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Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

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    Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

    Hi everyone, I had joined and enjoyed being part of a thread in the Fitness Section last June and almost met my goal of 30 days A/F. It, for some reason, wasn't that hard... until I went on vacation to see family and there was a huge amount of stress with regard to a sister who was not treating one of her children well and doing a lot of screaming.. Yikes ! I don't have the personality that does well under tense circumstances. No excuse for drinking but that's what triggered it. I was embarrassed that I had let the Pinksters (that's what we called ourselves) down and stopped posting for a while.

    This month I have not done well either. My poison of choice is wine and I am finding myself opening the second bottle some nights. I wake up totally dehydrated and angry at myself. I remember after about two weeks A/F in June I was starting to feel great and even lost a few pounds.

    I loved the enthusiasm of our group and miss it terribly. I am feeling like a fraud though because I was boasting about my successful days like it was nothing. Now I realize it was EVERYTHING.

    Does anyone want to join me in abstaining starting today, July 19th until August sometime. For me it'll be August 20th, my baby granddaughter's first birthday, the perfect day to say NO!! On that day, hopefully with 30 days under my belt, reason will prevail and I will not drink on the little one's birthday. She is the light of my life.

    Tools I'll use: daily 15 minute mini-trampoline, morning smoothie with All-One, lots of lemon water, evening alternative drink ie. juice with soda, L-Glut in afternoon and just at the start of the witching hour: 4:45 pm. I will try the hypno tapes again; can't hurt.

    I am not at my worst, just feeling that I spend too much time and effort thinking, planning and obsessing over BOOZE. Enough !!

    Any joiners would be appreciated.


    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

    I will give it a go with you Tipperless--this will be my name for you if that's ok? I have maintained my goals reasonably well the last year with some fall downs and 30 days can only help. I really want to get more physical too. I used to use my mini trampoline every morning until a knee injury (and age related degeneration)3 years ago. I just tried it out again this week and want to make it a daily habit once again. Never had the knee surgery and I probably can't do the full bounce I once could but gentle still helps. Rebounding is so good for removing toxins from the lymph glands as well.

    I will try to check in every day - maybe even more often. I hope others will give themselves this opportunity to get a first, second or just a consecutive 30 days.

    All the best- this is day 2 for me--typically I would buy a bottle of wine today or possibly wait until tomorrow.
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

      Thank you, thank you, thank you fellow Canadian if I remember correctly. So you are a happy moderator, are you? You are generous to join me in your present situation where you are not terribly unhappy with yourself. I really wanted to be accountable to someone other than myself as I obviously don't have too much respect for my goals on my own. Speaking of that I really want to reach a point where I totally accept myself whether I am a moderator, an abstainer or somewhere in between. I am turning 55 in October and have a desire to be in very good shape on my birthday; physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Happy Bouncing !!
      Tipperless ... hmmm ... like that..

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

        Hi Tipp, I'm glad you posted. I was following your progress and was really impressed with the 17 days. I know what you mean by feeling like a fraud though. I also feel apprehensive about posting when things are going well, because the very next day I might drink a whole bottle of wine. It makes me feel foolish and like I really don't deserve to post at all. However, I would never say "don't post, you are a fraud" to another person on this site, so why say it to myself? I've been trying to catch myself when I talk to myself negatively like that and remind myself of how I might approach a friend in a similar situation. So good of you to post your story and good for you on getting back up on that horse again!

        It's another day 2 for me. I'd like to join you in this journey. I probably won't post everyday. But I will post both the positives and negatives.


          Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

          If we were only supposed to post about puppies and rainbows here I never would have joined. This is the only place in the entire world that I've been honest about my drinking. Tip, the only way you may have let someone down was by leaving the forum. You never know who's getting inspiration and learning from you, even through your mistakes.

          Today is day 8 AF for me, but it's the first time I've done anything physical. I got on my treadmill for a bit and got my heart pumping. I'll check in with you, but I might not make it every day. My goal will be to incorporate more exercise in my life, even if it's just 10-15 minutes. That's better than what I'm doing now.


            Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

            Hi Tipplilerette,

            I would like to join and support you with your goal.

            Lets do it, I KNOW you can.

            All the very best.

            Damo in Majorca for the next 6 days and still sober.
            Still trying !!!
            AF 25th June2014


              Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

              Hi tipplerette, You did very well last time and now you have taken another step in trying to beat this monster,its not easy but with constant work and support you will do this,learn from your previous attempt and use them to spring forward,good luck and keep posting.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                Are penguins allowed? If so, please count me in!


                  Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                  I'm in! Tipperlette, I just posted for the first time on another string and RingingCedars directed me here. You have a very similar story to mine. It's 2:52 here, I am heading to the gym then back to fight the witching hour. No wine tonight!

                  I am going to look into the L-GLUT when I am out. I will check in everyday!


                    Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                    Thanks everyone for the encouragement and the feedback. Welcome you joiners. I went to the health food store today and bought non-alcohol organic wine and cherry juice and combined the two which tastes delicious. When our drinking friends come by or when hubby and I are sitting outside in the evenings I can sip on that concoction while the others drink the alcohol. Tonight we ate at an Indian restaurant. Normally I would have treated myself to a Kingfisher beer which is pretty harmless but drank Chai Tea instead. Had Chicken Korma and Lamb Curry and of course Naan bread. Yummy.

                    Bounced on the mini-trampoline, had my all-one smoothie and took the L-Glut. So far so good.

                    Yes, you guys are right. We have to KEEP POSTING. Whether it's going well or not, keep posting. So it's Day 2 tomorrow.

                    Another nice concoction I made for the hot summer evenings is water, squeezed lemon juice and mint leaves. The taste is really cool and refreshing. Replacement drinks are important for my A/F survival. All penguins, Damos and Sunnysides definitely allowed. Everyone is welcome.

                    Nighty night. Tips

                    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                    ? Lao-Tzu


                      Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                      Just about ready to turn in here too TipperLESS. Bounced for two songs and it felt pretty good. Maybe three tomorrow. Made a delicious dessert smoothie tonight with leftover coffee, organic milk, bit of plain yogurt, frozen banana, coconut oil, olive oil and whey protein. Very yummy! Actually that was my supper since I waited too long to eat and indulged in some balsamic vinegar/sweet onions chips. OOPS. See you all tomorrow!
                      Psalms 119:45

                      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                      St. Francis of Assisi

                      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                        Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                        Hi Tips,

                        We (Pinksters) miss you! Pop over and say hi from time to time. I'm glad to see you going for 30 days, you'll do it. You had a lot going on on your vacation, would have been difficult for anyone under those circumstances.
                        Question.....does, or has the L-Glut ever worked for you for sugar cravings? I may be crazy, but it seems that when I take it, I want sugar more. I was thinking that maybe I didn't take enough or didn't take it 3x per day, or maybe I needed more than 500 mg. each time.
                        Just curious...............
                        THOUGHTS become THINGS
                        choose the GOOD

                        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                          Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                          Hello Guys!

                          I'll join you as well if that's okay. I'm also doing the Buddhist Lent 90 day challenge so I need all the help I can get!! (It started July 16)

                          Have a great AF day.


                            Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                            Here at Day 2, made it through the witching hour. Kids are at camp this week so just hubby and me for dinner and I made a dinner that I have no desire to have wine with - hot dogs and beans! Ha Ha Anything that works!

                            I have to say, reading your threads and joining in helped even just one day, I am so ready to move forward, we can DO IT. Love all the healthy ideas... smoothies, bouncing. Good advise about the sweets, I had a creamsickle and it helped. Sometimes just a juicy peach or plum does it too, the season is right.

                            I work from home so I am skipping out for a yoga class at 9:30, work all day and then... AGHH I have dinner plans with friends, the challenge is on. Although, I don't like to drink and drive. It's funny, I haven't been doing too much socially because I worry that I'll drink too much once you get talking and pouring and pouring more and then driving. So instead I've been staying in and pouring and pouring - alone (hubby doesn't drink much at all) - and it has been leading to isolation and depression. I felt so great when I quit for 3 months last time, gotta do it again!

                            WELCOME DAY 2!


                              Did 17 Days in June and Miss the Feeling !!

                              Hi, TipplerLESS here... thanks RC. Your smoothie sounds yummy. By coincidence when i was shopping in the health food store yesterday for organic cherry juice and non alcohol wine I picked up some coconut oil. Will put a similar smoothie together this week. The ingrediants sound amazing.

                              Barb1234, fellow Pinkster!! Good to 'hear your voice'... I have been spying on the group.. stalking you guys so to speak. Hope all continues well for you and the gang. L-Glut seems to help with my wine cravings and since wine is mostly sugar it must curb sugar cravings to be effective. i seem to get on OK without the L-Glut if there is not a wine-connected event going on ie. nice dinner but when it really comes in handy is when I know I will be surrounded by wine and wine drinkers. Not too sure if it's the L-Glut working at those times or just my hard headedness.

                              Sunny, I work for the family business and my time is my own so I can relate to what you are saying. We tend to really need to socialize more than the average person because during the day we are alone so much. I really value my social time on the weekends and invite any and all social activities during the week too. But all my friends and family drink. So it is quite the dilemna. The last time when I went for 17 days, the first 5 or so were spent at home and hubby drank more than usual for some reason. Whether it was to flaunt it in front of me I don't know but at the time it did not bother me as I had the Pinkster thing going on and was so enthusiastic at the time.

                              Thirty days ain't gonna kill us... it'll probably help us to see things through different eyes.. Lets DO THIS...


                              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                              ? Lao-Tzu

