I bought two of the little pino grigios that come in the little four pack. Then, there was no possibility of drinking more. So I had that, and it was just okay. It is not something I want or will have today, and if I do feel I want to enjoy two glasses, it will only be on a Friday or a Saturday.
I also want to say, I noticed on around the 27th day my jeans were fitting about the way they did in February! Although that is good news, imagine if I had not been drinking from February until June?
So here is my final math breakdown on what I saved by NO WINE FOR 30 DAYS!
Half of the days I may have had two bottles, or maybe not, but for this example, I will say on 15 days I had two bottles.
45 bottles of wine at approx $10 $450 (OMG! I can't believe it! and even if it was only 30 bottles and $300...same reaction (OMG! I can't belive it!)
approx 500 calories per bottle times 45 = 22,500 calories or approx 7 pounds of empty calories and weight that I could have gained!!!
approx 500 calories per bottle times 30 = 15,000 calories or approx 4.5 pounds of empty calories and weight that I could have gained!!!
Waking up every day and feeling vibrant and healthy and knowing I went through a bad stretch with a person, and it's all behind me now.
Thank you for all your support, people!:thanks: