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Underoos and Guests in August

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    Underoos and Guests in August

    Hiya MB, I love anything blue cheese.

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Underoos and Guests in August

      Thanks MB, Hubs loves ginger.
      Beetroot, mmmmmmmmmmmmm yep!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Underoos and Guests in August

        I have been out and about all day, but there is a southerly storm forecast and it is just starting to hit so I am off to hunker down at home. Seizures tomorrow
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          Underoos and Guests in August

          byebyebridgetjones;1159451 wrote: Right.
          Well if nobody is going to talk to me, I'm going over to the Meds thread to start a fight. :H
          I'll talk!

          Looked up spurtles on eBay. Why in the hell would I need one of those? I can turn a wooden spoon upside down and stir. It could be an Aussie spurtle.:H

          What the hell time is it there, anyway? It's 1:55 a.m. on Sunday here. I was never any good at the time calculations. It hurts my brain to try and figure it out, and I'm too lazy right now to look it up.

          What a shit day. One day's good, the other is crap. I turned 50, and life went to hell. Don't send me any positive thoughts or I'll start a fight. I feel like sulking and brooding.

          You all are so healthy. Jasus. Somebody give me a break. I'm just trying to be AF! Three weeks down, and running a marathon isn't on my agenda.:lalala:[

          Tuckage for me!:lipstick:
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            Underoos and Guests in August

            sunshinetoday;1159525 wrote: Thanks MB, Hubs loves ginger.
            Beetroot, mmmmmmmmmmmmm yep!
            Yep, agree with Missy beetroot is a must. And ginger is great.

            Been at UQ Open Day with big locust. Head of Psychology did a talk that was brilliant...mind you there were a couple of people in the audience who were probably there from the other side of the couch. Woman sitting next to locust sat down, ate two chocolate bars, squeaked out "Freud" when a picture came up on the screen, muttered to herself and then walked out after another 10 minutes. All up very interesting. Made to feel very sane...


              Underoos and Guests in August

              Hiya Jujube, you need a dose of the joy germs, they'll be along later...


                Underoos and Guests in August

                Sounds fun Haps.
                Hiya and nighters Juju.
                I had an incredibly healthy juice this morning.
                Then headed to the store and bought brie and blue cheese. Ate that and then half a pint of ice cream. YUM. I was wishing I was having a drink the other day when I after work, but I just drudge through it and make it another day. The cravings don't fade so fast but my willpower is stronger.

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Underoos and Guests in August

                  Hiyas Reggie! You are lovely you are!

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    Underoos and Guests in August

                    Juja;1159540 wrote:

                    What a shit day. One day's good, the other is crap. I turned 50, and life went to hell. Don't send me any positive thoughts or I'll start a fight. I feel like sulking and brooding.

                    You all are so healthy. Jasus. Somebody give me a break. I'm just trying to be AF! Three weeks down, and running a marathon isn't on my agenda.:lalala:[
                    Je - SUS !

                    I think I got me some competition :H:H:H

                    I just spat my lemonade on the screen :H
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Underoos and Guests in August

                      I'm orf for a b'day dinner to a place that does ama-zing vegetables.

                      Step away from the icecream Sunny :H
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Guests in August

                        Reggie;1159576 wrote: Hello Jocks and Jockettes,

                        Very relaxed arvo here ..yours sound's quite cerebral there Happy ...interesting...must be exciting seeing the big locust off to the biggie school so to speak ..I loved Uni so much I think I broke the record for deferrals took me x2 the normal length of the degree to get me bit of paper. Part of the furniture..... in the end they told me to piss off and get a job!!!

                        Got an Arborist coming over tomorrow to rip up the Fig tree, Lemon tree( which is infested with gall wasp) and hybrid triffid...gotta worry though with a tree company called "Roots and Leaves Stump Removals"..

                        Lamb shanks and mash for dinner there goes the low carb thinngy out the door.

                        Spose you lot will be glued to shaft the chef finale..thank frock it ends tonight!!!!!

                        Have a wonderful evening

                        Laters Gators
                        Yes it is exciting Reggie...glad I am around to actively participate...not sit it out coz it all hurts my head too much...

                        I know - MC!! - but not that excited. Have made rustic Tuscan vege soup, rustic coz the veges are bigger than normal...and early night, lots happening this week.


                          Underoos and Guests in August

                          byebyebridgetjones;1159596 wrote:

                          Step away from the icecream Sunny :H
                          And the cheeses... :H


                            Underoos and Guests in August

                            I know I know, cheese and ice cream. Must step away from it all. Will do in a short time. I think I am going to have to juice from the 15th til next month to fit in my birthday jeans. Have not gained any weight back but who knows after today.:H:H:H:H

                            I'm excited for MC tonight.
                            I might even have to check out that show dinner date.
                            Have a nice dinner Bridge.
                            Rustic soup sounds good hp.

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              Underoos and Guests in August

                              Cheeses twice, Undies ... spent all day trying to downgrade a giant dose of the shits to a slight episode of squirty botty.

                              Had the "oh, we're passing through your way, would love to visit and spend the night ...." type crappage phone call. I explained that the HG is currently caved up in visitors' donga but hell ... the fuskers said "oh, that's fine, we can crash on the couch". Fusk fusk and double fusk. Nobody should crash on the couch so I spent the day cleaning out another spare bloody bedroom.

                              S'pose it's not the worst thing that's ever happened to me but dog, it gives me the shits.

                              Lovely to see Reggie in the house!


                                Underoos and Guests in August

                                Same symptoms your one chook had, TF?
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

