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Army Thread 13th July

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    Army Thread 13th July

    Hello Mario! cross post


      Army Thread 13th July

      hi expat3

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Army Thread 13th July

        tiptronic_ct;1146692 wrote: Well yes, I would care - because she's also a very funny fecker She is indeed. And absolutely loveable...:heart:
        mario;1146695 wrote: Hello and good evening.
        Hi again Mario-man.
        expat3;1146696 wrote:
        Hello guys!!! Tips!!! Hello!
        Stirly --you brutal? Who called you brutal?
        A quick read back after my library run. Need to catch up.
        ExPatty, it was nothing and I was just joking when I said it. I'm usually brutally honest and don't sugar-coat anything and that's what the poster meant. I call a spade a spade and if you need a kick up the arse, I'll be one of the first to give it to you. But I'm always on the side of those who need help and those who really want to turn their lives around. We've got a member who is in need of our support both financially and otherwise and I'm really hoping that MWO members will come through yet another time.

        Troopers, it's that time again. I've got to be up at 6 a.m for work and still have to walk the dogger and get things ready for tomorrow. I kinda got carried away here today and spent more time on the boards that I should have. But it was for a good cause and hopefully there will be a positive outcome from it all.

        Wishing you all...

        I wonder where Zennie is. Hope she's having a great day...
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Army Thread 13th July

          Hiya Mario & Expattie

          G'nite Stirls :l
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread 13th July

            Ahh ok Stirls. I found your brutal post! :l You are a great and good lady.
            I'd best start getting the little one settled for the night. We've had a busy day and walked miles. Early start tomorrow. It's Bastille day. We have loads of stuff planned.
            Have a good evening everyone. xxx


              Army Thread 13th July

              tiptronic_ct;1146683 wrote: Does Coco have me on fecking "ignore" or what?
              Ooooooh.... soooo sorry Tips! Taking you off "ignore" immediately. xxxxx :l

              (Speaking of which (sort of) my daughter put the most obnoxious ring tone on my cell phone b/c I can never hear it when it is going off in my purse. Now I sound like an air raid siren - only a bit worse - as I leisurely stroll down the aisles of the grocery store. This really had nothing to do with being put on "ignore" but it reminded me I would like to put my phone on ignore when it sounds like that...)

              Sorry again, Tips.


                Army Thread 13th July

                evening all, haven't read back yet but will try to, may be sometime as for some reason colds make me do everything at a snails pace. I am no good at being ill, most people would rest, drink hot drinks and look after themselves, I take on overtime at work, smoke alot and start planning for uni, festivals and life in general xD only thing I haven't done is attempt my festival laundry which, incidentally, is sat in my room smelling evil...
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread 13th July

                  stirly-girly;1146701 wrote: [COLOR=DarkOrchid]
                  and if you need a kick up the arse, I'll be one of the first to give it to you.COLOR]
                  Well that's just not true, Stirly - I asked for a kick up the arse the other day and the only one who gave me one was Tips. (Actually it was only a kick up the tail feathers, but it was a very enthusiastic one.)


                    Army Thread 13th July

                    Hello Inchy - sorry you are feeling poorly. But at least if your nose is stopped up, you won't be able to smell your laundry!!

                    Night everyone - I'm off.


                      Army Thread 13th July

                      Coco-Nut;1146717 wrote: Ooooooh.... soooo sorry Tips! Taking you off "ignore" immediately. xxxxx :l

                      (Speaking of which (sort of) my daughter put the most obnoxious ring tone on my cell phone b/c I can never hear it when it is going off in my purse. Now I sound like an air raid siren - only a bit worse - as I leisurely stroll down the aisles of the grocery store. This really had nothing to do with being put on "ignore" but it reminded me I would like to put my phone on ignore when it sounds like that...)

                      Sorry again, Tips.
                      Awwwwwww, you're forgiven. I'm just an attention slut :H
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread 13th July

                        Hiya, Inchy

                        I'm afraid I'm also about to sign off and call it a day. I need more sleep than I got last night.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread 13th July

                          Fianlly read back and now I'm all alone xD just catching up on the day

                          Zeppie: congratulations on the A+ thats awesome! I'll be getting my A-level results next month, challenging times ahead

                          JC: awesome news on the weight loss, you're doing so damn well!

                          Neart: Congratulations on one year!

                          Molly: hope the new job went well

                          Starty: completely understand you noo being around so much, doesn't mean we don't all miss the squirrel wisdom though

                          Oney (I'm guessing your not around, hopeing somebody will pass this on for me?): I understand completely why you're not around anymore, and your reasons for nto wanting to make a dramatic exit. I disappeared for a long time, and I know we were never close (at least nto as much as others are in the army) but I wanted you to know I always looked up to you, I worried about you when you disappeared as a member of the MWO family that has helped me so much when I've most needed it these last few years. I don't ahve the means to contact you myself, nor do I expect to be able to, I just want you to know I am wishing you the best for the future, and hope that now and again you might just pop by and let me know how things are goign in your world. much love.

                          hey to everybody else, hope ya'll had good af days

                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


