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DAY 18 and My Thoughts

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    DAY 18 and My Thoughts

    Hey, All! Here I am on DAY 18. I am wondering if any of you, or all of you, have done any reading on how alcohol is processed in the body and what it does to your organs. I know all of us out here sound fairly educated, myself included, and I was certainly aware that too much of anything is not good for you, and that would include wine, beer, food, sex (?) or just about anything else! I am mortified with what I am reading, and I certainly am praying and hoping that I have not done any damage to my insides. I have always been the picture of health. Once consumed, the alcohol actually becomes a compound that your body processes as a toxin that has to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. So all these wine and vodka ads, and the rest too, associate these brands with culture, and you've arrived, and prestige. Nobody talks about what it is doing to the inside. So even though we are aware of it, or maybe not that aware of it, you should all do some searching online and read it all! It is frightening!

    I wanted to break out of the habit of sitting around at night and drinking wine to deal with a broken heart and the resulting lonely feeling and all the rest, and maybe some of you are in the same boat. This is why I decided to do the 30 day thing. For me, I do not have an addictive personality, and I am not having much trouble not drinking the wine. I feel fortunate about this, and the process has given me pause to see what is triggering the behavior.

    Here is what I am learning....I was feeling so bored last night and maybe a bit lonely. I did not want to drink wine, per say, but I wanted to do something, anything, to take up the time. Although there is wine in the refrigerator, I came to a conscious conclusion that drinking the wine would not alleviate these feelings. What this has done for me is to help me get back in touch with my feelings.

    I met one bad guy, and he turned my life upside down. Now that he is pretty much gone, I don't feel the need to over drink, over eat, cry or any of the things I was doing to deal with my hurt feelings from being betrayed.

    I just wanted to put this out here to see if any of you can relate, and if you, too, are now able to get in touch with what causes you to want to pick up the glass. I am so glad to not be sitting in here over drinking at night now. I feel like the former me, and it's almost like it did not ever happen at all....except that my jeans are not as loose as they were :-(

    DAY 18 and My Thoughts

    No More Wine, I am so happy for you that you are doing well. I know that I started drinking after a breakup a long time ago and could not have imagined not drinking. I can certainly relate to not necessarily wanting wine, but wanting something. I still haven't figured out what that something is in the evenings. So, I am here lurking online. I have a loneliness and empty feeling right now which I would love to numb but I decided that tonite is an af night.


      DAY 18 and My Thoughts

      Hi, Peace: For me, I think it just became a ritual and part of the evening routine here. Now, I am reading and watching movies and talking on the phone. All of these are healthier options. I don't think it is a physically addictive thing with me, as I am fine without doing it every night. Prior to the past several years, I would only have a glass of wine or two here and there. So glad to not be wasting the money and calories on wine these days! Keep on track! You can do this!


        DAY 18 and My Thoughts

        NMW, I read a lot about how damaging alcohol is to our bodies. It helps motivate me to know that. Did you know too that a lot of the studies that show that one drink is good for you are funded by alcohol-related groups? Alcohol really is poison and I'm determined to stop putting it into my body.

        I think you're right too about boredom being a trigger. I'm joining a health club, and I've been exercising to replace my alcohol time.

        Finally, I think what you're saying (and I 100% agree with) is that alcohol makes nothing better in our lives. That's an illusion.

        So, let's support each other in our new endeavor and know that we are really so much better off without alcohol!

        Best of luck,


          DAY 18 and My Thoughts

          Thank you, Place Seeker! Nothing is good when it gets out of hand, that is for sure!


            DAY 18 and My Thoughts

            I think the reasons why I started drinking are very different from the reasons why I continued drinking. At first it was a social thing, then it became a coping mechanism for life, then it blossomed into a full blown addiction that defied all logic and reasoning and consumed my life.
            Sheri, this is such a good point. My reasons for drinking definitely evolved over time too - I feel like I followed this exact path you've described.

            If you come back to this thread, could you talk a bit about how you were able to stop drinking? Did you have a bad episode that put you over the edge or did you just get sick of it all?

            In the meantime, I'll search to see if you posted about it.



              DAY 18 and My Thoughts

              Hi, Sheri: I really never had issues with wine, or anything, until I got tied up with a bad person. I don't do unhealthy things, and I just woke up 19 days ago and said I have to stop this bad habit. As I've said, I feel very blessed and lucky that I am not having a hard time with this. On Friday, I would have like to have had a glass of wine, but I felt no need to crack open a bottle and drink the whole thing because I was bored, hurting or lonely. I did not do it, and I was fine with not doing it. After the 30 days is done, I will decide if I want to go back to how it was in the "the good old days" when now and then I would actually enjoy the wine on the weekends or something. The whole thing with sitting and drinking a bottle several nights per week is done forever, and now that the horrid man is not in my life anymore, I am sure it will all be just fine! Day 19 is almost done! WOW~


                DAY 18 and My Thoughts

                Sheri, thanks for these links and most especially for the support. It's invaluable to me when I read posts by people like you with some long-term success. On some level I really do know that life is better without alcohol. My journey has been a several year progression. By the time I decided to quit, I began to actually dislike even a little alcohol. The times I was able to control it, I realized all it did was make me tired and cranky. The times I overdid it were beginning to be horrible - loss of temper and feeling very despondent about life in general - not sleeping, trying to function hungover. What a mess.

                Anyway, thanks again for your help. I'm going to read your links and so appreciate your digging them out!

                NMW - good going with your 19 days!


