Happy Friday to you all
Zenny - hope you're feeling better when you wake up.
Molly - that's awful what happened to your kitchen. Hope it is covered by your insurance.
Tips - that's good news about your car. Pleased for you.
Inchy - ditto what molly said yesterday. You're not a f*ck up at all. I am constantly amazed at how mature and impressive you are for one so young. Please keep posting. On a separate note, I think it is good for the army to have members from all parts of the age spectrum.
Stirly - yes, I've got appointments coming out of my ears - three this week and that partially explains why my posts have been infrequent lately. My stress levels shoot up as a result of, or in anticipation of these appointments and of course I start drinking in order to calm myself down. Never had so much attention in my life though, and it's kind of nice!
Well, it's still nearly dark here, so I can't give you a full weather report, but there aren't any stars about so I reckon it must be cloudy.