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Army Thread 26th July

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    Army Thread 26th July

    Zenstyle;1153498 wrote: Jingoes, I just read back. I guess balls are the theme du jour. I do have to wonder about Tipps grabbing balls in the dark... I found that quite disturbing in an old-fashioned kind of way.

    ReccieMum... hope she's having a lovely birthday. I thought I was the only one that carted my cats with me when I was staying overnight but I guess not! Poppy sounds like a cool kitty! :h

    I hope JC has lost another 2 and a 1/2 because I need to live vicariously through her this week. I've been bad and I haven't lost a frikken ounce.
    :H I haven't lost a frikken ounce either! BUT-I am SO going to. Enough is enough.


      Army Thread 26th July

      I am SURE you are not like a whale!!!! But I do understand that we "us women" like to be at a certain weight. It just makes us feel better about ourselves. I am in no way huge but can't fit in 99% of my clothes. And I don't have the money to go out and buy a new wardrobE! So-I must start thinking about what I'm putting in my body. No more "comfort" foods-crisps,spuds, cream sauced pasta dishes. And more fruit and veg. I want a French SW!!!!:upset:


        Army Thread 26th July

        Zenstyle;1153513 wrote: I saw some videos of Amy Winehouse on Youtube today. Bless her. But what I don't get is that addicts tend to be skinny. I must have been the fattest alcoholic ever... I lost 25lbs when I quit. My first ever problem was food... I was a fat kid... and, let me tell you, that is back in force now. Feckin cross-addictions!

        How's the fags going?
        I don't know Zen. I think we are all different. I was a skinny kid and a skinny alkie. I was about 43 kilos before I stopped drinking. Even the French thought I was too thin! I think I have a warped body image. I am aware of this though-and am trying to keep things into a normal range.


          Army Thread 26th July

          Zenstyle;1153526 wrote: Jaysus... 43 kilos is NOTHING! How tall are you?

          Sounds to me like I need to give you some of my fat!!! :H:H:H
          :H Don't worry! I've got enough fat of my own! I am Five six. But I don't hold fat well! It goes to the middle! I am at 55 kilos now. And I know that is not fat but I'm not in good shape. I've had two kids and am getting older...even my doctor said after thirty we just have to accept that a certain amount of workingout is the only way to get rid of a tummy. So I'm ready to nip this thing in the bud-before it gets to be a real problem. Kinda like the booze. By the way-I am dying for a cig. I think I would attack an old lady for one if she was passing by!:upset:


            Army Thread 26th July

            Zenstyle;1153534 wrote: LMAO!!!! Sacre Blue Madam! Kindly get yer thieving hands of my old lady cigarette! Zut alors!

            I hear you. I was ready to pounce on my girlfriend's daughter's husband's brother's fag the other night!!! :H:H:H Who cares if I don't really know you? Gimme gimme gimme!!!!!

            55k and 5'6" sounds about right. I don't know what I am in kilos. I'm 5'9" and 152 lbs. I'm usually 140 lbs. Having said that though... I guess I'm not feckin 20 any longer... I'm solid though from weight training... and that's what's funny about it... I have long gangly arms and legs and then the belly. I look like a tick! At least its not wobbly.

            Ugh! I want a magic wand!!!
            Hmmm, 55 kilos is about 122 pounds and 8 stones something. Not horrible but just the weight goes to all the wrong places.:H I'm going to do this in a healthy way though! I happily give the kids fruit and veg but then eat all the wrong things myself-or not at all! Speaking of the kids..the little one needs a bedtime story and bed. I 'll try to lurk laters.:l


              Army Thread 26th July

              Very very quick post another 2 pounds of wobbliness gone.

              More later.

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread 26th July

                Night army had a real busy day, see you in the morning.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

