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Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc

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    Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc


    I hope someone can help, really worried sick here about my father in law. He's had a drink problem many years but has managed to function very well so very much hidden. Basically, he had to stop drinking 3 weeks ago through vommitting each night and he hasn't had an appetite for years. Since we saw him 6 weeks ago, he has lost an extreme amount of weight, he was already quite thin and now very gaunt. He's eating hardly anything and he has severe jaundice with very darkened skin and yellow eyes. Last night he was nauseous, had a slight temperature but was shivering. He seems okay today and is out and about but looks dreadful.

    He's quite stubborn and reluctant to ask for help. We feel fairly confident he really has stopped drinking but who knows.

    3 days ago, after 5 days of the jaundice he eventually went to docs who sent right to hospital for blood tests, scans etc. He went alone and came back being given Thiamine and to stop drinking (obviously!) and they said he has fluid on his liver and needs to see a nurse in go back in 3 weeks. They had said go back if gets temperature and he had one last night and hwo knows if he has today as he wouldnt tell us. He wouldnt go back in last night.

    How worried should we be that he did get the temperature with shivering too? We feel worried sick about him.

    I need to ask what experience people have of this. I've no idea if it's cirrhosis but imagine it is the most likely case? He has probably have the lesser symptoms for years such as low appetite etc but for months now has had itching, vomitting and now the jaundice and perhaps has other symptoms we wouldn't know about.

    It's awful we have to leave tomorrow and we live hours away and just don't know how serious things really are right now. No idea if he stops drinking now, does this mean he will recover gradually or could he even be at the early stages of liver failure? We just need to have a better idea so we can help.

    Thanks so much for listening.

    Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc

    I'm sorry but I really don't know. My Father-in-law has been sick off & on for the past 6 months or so. He also is/was a very heavy drinker. He had a staph infection which caused him to be sick & hospitalized. But, he also ended up with the jaundice, etc. I think it is really important that your FIL follows up with the doctor. I do know how stubborn they can be. I'm sorry that I don't have any answers for you. Take care. I do know how hard this is - especially to live far away from them. :l
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc

      I know a man who just died of cirrohsis from years of drinking. Your FIL situation sounds very serious to me. I also saw a woman recently and I thought she was 9 mo pregnant but she was not. She had 30 lbs of water weight (edema) from cirrohsis of the liver and had not had a drink or done drugs for years and years. I am telling you this not to scare you but I do think the situation is serious.


        Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc

        Orlaith, I'm sorry to say it but the situation sounds serious to me too. One of my brothers in law died a couple years ago from liver and other organ failure due to years of heavy drinking.

        It is difficult to stop drinking, even in the face of the serious health (and other) consequences. Addiction is tough. Even when we really really really WANT to quit it is still hard.

        I hope your Dad decides he has had enough and really wants to quit. If so, there is help out there. AA is a phone call away and My Way Out is an internet connection away. Still not easy, but better odds than trying to go it alone.

        I know it's hard to watch a loved one do this. :l

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc

          I am surprised they didn't keep him in the hospital. If he's yellow and has those other symptoms, it's not good. I ended up in the hospital last year - same thing. Same symptoms as you described. I was told my tests were so bad that I could have slipped into a coma or had a stroke at any time and was very lucky I didn't. Just because he's walking around and talking doesn't mean he's ok - I was going to work. It was a struggle every minute, but I tried to look like I felt fine (meanwhile I looked horrid). I would bet he's trying to let on that he's doing a lot better than he really is. As soon as there was no one around, I'd literally collapse .. lie down.

          His liver is not doing what it's supposed to do .. and you NEED your liver to work in order to live. Think "LIVE-R". I recovered... and I am thankful every day that I have been given a second chance. Btw, some say that "if you're yellow, it's too late" ... that's NOT true.

          Get him into the hospital if you can - IMHO. Hope it turns out OK for him. Overall, he has to want to get better. It's his choice .. all you can do is care and give your opinion.. *sigh.
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Desperate for advice - Jaundice etc

            BTW, the man I know that just died from cirohsis was in and out of the hospital 4x in the last 3 months.

            He told everyone he had kidney infections.

