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struggling in the sun

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    struggling in the sun

    Wasnt planning on logging in while on hols.

    Day 4 and its really tough.
    I am sure I can stay sober, but EVERYONE is drinking.
    Everywhere I look, supermarkets ! all holidaymakers stocking up.
    Pool bar !!! restaurants.

    Part of me is saying, what the hell, a few beers wont kill me, go back off it when I get home.
    But I know i ll regret....6 months down the drain....

    Sorry, my money is about to run out
    JC, I am taking your advice and am going to log on from time to time, I am sure it will help

    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014

    struggling in the sun

    Hi Damo!

    Molly is right - if you look a little deeper, you'll see that there are others who aren't drinking AL although it may seem like they are. Especially at beach bars and the like, they make mocktails look like the real thing with slices of fruit and little umbrellas and things.
    And ask yourself if it's really worth letting go of those six months you fought so hard to get and are so proud of. You will only feel bad the next day and go home with a taste of defeat in your mouth because you didn't stick to your plan of not drinking. In fact, it might even ruin your holiday instead of making you feel more a part of the crowd. And it will be much harder to stop again when you get back home. Wishing you strength. You can get through this and you will feel even prouder of yourself when you get back home. You don't have to drink to have fun - you just have to something you enjoy. :beach:

    Oh and do stop by when you need to. As Molly said, there is almost always someone logged in here you can talk to. JC knows what she's talking about...
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      struggling in the sun

      Damo, hun.

      Glad you could check in. Sage advise you've already had but the burning question of the moment is.........

      How on earth did you manage to get on the hotel PC?

      Did you have to hover round in the background glaring at teenagers using face book,playing vital games of bubble shooter, or vaguely surfing the net to see if one of the waiters they fancy has a Face Book page or did you get up incredibly early when everyone was still in bed.

      Anyway, Damo, being serious for a moment. If you're anything like me 3/4 beers wouldn't hit the sides. So dump those ideas in the deep end of the pool.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        struggling in the sun

        It's sad that so many people have to get numb to "enjoy" their holiday , Watch them , are they really happy? going as early as they can for the cure (but not so early so everyone knows they have a problem)
        Watch them at night when they have their full load on Falling , fighting and food all over them . It's not what you want, would you stop at 2/3 beers? when i think about drinking i still think about 8/10 beers. Keep close to here . MM
        AF 5/jan/2011


          struggling in the sun

          Get some alcohol free beers, stick 'em in the fridge and drink them cold. Yummee! And no hangover.


            struggling in the sun

            Hi all, and thanks.

            I know I can always rely on you all here.

            I am going to give it my all 100 % and persevere, and stay sober.
            I will try keep positive, its not ALL doom and gloom, I am enjoying the day and morning time but each evening has been tough.
            And when I think of it, in previous hols, I was just wishing the day away so I could start on the beer.

            Not sure about AF beer ?
            Am tempted to have a few but worried it will just give me a goo for the real stuff.

            I will see ?

            Anyway, thanks again, I will keep posting , it helps me.

            Hope all are well.

            Up the Dubs

            Damo, still off the gargle in Majorca :-))

            Still trying !!!
            AF 25th June2014


              struggling in the sun

              Alright damo, Put your plans that you have here into action there,keep busy,go for your walks,read your books,go online.personally I dont/cant drink non alcoholic beer for me it was never about the taste and imo could open up cravings.

              Did you see the Dubs scraped through on sunday, but we got there, so roll on sam.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                struggling in the sun

                Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to AF beer and wine.

                Tastes crap, too expensive and can you actually get it in Spain?
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  struggling in the sun

                  Get over this hurdle Damo and you will have so much confidence and be so proud of yourself. You have already identified that the evenings are your trigger times but you know the cravings will peak and pass so I guess you need to get that tool box out and keep yourself distracted and busy at those times.

                  You know the mess you were in before you joined this site and I bet you don't want to go back there after the huge achievement of 6 months so dig deep. We are all behind you supporting you along so check in often if need be. And remember each day you stay sober you grow stronger and have more power because you are beating the poison.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    struggling in the sun

                    Damo - just want to add my support. One thing to focus on and relish is these mornings waking up without a hangover. Can you remember what it felt like? The dry mouth, eyelids stuck together, burning sensation in the stomach and the seering heat making it feel 10 times worse! No wonder you are enjoying the day! :l
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      struggling in the sun

                      Hey Damo, hang in there, it really isnt worth it and the illusion that it would be lovely to have a few is just that, an illusion. We know better than that. Maybe hire a car and get out and about. Personally I love heading out of the resorts to the real villages and countryside, having a lazy day looking around and maybe lunch in a nice restaurant. Oh and having to drive will help keep you away from the sauce too.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        struggling in the sun

                        [QUOTE=damo180;1145904]Wasnt planning on logging in while on hols.

                        Part of me is saying, what the hell, a few beers wont kill me, go back off it when I get home.
                        But I know i ll regret....6 months down the drain....

                        Hi Damo,
                        Dont listen to that part of you.( thats the alcohol mind talking to you) You know that it only takes one drink and your back to square one again. IT the first drink that does the damage. 6months is a long time of hard work, enjoy your holiday sober and at least you can come back and say you remember every little thing you have done and you can share with us all the details
                        Af drinks for me would mess up my way of thinking, pick a nice refreshing soft drink.

                        Take good care and Keep yourself very safe and keep strong you can do this!

                        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                          struggling in the sun

                          a chairde,

                          i wont be drinking on hols, 100 %, NO MATTER WHAT !!
                          I think it was just the first couple of days settling in,

                          Its going to be tricky in the evenings but getting a lot of support from my wife.

                          went for a long walk this morning and made myself think of all the misery that alcohol has brought me, and also the really nice things that are happening in my life coz i m not drinking.

                          I wouldnt be here if i was still drinking as i wouldnt afford it.

                          trying some iced tea and experimenting with some nice juices with my son.
                          Getting up nice and early for a run on the beach is bliss

                          I have been looking at the afternoon drinkers at the pool bar, I was envious, but not today.
                          I recall those afternoon beers and having to sleep them off early evening and feeling very groggy later on.

                          This sure is a very different holiday,but I think at the end of it, I will look back at it being the start of something so much better and I should have been prepared for the temptations.
                          I am now on my guard.
                          I have ALL you to thank for this.

                          There is no doubt I would not be still sober if only for this amazing place.

                          :thanks: my friends.

                          Anyway, Sams coming home Mario, up the dubs !!!!!

                          Must dash, getting evil eyes from teenagers, wondering what the hell is "my way out"

                          Damo in Majorca and staying off the gargle


                          Anyway, must dash, a few teenagers giving me the evil eye and wondering what the hell is "my way out", the new facebook ?
                          Still trying !!!
                          AF 25th June2014


                            struggling in the sun

                            Well done Damo!!!!!
                            The morning beach runs sound wonderful (though for me they'd probably be morning beach walks). So cool you're enjoying your sober holiday-feck the gargle!:H


                              struggling in the sun

                              Well done damo, you will much better for that decision.enjoy the rest of your holliers and dont forget me pressie :-)

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

