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new low

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    new low


    new low

    I would be feeling sorry for myself too. Been there, done that and repeat. Sometimes it's just one foot in front of the other and with conviction and heart.
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      new low

      Just keep reading and re-reading the book "Happiness" that you quote. I have read it several times and always refer to it. One day some thought or concept will open you to a new level of thinking. Hang in there and know life is tough. Alcohol does not make anything easier. It is a great deceiver and thief of life. Read Matthieu Ricard as Thoreau suggests. Thoreau implores people to "read books as carefully as they are written" ~~ Be strong and as you already know alcohol is a big part of your problem. Adding more alcohol will only add to your problems. Where there is life there is hope ~~ never give up. Use this site as a stepping stone to sobriety. I wish you well.


        new low

        professional help

        It sounds like you really need professional help and that you have some psych issues. Do you have a doctor? Can you see a psychiatrist? You might have a condition that can be diagnosed and treated and you might be self-medicating with booze.


          new low

          Good point, nancy—

          I'm feeling pretty much the same way these days as medic. Being unemployed with no unemployment compensation coming in (my ex-employer put a stop to it via a court hearing), and no insurance limits our availability to psych care...
          "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

          —William A. Ward


            new low


            Nichau sorry you are feeling the same way.
            Medic lives in Scotland so he will have insurance through the government.

            I wonder what you can do, whether there is assistance for people without insurance. It's worth looking into or maybe someone will read and comment for people who may have more serious psych issues than the run-of-the-mill depression/anxiety/low self-esteem we all share and no health insurance.


              new low


              there may be "insurance" for UK citizens but there is absolutely no mental health resources where I live. This I know for a fact. I am therefore not able to access mental health services.

              Just keeping the facts straight. Thanks for your concern though.


                new low

                medic;1154841 wrote: Nancy,

                there may be "insurance" for UK citizens but there is absolutely no mental health resources where I live. This I know for a fact. I am therefore not able to access mental health services.

                Just keeping the facts straight. Thanks for your concern though.
                Medic-I don't live in Scotland so I can't pretend to understand your situation. But as for reaching out for help-is there anyone you can go to? Maybe your family and girlfriend are not the best choices. Those "closest" to us are not always the best because they are too involved. I'm thinking of maybe an AA group, church person, SOS hotline-anyone who might have experience with helping others and who could help you find the way. When we reach a "nervous breakdown" point it is very difficult to find help for ourselves. We are just so damn tired and everything gets foggy and negative. Just remember that many people have gone through this type of thing before and with the proper help can see light at the end of the tunnel again. It just takes time. If there is no place in your area maybe you can go where there is a service available-a place where you can stay for a few weeks and get some rest and get your head clear. You are not the first and won't be the last. I hope you can find someone to take over this for you and give you the help you need. Keep checking in here too-many of us have been where you are.:l

