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Army Thread 8th July

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    Army Thread 8th July

    Is it safe?


      Army Thread 8th July

      Recluse;1143731 wrote: Is it safe?
      Normal service has been resumed for the foreseeable future.

      Oh and good evening Reccy.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread 8th July

        Good evening Jackie, tips, coco-nutty and anybody else who's around,

        so, you must be into year three by now Jackie? What happened on 7/7/09 to make you decide the time had come to stop drinking? Don't answer that if it's private information - I wouldn't want to poke my nose in.


          Army Thread 8th July

          No problem,Reccy.

          It was actually the 5th July that was me rock bottom but I needed a medically assisted detox and couldn't get an appointment until the 7/7/09 to see one of the senior doctors with my practice.

          Long story as short as I can.

          Relapsed about the March 09, believe it or not involving dentists and lots of pain. The drinking got back to daily. Around about the middle of June I started back drinking during the day. Then it Mr JC's 50th and the son and heir's 21st and before I knew it I was back to the good old 24 hour................drink,drink, pass out............drink drink, pass out cycle.

          Then Mr JC went away for a weekend with the boys and I found myself at the corner shop a 6.50am on Sunday morning asking for a half bottle of vodka. The look on the bloke's face will haunt me forever. Drank again all Sunday and was suicidal by the time Mr JC came in , and I knew I was beaten.

          He knew he had to keep me topped up for fear of seizure, so I just drank enough on the 6th to get me through then I went to see Dr :h. He gave me a bucket load of valium and a detox plan for a week, told me to use MWO rather than lurk around so I made me first post 8th July after I'd been AF for a whole 24 hours.

          And the rest as they say is Geography.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread 8th July

            I'm baaaa-aaaack
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread 8th July

              A lot of that sounds familiar Jackie. I have about half a dozen different Co-Op stores I go to at different times of the day to get served by different checkout people in order to avoid "the look on the bloke's face". Don't always succeed though! :upset:


                Army Thread 8th July


                Hiya Reccie!
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread 8th July

                  Recluse;1143731 wrote: Is it safe?
                  Yes, Szell, it's safe.


                    Army Thread 8th July

                    I also rotated my visits between at least 5 bottle stores (as we call them in SA)

                    I was greeted by name at all of them...
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 8th July

                      Hello zenny and I've already said hello to you Mr T, so I won't repeat myself!


                        Army Thread 8th July

                        tiptronic_ct;1143762 wrote: I also rotated my visits between at least 5 bottle stores (as we call them in SA)

                        I was greeted by name at all of them...
                        Oh isn't that nice! Just like Norm on Cheers!


                          Army Thread 8th July

                          Recluse;1143751 wrote: A lot of that sounds familiar Jackie. I have about half a dozen different Co-Op stores I go to at different times of the day to get served by different checkout people in order to avoid "the look on the bloke's face". Don't always succeed though! :upset:
                          I hadn't even run out of booze, it was just in case. My story was I may as well pick it up while I got the Sundays papers, my how we laughed.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread 8th July

                            I know - CHUTNEY! Cases and cases of it!


                              Army Thread 8th July

                              Oh dog... have you ever tried handing over cash while trying to stop your hands from shaking too obviously?

                              Sign a credit card slip legibly?

                              Fuck it... one must never forget. Else you'll end up there again.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread 8th July

                                Coco-Nut;1143764 wrote: Oh isn't that nice! Just like Norm on Cheers!
                                I think I'll just say Hello Army!!:h

