I wanted to break out of the habit of sitting around at night and drinking wine to deal with a broken heart and the resulting lonely feeling and all the rest, and maybe some of you are in the same boat. This is why I decided to do the 30 day thing. For me, I do not have an addictive personality, and I am not having much trouble not drinking the wine. I feel fortunate about this, and the process has given me pause to see what is triggering the behavior.
Here is what I am learning....I was feeling so bored last night and maybe a bit lonely. I did not want to drink wine, per say, but I wanted to do something, anything, to take up the time. Although there is wine in the refrigerator, I came to a conscious conclusion that drinking the wine would not alleviate these feelings. What this has done for me is to help me get back in touch with my feelings.
I met one bad guy, and he turned my life upside down. Now that he is pretty much gone, I don't feel the need to over drink, over eat, cry or any of the things I was doing to deal with my hurt feelings from being betrayed.
I just wanted to put this out here to see if any of you can relate, and if you, too, are now able to get in touch with what causes you to want to pick up the glass. I am so glad to not be sitting in here over drinking at night now. I feel like the former me, and it's almost like it did not ever happen at all....except that my jeans are not as loose as they were :-(