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Day 22.....Hooray!

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    Day 22.....Hooray!

    Hi, All! Today is Day 22 without wine! I can not believe 30 days is only 8 days away. The time went by so quickly. I have a feeling when I do finally have a glass of wine that it's not going to seem all that great.

    I am not feeling well today, and I am not sure if it is related to not drinking wine for three weeks or not, but my stomach is very upset. I am not the type who ever gets anything ever. Did anyone else feel sick with digestive issues at around three or four weeks without alcohol? I hope it's just a one day thing.

    There will be no Turbo Jam or Hip Hop Abs today, that's for sure :-(

    Day 22.....Hooray!

    22 days without alcohol, great going NMWTT, Your body & mind is going through tremendous changes,it will be only natural that they react as they heal themselves. keep going.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Day 22.....Hooray!

      Thanks, Mario! An Italian name in Ireland?


        Day 22.....Hooray!

        NMWTT - great job! So, you plan to drink again? Just curious.

        I haven't had any digestive issues with alcohol - seems odd that it would just now be happening if it's related to drinking.

        Anyway, congrats!


          Day 22.....Hooray!

          Hi, PlaceSeeker:
          Due to a mess I was in with a horrible lie I was told by a man I loved, etc., too long to go into, I was drinking at night to make it all easier to deal with. I think I had a guy problem and not a wine problem. I want to do the 30 days without just to break the ritual/habit of drinking wine at night. As the guy is now gone, I plan on enjoying a glass or two on the weekends, if I feel like it, the way I used to before I got entangled in the emotional hell. I had not had a problem previously, and I did not want to have a problem with it so I decided to take the 30 days to wipe it all clean.
          I had to realize the pain in my life was all from this one person and one mad mistake I made. So my hope and plan is to go back to my old self, which was an infrequent wine drinking self!
          I have been fine without it all these days, so I think it will work out because that episode is all over with...thank GOD!

          Feeling a lot better this afternoon. Maybe just a little stomach upset from something I ate or whatever.


            Day 22.....Hooray!

            NMWTH - got it! Makes sense. You're so smart to nip it in the bud and step back. I think so many people DEVELOP a problem over the years. Wish I had forced myself into sober chunks of time early on. Suddenly I had a problem - would have been better if I had done what you're doing. But, then, who knows.....maybe I would've if I could've and that might be what separates people with a problem with those who don't have one.

            Anyway, best to you - sounds like you have a good head. And, hope you're healing from the bad relationship incident!



              Day 22.....Hooray!

              PlaceSeeker: Yes, I am going to see how it goes, but I know that it was becoming a bad nightly habit, just like if someone were sitting every night eating a bag of chips or a pizza, or whatever it might be. Once I recognized it (when my jeans I hadn't tried on in four months were too tight), then it became a "real" problem because there was a consequence I could see. So that is the day it hit me that this was doing harm, and no person is worth that ever. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit, to get your brain of that pattern, so I figured I would try 21 or 30 days and break the pattern. If I can get back to the point of having a few glasses over the weekend when I feel like it or because I get back to actually enjoying the wine, then that will be great. If I start back to wanting it more than that, drinking it more than that, then I am just going to not drink it anymore period. I feel confident it will be fine, and I am also very determined to adhere to what I am saying.

