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Underoos and Guests in August

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    Underoos and Guests in August

    Guitarista;1164270 wrote: Not to mention, if you mix juiced avocado and olive oil and apply it to yer grey hair, it disappears. No, not your hair, but the grey. The American indigenous folks used to do it which promoted a shiny black lustrous lusty mop. For Straya, add a very small dollop of juiced vegemite for that unmistakable brunette sheen.
    Just tried it and the vegemite stuck to my hairbrush.


      Underoos and Guests in August

      Thankyo Mr G, Sapphy, Sunshine and Missy. I am just about to go out to the gym and get stuck into it.

      What I really must do is get a router so I can be in loungeroom and be able to talk to you in the evening. I need your company and chat as it is happening, not look at it next day.


        Underoos and Guests in August

        Anyone watch Auckland zoo last night? Teary time.
        And this below was on the Westnet home page. I really gotta start looking for happy stuff in the news.

        A Victorian coroner has called for better education for aged care staff after an 89-year-old woman died while strapped to a toilet.
        Gwendaline Gleeson, 89, died of a heart attack last August while she was a resident at the Barrabill House nursing home at Seymour, in central Victoria.
        Coroner John Olle described the circumstances of her death as distressing.
        Ms Gleeson was strapped to the toilet when she suffered the heart attack and was not found for two hours.
        The nurses were not authorised to use the straps and it is suspected other residents were treated the same way.
        Coroner Olle said it is possible such methods are being used elsewhere and as a matter of public health, the practice should end.
        The Department of Health and Ageing investigated the matter. All unauthorised straps have been removed from the home and nursing staff have been educated.


          Underoos and Guests in August

          Hello All I hope you all are well. I'm not able to read back due to time constraint. I'm in New Mexico. Still on the road. This road trip was probably a tad more than I expected. My injuries from the accident reminded me that I'm getting older. Love you all and think of you daily. A more robust report will be posted soon..........Techie!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos and Guests in August

            techie;1164689 wrote: Hello All I hope you all are well. I'm not able to read back due to time constraint. I'm in New Mexico. Still on the road. This road trip was probably a tad more than I expected. My injuries from the accident reminded me that I'm getting older. Love you all and think of you daily. A more robust report will be posted soon..........Techie!

            Techie! :h

            Looking forward to hearing from you. Any piccies you can post to us Undies??

            Take it easy. The jolting on your spine won't be helping anything. Take a break every couple of hours. Rest, revive, survive.... as a well known Aussie slogan goes.


              Underoos and Guests in August

              haven't read back yet, but this is a lovely little video filmed on Monday very close to where I work!!

              Snow on Cuba Mall in central Wellington (HD) on Vimeo
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Guests in August

                Rags - you will really enjoy wi-fi!! Mr B installed it at my place a few years ago and it completely revolutionized the way I use the internet. For a start it freed my from the (home) office, and as you suggested, allows you to take part in conversations as they are happening, not just catch up on them later. It is also nice to to have to worry about wires and which do-dackies need to fit into which do-dackie connections.

                The other things I really like is that I make use of the internet a lot more and find all sorts of interesting bits and bobs. I prop up my i-pad in the kitchen with recipes that I'm making; when I'm watching a DVD and someone comes on and I think "now what was she in again?" I can google her; when I hear a piece of news that puzzles me I can look up what BBC and CNN are saying; AND (and I know that you will appreciate this!!) I can browse through New Scientist and National Geographic in odd moments!!!

                If you want to "try before you buy", bring your lap-top over when you come next month, and you can access our network and have a play!!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Underoos and Guests in August

                  [quote=Miss Behaving;1164694]... but this is a lovely little video filmed on Monday very close to where I work!!

                  Stunningly beautiful!


                    Underoos and Guests in August

                    Missy, Love the little girl in the red jacket and blue beanie jumoing for joy.

                    I just got off the phone from my ISP. I can get a 4 port wireless router for $129 How spurterrific is that!
                    AND mobile innernet b/band 1 gig peak, 1 gig off peak for $19.95 a month. Spurtletastic! I couldn't do it on the spot as Mr Rags is the account holder. But I'll get him to do it tonight when he gets home as sales are open till 8 pm WA time.

                    So give me a few days Undies, and I will be watching tele and typing along wiv ewes!
                    AND saying hello when I'm at Coffs or elsewhere.
                    I is all x sited


                      Underoos and Guests in August

                      OK got to get out of here and renew my maritime boat licence thingy .


                        Underoos and Guests in August

                        Rags;1164700 wrote:
                        I is all x sited
                        yay! so is I!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          Underoos and Guests in August

                          Rags;1164702 wrote: OK got to get out of here and renew my maritime boat licence thingy .

                          I did that last week. Prolly because I was a milk
                          monitor in my earlier life. It taught me not to be tardy.


                            Underoos and Guests in August

                            [quote]tawnyfrog;1164697 wrote:
                            Originally posted by Miss Behaving View Post
                            ... but this is a lovely little video filmed on Monday very close to where I work!!

                            Stunningly beautiful!
                            BTW - not sure whether you noticed the green frog with a smile on his/her face. When Tigger was here, I got a photo of Tigger on the Frog. Not sure whether I posted it on the Tigger thread, but if not, and you want to see it, let me know and I'll send it to you!
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              Underoos and Guests in August

                              [quote]Miss Behaving;1164715 wrote:
                              Originally posted by tawnyfrog View Post

                              BTW - not sure whether you noticed the green frog with a smile on his/her face. When Tigger was here, I got a photo of Tigger on the Frog. Not sure whether I posted it on the Tigger thread, but if not, and you want to see it, let me know and I'll send it to you!
                              Lovely clip Missy! and yes please on the photo- I fear I have become Tigger obsessed....such lovely posts here today Undies.

                              Raggsey my particular fav is taking the laptop to bed in the early morning hours all thanks to a wireless router...and yes TF - I was a prefect AND a milk monitor - still turn up everywhere 15 minutes early - would love to have been the late running smarty bum sitting at the back of the bus - whoops that was Mr Happs...


                                Underoos and Guests in August

                                And to you little Kaza... it is lovely to have you back in here, I have been remiss in saying welcome back coz we have been chatting outside but it was in my head and I just hadnt gotten around to saying it properly. So, take care of you and remember to look after you, make time for you and perhaps be a little selfish, coz honestly if you go downhill they will all come tumbling can only hold up so many for so long, and I know thats what you do.

