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    summers here, bbq on the go, why not get in some ice cold beers and enjoy even more....?10 for 25."

    "take home a M&S meal for two, and enjoy this new 2007 award winning wine, its not just any wine, its M&S.

    Just two of the advertisements I have seen today, and all this before 10am in the morning.

    Now, since I have been AF for 5 days now I have only just noticed what these companies are trying to ram down our throats, (literally). All aimed at brainwashing us into having a drink, and claiming that it is good for us and we will have a better time when we do(far bloody from it), but its not really me I am worried about, its the younger and future generations. Not only is the media trying to make young folk feel like they are inadequate because they are not a size 9 or don?t have perfect skin, or not wearing the next best fashion accessory, but they are also trying to gain the next generations of alcoholics.

    They push it so much on everyone, as if it?s not normal to not drink. Now I know that they stopped advertising cigarette?s quite a while back, but is there anything we can do to get alcohol banned from advertising? I know there is no way that the government will ban alcohol completely(lines their fat pockets to much) but maybe if we got the adverts banned we could help save a few people...even just one! any thoughts? sorry for the rant....rant over!
    ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


    A complete ban on alcohol advertising would have a "devastating" impact on the ailing TV, newspaper and magazine sectors, resulting in more than ?180m-a-year in ad revenue disappearing from company balance sheets, according to forecasts.
    In the year to the end of June, ?72m was spent on TV ads by alcohol companies, ?46.5m ploughed into newspapers and magazines, ?28m went on outdoor billboards and posters, ?14m on cinema ads and ?4.5m on radio. A further ?15m was spent on direct mail, according to figures from Nielsen, which does not have figures for online advertising.

    Which is one of the reasons why it is not banned. Its all about the direct money Geekteeth.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



      I'm sorry folks but I have to disagree with this one. I don't think the advertising business has to change what they do because I have a problem with alcohol. I also don't think they need to ban ads for food because people have eating disorders or ban video games because some crazy numb nut plays some shoot em up game then gets a gun and shoots people. Cigarette ads were banned along time ago and people still smoke and die from it. You can sterilize the world all you want and bad things are still going to happen. People need to be responsible for themselves. Just my take on it.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.



        all's well;1155130 wrote: I'm sorry folks but I have to disagree with this one. I don't think the advertising business has to change what they do because I have a problem with alcohol. I also don't think they need to ban ads for food because people have eating disorders or ban video games because some crazy numb nut plays some shoot em up game then gets a gun and shoots people. Cigarette ads were banned along time ago and people still smoke and die from it. You can sterilize the world all you want and bad things are still going to happen. People need to be responsible for themselves. Just my take on it.
        I agree with that allswell,bang on,

        But its the influence and propaganda that drinking is cool with no side effects that gets me,
        There should be more severe health warnings advertised re alcohol drinking, paid for by the drink my little opinion

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



          I agree Mario.

          Allswell, I take issue with advertising food that isn't really food (chicken mcnuggets are 50% chicken and the rest is additives including some scary chemicals=false advertising!) Fast food is advertised as "normal" eating which is not truth, it's the road to diabetes and heart attacks, not to mention a zillion other troubles.

          People, especially kids, are not often enough educated on these things and like sheep, copy others' actions including copying actors eating junk food (notice they don't show the typical obese person eating fast food, they show skinny people eating it. Every time I'm at a fast food drive through, I notice the only skinny people eating it are teen boys, others are all fat).

          The perception advertising creates is that its normal and healthy to drink half a bottle of wine with a fat & chemical & sugar laden meal. No one can be healthy doing that all the time. This is being touted as a normal weeknight meal, it sounds like.

          I bet alot of people here could tell stories about how they didn't listen to their bodies and got drunk or fat due to being led in the wrong direction by peer pressure (which one could argue is fed by advertising). Alot of the rest of us got there by self medicating with these easy fast foods to quell our fear and anxiety.

          My opinion.



            Also wanted to say that because alcoholism is such a huge problem for so many people, advertising should be limited. Its NOT "just you" ...

            Here's some food for thought:

            The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer study tracked their levels of drinking and how this affected their risk of cancer.
            Researchers then looked at figures on how much people drank in each country, including the UK, taken from the World Health Organization.
            The study focused on France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Denmark and the UK.
            Madlen Schutze, lead researcher and study author, from the German Institute of Human Nutrition, said that many cancer cases could be avoided if alcohol consumption was limited.
            "And even more cancer cases would be prevented if people reduced their alcohol intake to below recommended guidelines or stopped drinking alcohol at all," she said.



              Interesting discussion. I have more of a problem with product placement in tv programs, movies etc than staight out advertising. Kind of a sneak attack. Morgan Spurlock from Super Size Me has a new movie out which is about just that:

              The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011) - IMDb

              Like to read your opinions too Brun.



                Watch the soaps, they're in the pub constantly. It's not reality, it's a TV show so the pub is a handy plot device etc. But even in Home and Away they're always getting a beer from the fridge or pouring wine. In films, if there's drinking it's also never realistic. Watch Miller's Crossing for instance. Gabriel Byrne drinks a few gallons of whiskey over the course of the movie but it never effects him too much. I watched Indiana Jones on TV last week and every scene without action in it Harrison Ford was drinking a whiskey. People like him don't drink that much. It's unrealistic!

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



                  Absolutely Mario! It's like an episode of Friends or even a real estate photo setup for a sale. Its the half full bottle of wine and the beautiful glassware on the table, telling you that you can buy into this lifestyle.



                    Most advertising is sinful--how can other humans do that to other humans?????
                    Psalms 119:45

                    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                    St. Francis of Assisi

                    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


