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Underoos and Guests in August

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    Underoos and Guests in August

    sapphire1;1160080 wrote: Good evening wonderbats, wombats,scatcats, rugrats and fruitbats,

    Well I have just spent the last hour or so reading back and happily, you are all well after the weekend. I have had a great time at work, spent a lot of time organising stuff for National Homeless Week. Now home on the couch with a low-fat pizza (as if), loyal puppy by my side. Planning my days off with all the excitement and anticipation that comes from having no fear overshadowing it. The fear I am talking about is the fear of catastrophic drinking!! No fear of waking up with a brain destroying hangover and a soul=crippling remorse. No fear of doing something reckless/dangerous and scaring the daylights out of those that suffer this nightmare right alongside of me. No fear of the spiral into the black hole of despair that invariably comes as a consequence of the lapse into drinking...and the subsequent inability to crawl back out of
    the demonic cesspool.

    Nah, not going there, not doing that, this little black ducks sick of that shenannigans.

    Look out life, here I come
    Good on you Saph you wonderbum!! Your a lift to the spirits better than any glass of vino!!

    Land in flood no go...BUT went for a walk with Mr Haps, George and little locust and got bread, milk, ice cream for little one and NO WINE. Was gunna and Mr Haps looked at me and said you really dont want to so lets keep walking. Which we did. And will continue to do.


      Underoos and Guests in August

      Sunny this is for you :l

      It will happen. And how many adopted aunties and uncles will this little mini undie have!


        Underoos and Guests in August

        myhappyplace;1160084 wrote: Good on you Saph you wonderbum!! Your a lift to the spirits better than any glass of vino!!

        Land in flood no go...BUT went for a walk with Mr Haps, George and little locust and got bread, milk, ice cream for little one and NO WINE. Was gunna and Mr Haps looked at me and said you really dont want to so lets keep walking. Which we did. And will continue to do.
        WTG HP!

        Orf to soccer!

        :l to all my lovely undie friends!

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Underoos and Guests in August

          [QUOTE=Rags;1160020]The Southern United States term "snake doctor" refers to a folk belief that dragonflies follow snakes around and stitch them back together if they are injured.
          Now we know.

          Lawd have mercy! Ah didn't know tha-at. We just thought a dragonfly's appearance meant a snake was nearby, and ran! Stitch up one of those creepy creatures? No way. I hate snakes.
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            Underoos and Guests in August

            sapphire1;1160062 wrote: Battle of the bitches begins...........who will win, who will take the crown for dragon breath of the month?????? How excitement:H
            Dear Bridgers will have to post something that taps into the fun, cynical, smart-ass part of me. I'm waiting......
            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


              Underoos and Guests in August

              A zillion years ago when they were pushing the bitumen road through at Kiandra, I spent an evening with Ulick O'Boyle singing with him in the back of the pub. . I knew all his songs, and I was from Sinny, the big smoke. He was impressed. Now I gotta see if I can get to Cooma to say farewell next week.

              Irish balladeer fell into the rhythm of life in the Snowies


                Underoos and Guests in August

                RingingCedars;1159999 wrote: You'll out spurtle me every time, I'm sure:H:new:
                Maybe the Zen with your spurtle is in the act of stirring, not the object itself...?

                Maybe Bridgers can make relaxation-inducing Zen designs in the "white gravel" with her little rakey thing. She could add the final touches with what she finds in the gravel.:H

                Serious note: can't sleep, feel anxious and depressed. Anxiety terrorizes me. Anyone understand that???? Like someone's got a gun to your head for days??? It makes me feel possessed. "Just go with it.... " No can do--too awful. Too much crap in my life, I guess. I come to you guys for relief. Ain't technology grand?

                I swear to God, if our political climate doesn't change, I'm moving to Underland, and I want to meet all of you! Still taking immigrants?:l I watch HGTV, and saw where someone bought a Queensland-style home down there--never heard of it before. I'm learning all kinds of stuff! Me-I want a 2 bedroom, one bath, quiet place. Simplicity.

                Wakage or Tuckage-----Hell, I don't know. Whatever

                Sorry, I'm rambling. Blah, blah, blah.
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  Underoos and Guests in August

                  Juja;1160110 wrote: Maybe the Zen with your spurtle is in the act of stirring, not the object itself...?

                  Maybe Bridgers can make relaxation-inducing Zen designs in the "white gravel" with her little rakey thing. She could add the final touches with what she finds in the gravel.:H

                  Serious note: can't sleep, feel anxious and depressed. Anxiety terrorizes me. Anyone understand that???? Like someone's got a gun to your head for days??? It makes me feel possessed. "Just go with it.... " No can do--too awful. Too much crap in my life, I guess. I come to you guys for relief. Ain't technology grand?

                  I swear to God, if our political climate doesn't change, I'm moving to Underland, and I want to meet all of you! Still taking immigrants?:l I watch HGTV, and saw where someone bought a Queensland-style home down there--never heard of it before. I'm learning all kinds of stuff! Me-I want a 2 bedroom, one bath, quiet place. Simplicity.

                  Wakage or Tuckage-----Hell, I don't know. Whatever

                  Sorry, I'm rambling. Blah, blah, blah.
                  Hi Juju,

                  Ramble all you like. I hear you when you talk about anxiety making you feel possessed. Its bloody murder. Do you have anyone with you, or are you alone? I have had the black dog following me around for what seems like most of my life. Possibly the main reason for letting the drink get the better of me. I am overcome with joy and gratitude these days because the dark days almost seem like a very faint memory. There is definitley hope for overcoming these problems. I have to go for a little while, but will be back if you want to chat.
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Underoos and Guests in August

                    I'm going to Cooma this coming Saturday. Just booked. See above SMH article.


                      Underoos and Guests in August

                      ju ju,
                      I'll post you tomorrow.
                      MrRags has just come home and I have to do the domestic cooking thing.

                      See you all tomorrow.


                        Underoos and Guests in August

                        sapphire1;1160115 wrote: Hi Juju,

                        Ramble all you like. I hear you when you talk about anxiety making you feel possessed. Its bloody murder. Do you have anyone with you, or are you alone? I have had the black dog following me around for what seems like most of my life. Possibly the main reason for letting the drink get the better of me. I am overcome with joy and gratitude these days because the dark days almost seem like a very faint memory. There is definitley hope for overcoming these problems. I have to go for a little while, but will be back if you want to chat.

                        I have someone, but he's no help. Part of the problem, perhaps. But, yes, I've had the black dog and GAD all my life, too, and it's miserable. I think getting out of the house today would help. AL's not this problem; it's genetics.

                        Thank you for taking time to respond. It helps.

                        (See, Bridgers, I'm not all nastiness. Hurting like the rest, I reckon.)
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          Underoos and Guests in August

                          Juja;1160110 wrote:

                          Serious note: can't sleep, feel anxious and depressed. Anxiety terrorizes me. Anyone understand that???? Like someone's got a gun to your head for days??? It makes me feel possessed. "Just go with it.... " No can do--too awful. Too much crap in my life, I guess. I come to you guys for relief. Ain't technology grand?
                          Anxiety is a horrible affliction.
                          I spent most of my early life paralysed by it.
                          Luckily medication helped, and I've had 10 years of peace now. I realise meds don't work for everyone though.
                          It just sucks to be frightened when you don't even know what the threat is.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Guests in August


                            A call to action here, so Off your fat asses.

                            One of our cherished member's Sheri has not been sighted here for a couple of weeks, so we need to make sure she's okay, and if not, fix the problem. If anybody here on your travel's to the various threads over time knows how to get in touch with her, please do, or ask someone else here to do it if you're not comfortable doing that. She's a beautiful selfless person, who has given much to all of us, and if she's in trouble, some of us here want to do what it takes to assist.


                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Underoos and Guests in August

                              I just saw the other thread. I really hope she's OK. Maybe just an IT issue ?
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Guests in August

                                Hey Undies and all INTNL Friends,
                                Just wanted to tuck you in tight and give you hugs.
                                I was just reading about Gearhead, and Sheri.
                                Cherish what you have while you have it.
                                You are all incredibly special people.
                                You have all helped me in my journey to becoming a better me.
                                Thank you!

                                Regg, I LOVE City and Color. Love the song you posted off their new album!

                                Nighters all.
                                Take good care of yourselves.

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

