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What happens to me at about 5 PM???

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    What happens to me at about 5 PM???

    Tip and Fly, I agree it does creep up on you over the years, more quantity and more hiding.

    NoMore, you hit it. We have a LOVE AFFAIR with WINE! It's like an abusive relationship. It makes us feel good temporarily, we love it's little quirks, it seduces us all night but THEN we wake up in the morning with regrets - feeling run down and shameful. It gradually sucks our energy, makes us depressed, chisels away at our self-esteem and health AND costs too much money. Why do we go back?

    I think maybe we have to accept that wine is not ALL EVIL because we'd be kidding ourselves if we didn't. We have to admit that is does have it's good qualities but the BAD FAR OUTWEIGH the good. They have to or we wouldn't be here. And, the good feelings of SOBRIETY have to eventually outweigh the temporary high of wine. So, it's time to BREAK UP with wine. Dear John...


      What happens to me at about 5 PM???

      hi...I am brand new and am on Day 3...very emotional reading all this but finally realizing I am not alone. I quit for 4 months 3 years ago....aside from that it has been a 20 year party that has taken away my 3 kids (went to live with their Dad) and gone thru 3 husbands... what a loser huh!
      Very worried about 5 pm today... I want to feel this good tomorrow - no hang over is so nice! I am the wine drinker wine to be exact. Any suggestions on what I can do or drink besides that would be welcomed....and why did I get such an intense sugar craving last night? I had to run to the store and buy dessert, and I have never eaten sweets!
      Oh how I wish I could be one of those people that didn't need to drink everyday - red wine has been my best friend for so long but now I want to end this friendship....


        What happens to me at about 5 PM???

        not all friends are good.
        I would try dark chocolate milk on ice....
        good luck - you can do it and i will be right there with you!!!

        I am breaking up with my wine today.
        I just won't anymore


          What happens to me at about 5 PM???

          Hey Set me Free, you are not alone. We are all in this together. The more I have read lately it's all in the sugar. Do have a nice cool drink (even use the wine glass if you like) around 5pm and enjoy the relaxing times you always give wine credit for. It's not really the booze but the atmosphere you create while drinking it. I am only on day 2 and the most I have accomplished in the past was 17 days A/F but together, as a group, with daily checking in, we can all do this.

          Good point made about wine not being all bad. In a perfect world a nice glass (6 oz) with dinner most nights and one weekend night a little tipsy is hard to beat. But the question is Will that be all we drink?" For some of us moderation is not attainable. I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

          Day three here I come..


          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            What happens to me at about 5 PM???

            thanks guys

            Thank you for your support Tipplerette and Jenniech! Now I can talk to someone about this without feeling ashamed and know that you really understand....I tried to talk to my boyfriend last night and asked him if he ever got cravings for alcohol and he looked at me like i was from Mars and said NO! and that he has never drank so much until he met me! I was humiliated.... but hopefully he is going to see the sober side of me no one has seen in a long long time...without a hang over or blurting stupid things out when I am drunk... I am in control this time....without red wine! :thanks:


              What happens to me at about 5 PM???

              my husband doesn't get it either. He thinks I don't have a problem but he just doesn't get that I am OBSESSED with thinking about wine. Whether it be " I can't wait for a glass" or "i cant wait for another glass" or "i don't want a glass".....that tells me i DO have a dependency problem.

              But set me free, if you feel the need to ask your boyfriend if he gets cravings like you, then I would say that your cravings are really bothering you and therefore you are in the right place and doing the right thing.

              I am right there with you. together, we can do it
              I just won't anymore


                What happens to me at about 5 PM???

                Sunnyside...totally get what you say...this post has really clicked in with me...just done first 10 days AF in a that 5pm feeling and a friend had given me a bottle of red for a present...have at least left 7cm at the bottom...yes ladies and gents I measured it...what can I say?!?...and I chucked the that 7cm away...Day 1 tomorrow (again)...but I also saw a post on here from someone who has done 50 days..I'm inspired and in awe.
                :wave: x
                ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                  What happens to me at about 5 PM???

                  2 days AF!!!! Feeling more day AF and I will beat my all time record (except when pregnant).....
                  I just won't anymore

