It came from the problem page. I think it reminded her of me.
YOU have probably heard this problem a thousand times. I am seeing two women at the same time.
One is a really nice lady, a good wife and mother, a friend and soul-mate. I see her two or three times a week and I love her deeply.
The other is a chain smoking, alcoholic, who is abusive, controlling when drunk, and not a very nice person. I see her four or five times a week and, although I don't like her, I love her as well.
I used to see the first one five or six times a week but the second one is taking up more and more of my time. I am getting to the point of despair. Don't ask me to give either up, it is impossible - as they are both the same person.
I can't walk out as I love her and my beautiful daughters, who are also sick of their mum's drinking.
I don't really know why I am writing to you. I probably just wanted to talk to someone. I have tried everything to get her to stop drinking.
If you print this, you never know, it might be the wake-up call she needs. Though after 20 years, I doubt it somehow.