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I wish I could be somebody else

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    I wish I could be somebody else

    I have been away on "vacation" and I so badly want to be the person who can go out and have a drink or two and have fun and then go home and start the next day ..but not for me. I can't have a drink or two...I have the amount I need to have these days to SLEEP. ..which is a lot .. I am sober for 53 days now but I am really struggling..I wish one of you could tell me that if I try hard enough or do XY and Z I will be OK

    I wish I could be somebody else

    53 days sober - DO YOU REALISE what a big acheivement that is? You wouldnt want to be anyone than the special girl you are so dont be so hard on yourself. I too can drink like a fish but I also run marathons. However 5 years ago I smoked 40 cigarettes a day and conquered that, losing alot of weight in the process and finding myself through running! You will be okay and cravings DO pass.


      I wish I could be somebody else

      mumofsix...thank you for being so kind. Marathons wow! how long did it take for the cravings to pass for you?


        I wish I could be somebody else

        Hiya MissHazel 53 days is fantastic!! But its understandable you are having a few wobbles. I remember having wobbles at 30, 60, 90 days and 6 months (seem to be quite common) but they definitely do pass. Load up on the lglut and ride out the cravings, reward yourself for your successes and focus on your last binge. You really dont wanna go there again do you
        Good luck girl
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          I wish I could be somebody else

          I'm only on Day TWO with alcohol withdrawal but smoking was ALOT worse for me than withdrawing from alcohol for me. I dont drink every day - just binge at weekend - usually about two bottles of wine in a sitting which I dont want to do any more so decided to knock off as I think its a problem and not healthy with running. I started smoking at 13 years old back in 1980 cause it was COOL. I stopped at 39 years old in 2006. The cravings were pretty intense but the day I quit I joined the gym and my fate was sealed. I LOVE exercise with a passion and found that when I craved ciggies I hit the treadmill - lost 35kilos and got fitter until I completed my fist half marathon in 2007. Next year I am doing my first 100k Ultra marathon. I hope this helps,you will get through this, yes it WILL hurt but it will be so worth it.


            I wish I could be somebody else

            So Miss Hazel you are already ahead of the game hun. What a strong person you are becoming


              I wish I could be somebody else

              You are inspiring me to shift my lardy arse mumofsix :H
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                I wish I could be somebody else

                Hi staring over...what is the glut?


                  I wish I could be somebody else

                  Its an amino acid that is recommended for this programme. You can get it from health shops, body building section. If you take enough, it really helps with cravings.
                  Hang on will try and find some threads for you
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    I wish I could be somebody else

                    Running is a truly painful but enjoyable, freeing past time which has taken me all over New Zealand to compete as well as overseas too. I am running the New York Marathon in November - I am very lucky and blessed to be able to come to do this.


                      I wish I could be somebody else

                      Theres loads of info in the holistic section, but heres one for you to check out

                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        I wish I could be somebody else

                        hey mumosfix ..running must be a real passion for you. I used to run ALOT..but the whole running and drinking thing got harder as I got older... I bet you conquer this one too!,


                          I wish I could be somebody else

                          thanks starting over...I will check it out. I love the whole squirrel with underpants thing!!


                            I wish I could be somebody else

                            MissHazel;1153829 wrote: hey mumosfix ..running must be a real passion for you. I used to run ALOT..but the whole running and drinking thing got harder as I got older... I bet you conquer this one too!,
                            See my friend - you too will run again - I am nearly 45 and luckily I have caught the alcohol thing early because I would be destroyed if I couldnt run. I have 6 kids one has had cancer twice and another has tourettes syndrome/adhd so running gives me space. I think you are awesome


                              I wish I could be somebody else

                              You don't need to throw day 53 down the drain, I am on day 68 and I feel great! It will get better the longer you stay af. Sure we have our hard times, but counting the days can help. I sure don't want to through 68 af days down the drain, so I will do whatever it takes to get to day 69 tomorrow.
                              I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                              Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                              Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

