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Circle of Life, Just a bit of rearranging

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    Circle of Life, Just a bit of rearranging

    Hey you all,

    UPDATE:Well since just a couple of days thread being posted I got a JOB!!
    It is just for a couple of weeks. Which is perfect. It pays well $31+ lots of OT and some double time. This and another small job I put off for this one, I will be able to move back home! On my own with my head up.

    I so love you for all your good thoughts!!
    I feel that a loving thought is the same as a prayer.
    Let me explain. Just a few hours before this thread I posted this.
    Well between my plea for prayers and this thread there were lots of "views" and many replies. And then this job thing happened.
    I must say I'm not a very religious person but I do believe in a higher power.
    I just wanted thought to ANY higher power!!!
    And it seemed to work !!
    So I know we don't all believe in the same higher power.

    SO kind and loving thoughts and prayers work the same it seems!

    Again thank you all your support!! No matter if I am up or down you all always seem to be there! I am truly a blessed man!!

    MUCH LOVE & PEACE !!!!!!!!!



      Circle of Life, Just a bit of rearranging

      So happy for you Bob!!! :h:h:h
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Circle of Life, Just a bit of rearranging

        Congratulations Pro! How exciting. I wish you much success in your new beginnings. xo
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


