rather they didn't come from their sibling depsite the obvious convenience issue xD so basically I might nto be aroudn for a few days I am a little drunk this evening, not too bad, probably having my fiance to stay for a few days and am probably goign tog o on one hell of a bender (yes, I am just amd enough that I plan when I'm going to ruin my life, no spur of the moment affairs for me) so I don't knwo if i'll be on at all, if I'll be in and out, what mood I'll be in, how capable I'll be of actualyl havign a rational coherent conversation so...

                            much love to all, will be about for a little longer thsi evenign fi anybody turns up and if anybody wants to send some hugs my way, that'd be just great thanks


                            p.s EW - sounds like some scary news, hope you can work out your feelings n such like
                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


