Hey Raggs photos soon. Have to do something about a camera. Ebay maybe...
No announcement yet.
Underoos and Guests in August
Underoos and Guests in August
myhappyplace;1156467 wrote: Be careful George, just in case....
Poor Kate!
Hello Tippyroo, we are in Masterchef mode, it is not a forgetful Froglet it is a dim Danni - who we want to see eliminated...I'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Underoos and Guests in August
tawnyfrog;1156470 wrote: Oh why don't you just put yer little woolly hat on and pull it down ... right over yer little mouth?I'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Underoos and Guests in August
Well it will finish on Sunday. Then I will whinge there is nothing to watch...that will be tragic...
You do get sucked in everytime, dunno, those marketing genie have it all over us.. Have you succumbed to The Renovators? Confession - have now watched a couple and a few re-runs on the digital channels....and still not grabbed but there is a hook somehow or maybe I want to watch Can of Worms after...Julie from season 1 MC is on tonight....
Underoos and Guests in August
[quote=myhappyplace;1156481] Have you succumbed to The Renovators?
No. No. and No. Just saw about 10 minutes of same and threw up a little in my mouth. Even held my own hair.
So we need to see lovely women with generous cleabage attempting to saw a tiny bit of 2x2? I don't think so. GACK!!
Nighters all Undies and Happy Birthday to all the beautiful thoroughbreds.
Underoos and Guests in August
Guitarista;1156450 wrote:
Hi Missy. Re 'work pressure induced'. You know we handle work related stress loads better without booze in our system, as alcohol is a huge stress inducer, along with inducing anxiety, depression, and general negativity as we greet the next day hungover, lethargic, redfaced, maybe sweaty, and not our selves, or anywhere near our best. Usually means for me, another day of sub standard quality, as i spend half or most of it recovering as the mental battle of 'what am i bloody doing' begins yet again ad nausuem. The G-bloke who was hungover with alcohol still swishing about my system even when 'sober' is absolutely no comparison in quality, to the man now sober. Alcohol deadens our senses, which we can mistake for being truly relaxed. Hope your group goes well tonight, and sounds like you're going for some AF time? Bravo!
Anyway, things are easing off and I have mentally prepared myself for a week of not sleeping and feeling grumpy and just keeping my big girls pants on. Was so grumpy I didn't even do the bath and early night treat! Have retired to the one corner of the house where I can sometimes get a 3G connection to MWO, and resorted to a big bowl of jelly tip ice cream! Just as well mr b isn't here tonight or he would have a flea in his ear about how he can manage to successfully negotiate the spatial machinations of getting a weeks worth of camping equipment into the boot of a small car, but does not seem to be capable of packing perfectly square plastic containers and lids into a perfectly square drawer!
Sorry to vent. You all know about what this is like. Give me a day or so and I'll be back on track.Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Guests in August
Tell me to bugger off, but i worry about you and the stress your work appears to give you. You've expressed your frustrations and stresses with work and deadlines before. There is good stress too, but your work related stress does not sound healthy. With the greatest respect, and i hope you know i say this with respect and love.........Now, you're smart, so can't you turn your work on it's bloody head and design things so the stress is good stress, if at all? Even if it means less hours? Anyway, i know i'm sticking my fat nose into your business, which is none of mine. Hope you've got some relaxing herbal tea's to calm the nervous system for the next couple of days...Alcohol really messes with our quality of sleep bigtime. Yes, i know you know all of this.....:h
Night all.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Guests in August
My god, TF you make me laugh. Feels good to laugh out loud.
MB, hang in there sweets. You made me laugh to bout your hubs packing skills.
Had a super day. My old area manager dropped in late arvo for a surprise evaluation. He gets to do that because my new area manager is based in Sydney. No sense I know. Then he tells me his wife of 30 years left him. Did not know what to say, but attempted humor. I think he is lonely.
Then at my soccer game, there is a girl on my team who loves to talk s%#t to me. I don't know why. Whatever it is it's her issue, as I know I have done nothing and this has been going on months with me saying nothing. So, I pulled her aside after the game, and said hey, we're here to have a good time and play hard. I said we're on the same team and I try and be supportive. Said I don't care what issues she has with me, just leave it off the field. She walked away and laughed. However, I am proud of myself for saying something, and being mature and adult about the situation. I can be happy with that and leave it alone now. Anyways, that about sums up my night.
I have not watched MC yet, but just saw a commercial for everyone up for elimination. I look forward to the train wreck!
Hello RAgs dear, I was going to comment on something you said but my memory quota has run out.
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Underoos and Guests in August
Good stuff Sunny. You da bomb.
Ragssy, C.D. out just before christmas. Thanks for asking.
Oo roo.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-