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An Open Letter

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    An Open Letter

    Here is a re-post of my letter to Wine. Does anyone else want to add one to their so called friend????

    Dear Wine:

    "Wine, you started out so nice when I first took a wine tasting class, and I grew to love you. All your different varieties, all your creative labels, the wonderful pairings you made with cheeses from far and near. Well, Wine, things are different now. You've overstepped your bounds and made a nuisance of yourself. For now, I bid thee farewell, Wine. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's not fun. I'd rather get back in my little jeans than hang around with you every night. Please don't take it personally because you've been a swell friend. Now, I have to see what else the world has to offer me. Perhaps we can get together once in a while, and let's see how it goes"

    Best Wishes,

    An Open Letter

    Great idea!

    Dear Wine,

    For a while, you were my best hope. I had a nasty habit of drinking rum every night with my husband. Not just a nightcap mind you, but drink after drink after drink. So, I switched to you, wine, So much more lady like!

    It didn't take long, though, to develop a bottle a night habit. On weekends I could do even better than that! I got caught in a vicious cycle that I didn't know if I could ever break. My first waking thought would be that I would shun you, my last waking thought... well, I don't really know.., at some point each night I just stumbled back to bed after losing the battle.

    I'm sorry old friend, this time, I've won. For now, at least, I've kicked you to the curb. Please go find someone who can handle you. Right now, I can't.

    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      An Open Letter

      Dear Wine,

      You lie, you know you're gonna hurt me, so you lie to buy a little time, and I go along.
      What else can I do? Maybe it's wrong, but you know how much I love you
      So you lie....... 'til I can find a way to say goodbye
      You lie.....
      How long until I just can't go on, and the urge to break loose is just too strong?
      I should let go that's what I want to do
      And now I know, I know it's the right thing to goodbye.
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        An Open Letter

        These are great! The alluring wine.....I see I am not the only one with "grape" issues.


          An Open Letter

          Yeah, kind of like the once gracious grapevine transforms into a demonic noose.

          THOUGHTS become THINGS
          choose the GOOD

          AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

