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Most embarrassing moment

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    Most embarrassing moment

    What is your most embarrassing moment???

    I got quite a few...

    A while back when i first passed my driving test...I went to pick the kids up from school...We all got back to the car, and i got in the front passenger seat and put my belt on........And sat there waiting....Till my eldest said, " Dad what are you doing?"

    I forgot i was driving...And by this time some of the mums were looking at me confused....I sneekely took my belt of and pretended to look in the glovebox for something..I got out and walked round the front of the car...When one of the mums said," Did you find it?" and started laughing...
    What a idiot..

    I made Lisa pick the kids up after that for the next 2 weeks..

    So come on...Whats yours?
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Most embarrassing moment

    Like you Macks, I have many. Too many!

    I was getting ready for work one day and running around like crazy doing too many things in the morning. I put on stockings, slip, blouse, answered the phone, brushed my teeth, grabbed a cup of coffee, put on my suit jacket, grabbed my briefcase and headed out the door. Got on the elevator, garnered a few stares (and I was getting annoyed by that). Got to the lobby of my building and my doorman said, "What, no skirt today?" Totally forgot. How do you do that?

    At that point, I decided I had a little ADD.


      Most embarrassing moment

      Macks you're still at home then? Recovering?

      Well, me, most embarrassing ... I was sitting in a restaurant, and was talking to a policeman from one of the embassies whom I had just met. Suddenly, a big fat woman walked into the restaurant ... So I told the policeman: 'Look at her, if she was on a beach, Greenpeace would come and roll her back into the ocean again in order to save the whales... ' She was the policeman's wife ... Me and my big mouth. Served me right ... He was ok about it, but just remembering the incident makes me cringe ...
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Most embarrassing moment

        Paddy, I am dying over here. :H
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Most embarrassing moment

          Well Iv'e had a few, but when asked, the first one to come to mind is,......I was 16 years old, not long left school and in my first job,.....I love reading and the library was just across the road from where I worked....during my hour lunch break I would sometimes go across and just browse through the books....much as I do now on the internet.....Well on this one day I tip-toed into the reference had an old wooden floor and squeeked a lot, also the place was usually full of young students researching stuff, as the college was nearby, so you had to be quiet.......The room, apart from the sounds of pages turning, and the odd chair being pushed back into place was as silent as a church. I noticed a book on poetry high up on a shelf that looked interesting, as I stood on tip toe to reach it I gave one of the loudest and longest farts I had ever given in all my life, even the silence in that room went silent with shock.....I just pushed the book back on the shelf, and very red faced, tip-toed back out of the room, never to go back.
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Most embarrassing moment

            Thanks guys..........I needed that!!!

            :h Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Most embarrassing moment

              Hawk Paddy and Louise...They are all classics...

              I just remembered another one when i was in college...I was on my way to college on my pushbike...It was winter..Snowing heavily..And freezing...I had no gloves so decided to wear socks on my hands...

              I was coming down the hill just before my school when the traffic started slowing...But i couldnt stop....My front wheel slid out to the side...And i face butted the bumper of the car infront..

              I must of been out for a couple of seconds....When i opened my eyes there was 3 schoolgirls looking down at me....While i was lying on my back in the snow....Nose bleeding like mad...With socks on my hands..
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Most embarrassing moment

                I was on vacation in Amsterdam with my family. We stayed at a little bed and breakfast sort of place that was run by a family. There was one bathroom / shower room per floor of the hotel. At the end of the day we all took turns taking a shower. I went last. After touring the city and walking all day, my shower was long and steaming hot. Very American. Apparently, the water started to leak through the floor and flooding the kitchen below. The owner/operator of the hotel ran upstairs with his master key, flung open the door and started screaming at me, but, I mean screaming.... In a lauguage I did not understand. My towel was on the back of the door he had just swung open so he was between me and my towel. Everone came out of their rooms to seee what all the fuss was about. My dad heard me screaming and grabbed a pair of pants to put on and come to my rescue. He grabbed my sisters jeans and couldn't get them on so he was a little delayed geting there. I have NEVER been so embarressed in my entire life to this day!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Most embarrassing moment

                  PP, I am laughing more at your poor dad trying to squeeze into little girls jeans!!!!

                  One of mine did involve drinking and I shared this a while ago on another thread. Staying in Italy on honeymoon. Cheap hotel with bathroom down the hall, NOT in the room. During the night I got up, went into the corner of the room, must have thought there was a toilet there and let loose. I remember "coming to" when my brand new husband (who does not drink and has NEVER been drunk in his life) woke up because there was no carpet on the floor, only tile, so the sound of pee hitting tile was very loud. He yelled at me, "what are you doing?" to which I very calmly said, "What does it look like? I am peeing." I still did not realize what I had done, went back to bed while poor hubby had to clean up after me. I was mortified the next morning and could hardly look at him. I would have had the marriage annulled right then and there if the roles had been reversed.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Most embarrassing moment

                    Every single one of you are cracking me up.
                    Poor Irishlady though - I am picturing that scenario in my head and - sorry to admit - I had a good laugh. Ah, what doesnt kill us makes us stronger right?
                    Hugs all
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      Most embarrassing moment

                      OK,You've got me all laughing now!!!!

                      I went to Monte Carlo with a (then) boyfriend,several of his friends and their girlfriends,all of whom were Swedish. We went to the casino and were all dressed in long gowns (mine borrowed of course because I didn't have a gown.... and still don't). All the girls (but me) had had their hair done professionally. This was apparently a really big deal as Grand Prix racing time and the whole town was mobbed. We stood outside the casino to have our pictures taken before entering. Just as the pictures were being taken a bird took the largest crap ever and it landed right on my forehead.I would have liked to ignore it but it must have made a SPLAT when landed on me. It was all over my hair, forehead and in my eyes.Everyone gasped and you could feel their collective pity for me.
                      I was trying so hard to fit into this group and be cool. It was as if the bird was aiming at me!


                        Most embarrassing moment

                        Ok, here is one of my many, this one not involving booze. I was like 13 and my family all went bowling. At the time we had a station wagon, you know one of those with the woody sides? Well, after we got done I decided I wanted a window seat and ran for the wagon. So I got there ,jumped in to claim my seat when I looked around to see another family looking at me like I was a crazy kid. What were the odds that another car that was the same color, with the woody sides would be parked right next to where we parked?? Needless to say I made a quick exit from that situation. Did I get it from my family though!!! It still comes up on occasiion....


                          Most embarrassing moment

                          Ok, here goes.

                          About 15 years ago, I was the bar hound for sure. There was this lady, who happened to be a sociology professor at a nearby college, who was the bar hound as well. For some reason, we never did ?date?, or go out formally, but I would run into her at the bars by some quirk of synchronicity from time to time. Every time we got together, well we did what a lot of men and women do. When closing time came, it was the ?your place or mine? deal. Mind you, we were both single adults. The relationship was purely a physical one, brought on by the whim of booze.

                          To continue, ?my place? was a company apartment not far from the watering hole, which I had a key to. We kept it for long term visiting guests, and corporate personnel. I knew when it was empty, so on this occasion, her and I went there for our deeds. It was more convenient than the drive to either her place or mine, quite a distance. When the passion heat is on, then speed is of the essence you know.

                          So, next morning I was awoken by the sound of about 3 or 4 company people I work with coming in the front door, and they had a direct line of sight to the bedroom. My partner had already woken, and left while I was knocked out. Yep, there I was in my birthday suit, laying on my belly hung over, with no covers over me. They were all female coworkers, who were coming over to stock the fridge and supplies and stuff.

                          I vaguely remember one of them saying something like, ?Looks like Neil has been out prowling again!? Then the inevitable cacophony of giggling and snickering began.

                          Yep, for the next several years, I heard the continual jokes about Neil?s butt hanging out in the breeze. Descriptions of Neil?s butt are well known throughout the female segment of the work force here. And there you have it. Another highly embarrassing moment brought to you by the fine folks at ethanol incorporated.


                            Most embarrassing moment

                            You guys are cracking me up! I love the stories. Thanks for the subject Macks and hope you are feeling well today!

                            Magens Bay completely filled with tourists and a group of friends mostly guys at that point. It was a huge waves day being winter there and they were teaching me to body surf the waves. About the fifth one, mind you I am cold and kind of sand beaten at that point but I rode the wave, we are all standing up at the waters edge and I am excitedly telling them that was the coolest sport. They are all looking at me and cracking up so there I am with my bikini a stretchy material completely off the mark both sides on top and the bottoms were pulled completely to one side. Every boat trip, free diving trip, fishing trip etc, etc, for YEARS are you going to bother with that bikini today. my face is red relating this!


                              Most embarrassing moment

                              The sober ones are embarrassing, the drunken ones, well, they are mostly humiliating....I shan't share those. Fan - you are cracking me up with that football story. Did they call the guy off sides?? (I imagine he jumped a bit)

