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Underoos and Guests in August

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    Underoos and Guests in August

    sapphire1;1157946 wrote: What happened to our www. Raggsy, looks like you have gone over to the dark side!!!!!
    Spot on, Sapphy!

    Yeah .. you know the Raggsy who said... "I don't watch commercial television; I only read the New Scientist and other esoteric Yachting magazines; I never fart in temples; I'm on first-name terms with the Weather Bureau bloke".... you bet she's crossed over! Next she'll be singing the Hardly Normal jingle ...


      Underoos and Guests in August

      myhappyplace;1157841 wrote: Throb the appointments with thoughts...also might need to remember not to take on board other peoples shit when I have enough of my own happening.

      Good job on the report Missy...onward to your 30 hour week and the next triathlon!
      Lifes too short not to be shallow HP.....I read this one day and I thought, ya know what, thats possibly quite a healthy way of looking at it. There is a time for seriousness and there has to be a time for nonsense and silliness as well. I have a friend who is the classic airheaded scattcat...but she is always happy, Must be something in it!!!!
      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


        Underoos and Guests in August

        tawnyfrog;1157954 wrote: Spot on, Sapphy!

        Yeah .. you know the Raggsy who said... "I don't watch commercial television; I only read the New Scientist and other esoteric Yachting magazines; I never fart in temples; I'm on first-name terms with the Weather Bureau bloke".... you bet she's crossed over! Next she'll be singing the Hardly Normal jingle ...
        Rumour has it that she already does Tawn. She has also been spotted reading "No Idea", clumsily disguised as a Dostyesky)sic).......pathetic really.....wonder if she watches Hyacinth Bucket for inspiration
        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


          Underoos and Guests in August

          [quote]byebyebridgetjones;1157865 wrote: Watch yer points girlie :H.
          Bridge it is enough that you have got me there ..... Points counting will start on Sunday and not before!!

          Anyway after rave review, Mexican restaurant was completely full so we went to one our other fave places instead! (and I had pizza with double cheese :H does the fact that it had lots of veggies and I didn't eat the crust cancel out the cheese? :H)

          Rags;1157895 wrote:
          What on earth was the report about? Two years is more than a bloody PhD! I bet you're glad it's finished. Is someone now going to sit with a red pencil and go through /QUOTE]

          Yep - but it will take them some time to do so and by then I'll be a bit more relaxed about it!

          Originally posted by myhappyplace View Post
          Oh No Sunny! Are you a Daily deal/Cudo/Our deal tart like me??
          I am a complete daily deal tart - and proud of it!

          Btw - the spurtle has landed!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Underoos and Guests in August

            Miss Behaving;1157966 wrote: .

            Btw - the spurtle has landed!


              Underoos and Guests in August

              Hello to all you wonderful Undies
              Hi Happy, I hope you are feeling a better today and your bug has gone and things are working out (I have my fingers and everything else crossed too), so I'm sure all will be good.
              Hi Raggsie, are you feeling better - I really hope so.
              Hi Tawny, how was your day? I definitely agree Christians can undercook their chooks and usually do! Oh dear, I think I'd better leave that alone now. Just had a wicked thought, but won't go there, he he! I hope all is well with your mate's wife and also with your dear Mum.
              Hi BBBJ - you are a great inspiration - I love your sense of humour, it always makes me feel good. I am with you on the alternative agenda idea. I totally agree!!!
              Hi Beags, I am seriously hoping that you are feeling better tonight, you have been in my thoughts a great deal - please do pm if you would like, I am always here. I think this other vet is an absolute total sh8*thead, please stay strong Beags don't let it get the better of you - ha isn't that easier said than done though?? Beags we are all with you and thinking of you - I understand that you feel fragile - and sometimes you just have to go along with that until the feeling passes my friend, and remember my saying "This too shall pass", it applies to good and bad, like I've said before. Don't let this tosser get the better of you, you are far, far better and I know in the long run you will win out - because you are you, and a beautiful human being that cares - just think about it, I don't think this other vet is a patch on you and probably feels totally insecure because you are soooo very much better and she knows that and is trying to make herself feel important at your expense. BOLLOCKS TO THAT I say (sorry that was me being very angry, I hate this happening to my friends)! Hang in there and at the end of the day you will win just be being yourself. So no matter what sh*&t gets dished out - rise above it, as it's only being dished out because the other person is so very insecure in herself and may I say isn't a patch on you. So stay calm, cool and think lovely thoughts, it will do you the world of good and go a long way to wrecking this person's devious plan!! Take as comfort, the clients who supported you and gave you marron and a bottle of red. Take pleasure and comfort in that because they care. And a huge congratulations on giving the red to hubby. See in the face of adversity - you have turned it around and that is a huge plus for you. WELL DONE!! So dear friend, just relax, let it all go and you will be the winner, I promise.
              Hi Mr G - I always get a great kick out of hearing from you. I'm glad you had a good day. I am as I said really hanging out to hear your music, I know it will be brilliant, please, please post me the link for You Tube - I would love that. BTW as soon as I've finished chatting I'm gonna google you on You Tube. Mr G, you are absolutely inspirational to all of us Undies and I know I don't only speak for me, but all other Undies as well. Take care. I'm orf to google. Don't forget the link though please. Everyone be kind to yourselves, stay safe and of course Love and Sunshine Always Kaz x
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Underoos and Guests in August

                Miss Behaving;1157966 wrote: .

                does the fact that it had lots of veggies and I didn't eat the crust cancel out the cheese? :H)
                Only if the crust was first broken, thereby causing calorie leakage.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Guests in August

                  Hiya Kaza.
                  Do you start at lunchtime with your posts ? :H
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoos and Guests in August

                    My camera is broke and I'm zorsted! I shall sort myself out tomorrow and post pictures of spurtle in action once I have recovered from this week!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Underoos and Guests in August

                      Oh Dear
                      Sorry Bridge, I didn't mean to ramble on so much, I was just trying to talk to everyone. I promise, I won't in the future. Kaza
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Underoos and Guests in August

                        kaza;1157977 wrote: Oh Dear
                        Sorry Bridge, I didn't mean to ramble on so much, I was just trying to talk to everyone. I promise, I won't in the future. Kaza
                        Don't be silly ... we LOVE you talking. You're so lovely to address everyone so don't ever stop. *** adds huggy thingy here ***


                          Underoos and Guests in August

                          kaza;1157977 wrote: Oh Dear
                          Sorry Bridge, I didn't mean to ramble on so much, I was just trying to talk to everyone. I promise, I won't in the future. Kaza
                          No Kaza !
                          I was only joking.
                          You are a joy to have around.:l
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Guests in August

                            I'm with the frog on that Kaza,

                            Your posts are kind and wonderfullllllllll
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Underoos and Guests in August

                              All good Kaz mate. Dont worry are you.

                              Sod bloody Michael. So smug.

                              Watching Supersizers Go cool....this is my parents time in the UK


                                Underoos and Guests in August

                                kaza;1157977 wrote: Oh Dear
                                Sorry Bridge, I didn't mean to ramble on so much, I was just trying to talk to everyone. I promise, I won't in the future. Kaza
                                Pleeeeeeeeeeeeze don't stop. At least you mention me in your posts as well. Something that Froglet "forgets" to do
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

