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Army Thread 30th June

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    Army Thread 30th June

    Nighters, Zeppie and morning EW.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread 30th June

      See ya Zeppie
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread 30th June

        Zeppie2;1139387 wrote: Hiya Stirls and KT:wavin: Zeppie. Hope you're recovering nicely from the accident. Acupuncture can work wonders I've heard. Oh, and goodnight.
        EnglishWriter77;1139388 wrote:
        Morning All,

        Didn't get much sleep so feeling a bit rough today! Hopefully will feel better come 12 when I start work!

        Hope you're all doing OK

        Hiya EW!. Read back over yesterday's thread and saw your news. I know it's a big shock to you but you know, once you get used to the idea, I bet you'll find it's a very positive thing that's happening to you. I'm sure it wasn't in your plans at this point in your life but it could just be the best thing that ever happened to you. They don't call babies "little bundles of joy" for no reason. They are truly a miracle. Try and look at it as positively as you can and enjoy it for what it is - the beginning of a new life....
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Army Thread 30th June

          Hi EW couldnt agree more with Stirlys comments.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Army Thread 30th June

            Hello, I'm bacforabit.

            Given up on the bloody sleep. :upset:


              Army Thread 30th June

              Hi All,

              Don't get me wrong, I am happy, but just in shock!

              Thanks for your support as always

              If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                Army Thread 30th June

                Hi Reccie.

                EW :goodjob:
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Army Thread 30th June

                  KTAB;1139370 wrote: Weather wise very warm but overcast and rain on the way. I just feel weary today but wine will do that to me. Greece looks a mess at the moment I am sorry to say. Hard to see it ending in anything but default and then the house of cards could come tumbling down with Ireland next.
                  Totally agree ktabs. The problem is two fold. Nobody knows who owns all of the debt so it's impossible to predict the consequences of a default. And none of the politicians in any country are dealing with the debt by paying it down. Instead the debt is being allowed to get bigger and bigger and is constantly being passed from weak hands to slightly less weak hands. Basically the politicians have been kicking the can down the road for years and now they've nearly run out of road.


                    Army Thread 30th June

                    Plus there isnt the political will to let the bond holders take the hit as it will damage further financing when needed and the cost of borrowing will spiral. It is happening throughout europe and will get worse as Greece isnt the only country that has been living beyond its means. The rising level of debt is screwing the country's economy just like it has here. Cant blame the banks soley as we, the people held our hands out and spent the cash. Pity they and the politicians lied bare faced throughout it all though. The problem we have in Ireland is we are tied into ECB rates so if Germany ant the UK grow and rates rise it will dampen our recover because we are going to be years trying to get out of this mess, a vicious cycle.
                    I reckon the majority of the people on the streets protesting are just out for trouble and will use any excuse to attack the establishment be it G8 conferences or votes on austerity measures. Anti globalisation marches used to be de rigueur. Ok off my soapbox now before I fall and bang my head.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army Thread 30th June

                      Hahahaha KTAB = :soapbox:
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Army Thread 30th June

                        Just had a wee chat with my little brother, situation seems to be spiralling out of control, his girlfriends gonna leave him, he's smoking a hell of a lot of drugs coz in his own words he's got nothing to lose anymore, a dealer he owes money to is going to come down later and... well the rest speaks for itself to be honest. Not good.
                        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                          Army Thread 30th June

                          Agree again. And also there's the fact that a lot of the bond holders are banks and the banks have the politicians in their pockets via contributions to election campaigns etc.


                            Army Thread 30th June

                            Bloody hell inchy! I wish I could offer some advice. How much does he owe?


                              Army Thread 30th June

                              Ouch Inchy...not a good situation, look after yourself :l
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                                Army Thread 30th June

                                Recluse;1139410 wrote: Agree again. And also there's the fact that a lot of the bond holders are banks and the banks have the politicians in their pockets via contributions to election campaigns etc.
                                Surely not, perish the thought

                                InChains;1139409 wrote:
                                Just had a wee chat with my little brother, situation seems to be spiralling out of control, his girlfriends gonna leave him, he's smoking a hell of a lot of drugs coz in his own words he's got nothing to lose anymore, a dealer he owes money to is going to come down later and... well the rest speaks for itself to be honest. Not good.
                                Jeez thats some situation he has gotten himself into. Hard to know what to say really. I suppose the first question is can he buy some time?
                                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

