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PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

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    PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

    Can somebody, Anybody pray for me ??
    To what ever "Higher Power" you pray to!!!
    I need it!!!!!
    I know you all are tired of hearing from me.
    But I have nobody else to talk to.
    I'm lost.
    I had a good run (11 months) but I gave up.
    I don't know what to do anymore.
    (Well that is a lie !!!!) I know but can't seem to put it back together.
    I have SO many here I love with all my heart !!!
    But I can't seem to love ME !! WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm now a miserable son of a bitch!
    My girls will not talk to me anymore. Not that I have been so good at it or worth their time.
    FUCK now I ramble !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MUCH LOVE Forever !!!!!!!!


    PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

    Bob, this place is based on support by the members for the members no matter what stage of the journey they are at. I can't speak for everyone but I'm not tired of listening to you but I am concerned about you. I know a bit of your story and I know you've had some really rough patches. However, you yourself know what you need to do to get back on the AF wagon. The relationship with your daughters will probably continue to be what it is today if you continue as you are and you yourself know that all too well. I know that you're a loving father and that you want to be a positive force in their lives. But to do that, you first have to get and stay sober. You can do it, you know you can because you've done it before. We can pray to the gods or the demons or the fish in the deep blue sea but it's not going to do any good if you don't take the first steps yourself. We're here, ready and able to help you. There are many hands here that you can hold on to and many people to walk by your side at every step you take but you have to take the first steps yourself. Why not go back to the and try to get yourself a plan going. Join a group here who are just starting out and have only just begun on their AF journey. There's one thread started by Enough! and most of the posters are on their first days. You'd fit right in and from what I see, there is a ton of support from the members there. Or any other thread that you feel comfortable on, but I'm sure it would help you more to be with peeps who are just a few days AF. You wouldn't feel like you're way behind.
    Come on Bob - you had almost one year AF and you know how good it felt and I know you were proud of your achievement then. You can do it again. You just have to want it as much as you did before.

    Be strong,

    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

      stirly-girly;1146425 wrote: Bob, this place is based on support by the members for the members no matter what stage of the journey they are at. I can't speak for everyone but I'm not tired of listening to you but I am concerned about you. I know a bit of your story and I know you've had some really rough patches. However, you yourself know what you need to do to get back on the AF wagon. The relationship with your daughters will probably continue to be what it is today if you continue as you are and you yourself know that all too well. I know that you're a loving father and that you want to be a positive force in their lives. But to do that, you first have to get and stay sober. You can do it, you know you can because you've done it before. We can pray to the gods or the demons or the fish in the deep blue sea but it's not going to do any good if you don't take the first steps yourself. We're here, ready and able to help you. There are many hands here that you can hold on to and many people to walk by your side at every step you take but you have to take the first steps yourself. Why not go back to the and try to get yourself a plan going. Join a group here who are just starting out and have only just begun on their AF journey. There's one thread started by Enough! and most of the posters are on their first days. You'd fit right in and from what I see, there is a ton of support from the members there. Or any other thread that you feel comfortable on, but I'm sure it would help you more to be with peeps who are just a few days AF. You wouldn't feel like you're way behind.
      Come on Bob - you had almost one year AF and you know how good it felt and I know you were proud of your achievement then. You can do it again. You just have to want it as much as you did before.

      Be strong,


      Stirly I have always loved your honesty (sometimes as brutal as it feels!)
      But I NEVER felt the good. WTH!! I worked so hard!!



        PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

        propartychief;1146439 wrote: Stirly I have always loved your honesty (sometimes as brutal as it feels!)
        But I NEVER felt the good. WTH!! I worked so hard!!

        MUCH LOVE
        Not brutal Bob, just saying it as I see it. I could have said, "there, there, don't beat yourself up - you'll get it right eventually." But you and I both know that you have to start from the beginning and while we can pray for you, we really can't do anything if you're not going to take the first steps. We always want the best for each and every member here and are always here to support them. But each person has to make the effort themselves. They have to want to be sober and have to work on it very hard. Every day, every hour, every minute. It's an ongoing battle but it can be won.

        As for the good feeling, I think maybe there were too many issues going on for you to have felt the good part of being AF. You know - waking up in the morning without a hangover, not trying to remember the next day what you said to someone the night before. Enjoying time with friends and family and not white-knuckling it til you can get home and have that first drink. Not spending money that you really can't afford on AL and realizing you can treat yourself to something with the money you saved. Waking up in the morning feeling proud that you made it through one more day and night sober and not in the grip of alcohol. The physical changes that come about when you're no longer poisoning your body every day. Those are just a few examples of the "good side" of being AF. You had so many other things to deal with. The separation, losing your job, not being sure where you'd be living next week or next month. From what I remember, there was always something else, big or small going on that you had to battle as well. And the relationship with your daughters that was often wobbly. You had to deal with a lot, Bob and I think that's why you never "felt the good".

        I truly hope that things will improve in your life and that you can turn things around. Maybe sticking around here more often and posting every day and becoming an active member of one of the threads would help you. I know you used to be in chat a lot but I really think being on the boards is more productive to getting a grip on this. Perhaps that combined with AA meetings or something similar would help you.

        Again, be strong...

        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

          Hello Bob, Its good to hear from you. Sorry about your situation. I will definitely pray for you. And here to help you. I too have to find a way back to AF. I literally stumbled back here yesterday and feel lost and anxious at the prospect of starting over. Seems like such a steep climb. For me, for some reason I need to get to a place bad enough where I am literally on my knees praying for help for the strength to quit AL. I certainly am close to that now. Anyway, stay positive - many are here for you - don't give up - find a way back - through the grace of God which provides the help and Love of the people here on this board for you. Talk soon, TWO.


            PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

            Bob, if you're feeling defeated by alcohol, I urge you to try baclofen. I started taking it last August, and only needed relatively small amounts before my whole attitude to alcohol changed. Alcohol used to be the biggest thing in my life, whether I liked it or not. It's now irrelevant to me. In the 12 years leading up to last August I managed a whopping 4 consecutive days without drinking. Now weeks go by effortlessly. I drank once in June - a paltry five beers, horrible hangover - and once at Easter. A measly six beers, horrible hangover. The main thing is, I am left with zero desire to drink, and tonnes of energy for real life which is where the action is.

            My only regret is that I hesitated for a year before trying baclofen. The thing to remember is, you have nothing to lose. If baclofen works for you - and there are only a few people for whom it doesn't work - it's like winning the lottery. Except the prize is much greater than any amount of money and the chances of hitting the jackpot are massively in your favour rather than the other way round.

            If you're desperate, and you sound desperate, you should really give it a try.

            Good luck!


              PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

              Hi Bob, Every night i pray for the poeple on mwo and for the people that are struggling with this disease, but tonight i will say a special pray for you!
              Take good care !

              Formerly known as Teardrop:l
              sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
              my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

                See The Pony;1146485 wrote: Bob, if you're feeling defeated by alcohol, I urge you to try baclofen. I started taking it last August, and only needed relatively small amounts before my whole attitude to alcohol changed. Alcohol used to be the biggest thing in my life, whether I liked it or not. It's now irrelevant to me. In the 12 years leading up to last August I managed a whopping 4 consecutive days without drinking. Now weeks go by effortlessly. I drank once in June - a paltry five beers, horrible hangover - and once at Easter. A measly six beers, horrible hangover. The main thing is, I am left with zero desire to drink, and tonnes of energy for real life which is where the action is.

                My only regret is that I hesitated for a year before trying baclofen. The thing to remember is, you have nothing to lose. If baclofen works for you - and there are only a few people for whom it doesn't work - it's like winning the lottery. Except the prize is much greater than any amount of money and the chances of hitting the jackpot are massively in your favour rather than the other way round.

                If you're desperate, and you sound desperate, you should really give it a try.

                Good luck!
                Bob if you tried everything else and nothings working, try what do seethepony says, There are some great people in the meds thread who will/can help help you, just my thought and I will pray for you to.

                Ps good post stirly.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

                  Bob, you are in my prayers. Strily said it all. God (or whomever you pray to) can help, but prayer does not fix everything. Don't pray that the situation be fixed for you, pray that YOU can muster up the strength and courage to fix the situation. You have alot of stength and know what to do. We are here for you always. And listen to Seethepony - that could be a good option for you. Best wishes to you always friend.
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

                    stirly-girly;1146425 wrote: Bob, this place is based on support by the members for the members no matter what stage of the journey they are at. I can't speak for everyone but I'm not tired of listening to you but I am concerned about you. I know a bit of your story and I know you've had some really rough patches. However, you yourself know what you need to do to get back on the AF wagon. The relationship with your daughters will probably continue to be what it is today if you continue as you are and you yourself know that all too well. I know that you're a loving father and that you want to be a positive force in their lives. But to do that, you first have to get and stay sober. You can do it, you know you can because you've done it before. We can pray to the gods or the demons or the fish in the deep blue sea but it's not going to do any good if you don't take the first steps yourself. We're here, ready and able to help you. There are many hands here that you can hold on to and many people to walk by your side at every step you take but you have to take the first steps yourself. Why not go back to the and try to get yourself a plan going. Join a group here who are just starting out and have only just begun on their AF journey. There's one thread started by Enough! and most of the posters are on their first days. You'd fit right in and from what I see, there is a ton of support from the members there. Or any other thread that you feel comfortable on, but I'm sure it would help you more to be with peeps who are just a few days AF. You wouldn't feel like you're way behind.
                    Come on Bob - you had almost one year AF and you know how good it felt and I know you were proud of your achievement then. You can do it again. You just have to want it as much as you did before.

                    Be strong,

                    Agreed! You said it better then I did! Bob we are not tired of you at all. We are here to help no matter how long. You made it 11 months before, you can do it again and this time, you will beat your 11 months. You just need to review the and perhaps even join the af July club, its not too late too join and set up a plan to be sober and remain sober.
                    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                      PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

                      Pro I know you are feeling miserable but I don't believe you felt bad all the time when you were sober because I was there.

                      You know what I think...... hoping and praying won't beat the beast only you can. And in my case only I can.


                        PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

                        Bob, I will pray for you and I know God hears and answers prayer, because I've seen it again and again! I want you to feel like YOU can pray to God, because He loves you and created you for a special reason! pm me if you wanna talk more about it, but this is for you...

                        "May Christ through your faith dwell in your hearts. May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp all God's devoted people, the experience of that love, what is the length and height and depth of it. That you may really come to know through experience the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God and may have the richest measure of the divine presence and become a body filled and flooded with God's love." Eph 3:17-19 amp
                        I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                        but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                        There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                        "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13


                          PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!

                          Hey you all,

                          UPDATE:Well since just a couple of days thread being posted I got a JOB!!
                          It is just for a couple of weeks. Which is perfect. It pays well $31+ lots of OT and some double time. This and another small job I put off for this one, I will be able to move back home! On my own with my head up.

                          I so love you for all your good thoughts!!
                          I feel that a loving thought is the same as a prayer.
                          Let me explain. Just a few hours before this thread I posted this.
                          PLEASE talk to your God for me ??? !!!!!!!
                          Well between my plea for prayers and this thread there were lots of "views" and many replies. And then this job thing happened.
                          I must say I'm not a very religious person but I do believe in a higher power.
                          I just wanted thought to ANY higher power!!!
                          And it seemed to work !!
                          So I know we don't all believe in the same higher power.

                          SO kind and loving thoughts and prayers work the same it seems!

                          Again thank you all your support!! No matter if I am up or down you all always seem to be there! I am truly a blessed man!!

                          MUCH LOVE & PEACE !!!!!!!!!


                          p.s. I had to copy and paste this from another thread. Sorry it took me forever to type this. LOL

