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Fairewell to my mom.

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    Fairewell to my mom.

    As some of you might have read, my mom passed away on Wednesday. I am sitting here and have about one quiet hour left, before my small family arrives for the Memorial Service tomorrow. I would like to share with you all my last fairwell to my beloved mom.

    My dearest Mom.

    Words cannot describe how much I love you. You held my hand and guided me when I was small.
    You encouraged me to strike out on my own and I always knew that you were there to catch me when I fall.

    You were my friend, my teacher and my confidant and you were not afraid to tell me what I didn?t want to hear.
    You taught me to be grateful for the little things in life, as you enjoyed the sparrows on your windowsill.

    You taught me work was not a burden but a privilege and if you do it, do it right; to pride myself in giving it my all, no matter what the task.
    You said to open up my eyes to see the wonder of it all and not get blinded by the tedium.

    Throughout your life you offered everyone the hospitality of heart and home, plentiful sustenance for stomach or an aching heart.

    In this busy world you gave the gift of time and listened to us quietly and without judgement.

    We felt uplifted and unburdened and could carry on what we had left to do.

    And so when ... joined the family, you welcomed him with open arms and seamlessly he did become the son you never had.

    For more than 40 years he loved you just as much as you loved him.

    He listened for your footsteps up above and gladly checked if there were none.

    Our daughter was the apple of your eye, your love and pride was simply bottomless.
    Every achievement earned her Grandma?s cheer, rewards, support or simply a caress.
    Your grandchild left and struck out on her own, you watched each turn she came too on the road.
    She is a woman now who has a noble soul, she?s warm and kind, in short, she is like you.
    When she brought ..., you looked him over well; you liked just what you saw and blessed the pair.

    The time has come when I must say goodbye, thank you again for all that you have done.

    Watch over all of us from way up high or wherever you may be.

    God speed to you our beloved mom.

    Your loving daughter.
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

    Fairewell to my mom.


    I want to say how beautiful that was, and I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother a year-and-a-half ago and I know the surreal feeling you have right now. Sounds like you were blessed with a wonderful, loving mother and that is something to rejoice in. Some people are not so lucky. You are in my thoughts at this sad time. I am sure the memorial service will be a real celebration of her life.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Fairewell to my mom.


      I am so sorry for your loss.


        Fairewell to my mom.


        What a touching tribute to your mom. I, too, lost my mom about a year ago. Like yours, she was loving and warm. I reread the eulogy that I wrote for her memorial service for the first time just yesterday. For a moment, she was back with me and I was safe in her loving embrace.

        I am so terribly sorry that you have lost your mom.

        :heart: Eustacia


          Fairewell to my mom.

          I am sorry for your loss.
          Thank you for sharing with us at this difficult time.


            Fairewell to my mom.


            That is such beautiful and touching tribute to your mother. I am so very sorry you have lost your mom.



              Fairewell to my mom.


              My thoughts are with you.

              Thanks so much for sharing that with us.

              Paula xx


                Fairewell to my mom.

                Lori - that was beautiful. I know your mom is looking on you and proud of what a great daughter she raised.



                  Fairewell to my mom.


                  I'm sorry to hear about loosing your mom! Prayers and blessings and comfort for you and your family!



                    Fairewell to my mom.

                    Lori -

                    So sorry to hear about your Mom. That is a loving tribute that I am sure makes her very proud. My prayers are with you.


                      Fairewell to my mom.


                      I know the loss you are feeling, it is indescribable. What beautiful words you wrote in tribute to her. Making me think of my dear mommy who died on Dec 21, 1992. The holidays make it very hardas well. I really feel for you right now. I am so sorry for your loss. xoxoxoxoxo
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                        Fairewell to my mom.

                        Beautiful, Lori.
                        May all of us parents strive to be as admired and loved as your mom is.
                        Take care of yourself, Lori.


                          Fairewell to my mom.

                          What a moving trubute to your mother. It sounds like she was quite a lady.
                          What more can we ask of life but that when we leave it someone we love so much writes something so wonderful about us.
                          Apples don't fall far from trees. I'm sure you are just like your mother.
                          May you find some peace in your grief.



                            Fairewell to my mom.

                            i am so sorry for your loss. my thoughts and prayers are with you.



                              Fairewell to my mom.

                              I'm sure your mother must be quite proud wherever she is, Lori. Your beautiful tribute brought tears to my eyes. No one could ask more than to be remembered in such a loving and special way. Clearly, she was a remarkable and wonderful woman. My thoughts are with you in your loss.


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

