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Feeling awful

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    Feeling awful

    Hi all,
    I am still AF but I have stopped counting days because I find that it only kept my mind on drinking. I feel horrible these last three days, depressed;angry;I don't feel like getting up or dressed and I am eating anything not nailed down! Ugh. I felt great at first but now seems like the honeymoon is over.

    Feeling awful

    Georgie - been there....done that. i think it's pretty normal to have this range of emotions. You are changing your life.....hang in there. It will get better. :l
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Feeling awful


      I'm sorry you feel the way you do. Do you attribute these feelings to not drinking? Perhaps these are feelings that are coming to light that have always been there but were dimmed by the fog of alcohol. I hope you feel better soon.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Feeling awful


        How many days AF are you??
        THOUGHTS become THINGS
        choose the GOOD

        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


          Feeling awful

          Hi Georgie,
          If you can, try to be grateful that you are at least feeling something. I hope the awful part passes quickly for are doing the work and there are big rewards on the other side!


            Feeling awful

            Georgie;1142161 wrote: Hi all,
            I am still AF but I have stopped counting days because I find that it only kept my mind on drinking. I feel horrible these last three days, depressed;angry;I don't feel like getting up or dressed and I am eating anything not nailed down! Ugh. I felt great at first but now seems like the honeymoon is over.
            Hi there georgie,
            Yep, not counting the days, hours etc and thinking about other things is a huge positive step as we tend to do what we think.
            Give yourself a few more days to let your body adjust to not having alcohol and you'll start to settle down and enjoy things a bit more. It's similar to stopping smoking. And our minds are very cunning... that's what I found was the main thing holding me back. And as soon as I realised that, and started to put a positive twist to things, and changed my attitude, it became a lot easier.


              Feeling awful

              Georgie, so sorry you are having a difficult day today. Like the others are saying, this is a big change. You have to adjust to not being a bit tipsy every day. I think the range of emotions is normal, and if you hang in there, this will pass.


                Feeling awful

                Georgie, I think it takes time for sure. For me, the alcohol itself is what makes me severely depressed and unable to deal with life. When I'm sober I can handle things. When hungover, I'm miserable and hate life.

                Hope you're feeling a bit better today?



                  Feeling awful

                  Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. I am beginning to think though that maybe I have Lyme disease as all of my joints hurt, I can not walk up a set of stairs without feeling winded. I have an autoimmune disorder called Hoshimoto's. I will soon set up a visit with my GP. I think also I may be a little bummed that I can't rely (couldn't before though either) on my biological family to be there if I am sick. My baby sister turned 37 yesterday and I didn't even wish her a happy birthday, that is not me.....I would have sung to her answering machine and made a cake! My heart is broken.


                    Feeling awful

                    Hi Geogie,
                    Hang in there, sorry to hear about you have Lyme disease.... i could not count my days it was hard because it would mess about with my head so i can relate to you in the counting the days bit, even now i have to be careful. At first for me if i had a bad day i would try and get rest and take care of me and on my good days i would make the most of the day. Sometimes i still have to think like that today if i have a bad day.
                    Also remember your not feeling too good in yourself am sure your sister will understand if you tell her how you have been feeling, please dont be hard on yourself us alcoholic are good at that.
                    Be kind to yourself and take good care of you big :l from me.

                    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                      Feeling awful


                      Thanks catch! I wish you were right about just explaining to lil sis but I have recently given her up along with the rest of my biological family as they were as toxic to me( she is also an alcoholic-non-admitting though) as alcohol itself (perhaps more). Doesn't stop the fact that I have always been the people/family pleasing person that I am and never have let a special/day event go by without much celebration. I love life and all of it's celebrations. What do I do? Start baking cakes for the neighbors for their birthdays? Lol I would not have a problem but they might find it a bit weird. Lol. G


                        Feeling awful

                        Georgie, if you really think you might have Lyme disease, you must watch the documentary called Skin Deep (I rented it). Amazing and full of important information.

                        Stay strong!


                          Feeling awful

                          Thank you place seeker

                          Thank you for your post, I will surely follow up on this. God Bless.... G


                            Feeling awful

                            which is why you also sent me a private message slagging me off !!!
                            because I responded to one of your posts sent to Mario.

                            You are an asshole and I dont think you are genuine.
                            Still trying !!!
                            AF 25th June2014


                              Feeling awful

                              Yes PRIVATE damo, I would never have ridiculed you in public as you have just done with me. First you accused me of being negative and now you call me names. You do not know me, please leave me alone. I do not need any more drama.

