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Underoos and Guests in August

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    Underoos and Guests in August

    byebyebridgetjones;1160138 wrote: Anxiety is a horrible affliction.
    I spent most of my early life paralysed by it.
    Luckily medication helped, and I've had 10 years of peace now. I realise meds don't work for everyone though.
    It just sucks to be frightened when you don't even know what the threat is.
    Medication for anxiety and depression literally saved my life--suicide seemed like credible options a number of times compared to the dark, deep well of depression, and the terror of anxiety I have experienced throughout my life. When I read anything that dismisses antidepressants or tranquilizers, I want to scream, "But I'm alive because of them!" I can remember where I was standing when certain anti's kicked in, and I felt like myself again. Believe me, Bridgers, I set "helpful" people straight when they suggest that maybe I go off my meds, that they're bad things, and I don't need them. I get really pissed off about it. What do they know, they aren't ME.

    Again, none of this is AL related. I can't drink when I'm in those states of mind.

    Have a wonderful, anxiety-free, depression-free, AF Tuesday, dear Aussie friends.
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Underoos and Guests in August

      Good morning Wonderbunnies!

      Sunny :l:l

      and :l:l to all dealing with the black dog. Juja - with you 100% on the meds.

      Taking a friend to the airport to head off to Fiji for a week this afternoon. I'm soooo overdue for a holiday
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Underoos and Guests in August

        Juja;1160231 wrote: Medication for anxiety and depression literally saved my life--suicide seemed like credible options a number of times compared to the dark, deep well of depression, and the terror of anxiety I have experienced throughout my life. When I read anything that dismisses antidepressants or tranquilizers, I want to scream, "But I'm alive because of them!" I can remember where I was standing when certain anti's kicked in, and I felt like myself again. Believe me, Bridgers, I set "helpful" people straight when they suggest that maybe I go off my meds, that they're bad things, and I don't need them. I get really pissed off about it. What do they know, they aren't ME.

        Again, none of this is AL related. I can't drink when I'm in those states of mind.

        Have a wonderful, anxiety-free, depression-free, AF Tuesday, dear Aussie friends.
        Hiya Juja,

        Great post. Thanks for sharing.

        Morning Missy and all to follow,

        To anybody interested, Sheri has checked in.


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos and Guests in August

          Morning ratbags,

          Juju, Missy, Mr. Gee-u-r-a-star Bloke, and all to follow. Off into the wonderment that is life; excited by the inevitability of change; invigorated by the energy of the wind and rain and mild chaos of the weather at the moment; fusking grateful as all heck for the privilidge of the opportunities that are mine; even more humbly thankful for the clear headed gift of sobriety (I gave myself that one with the help of you special folk). Determined to tread softly on this delicate earth, and even more gently and compassionatley with those who need my help!!!!!

          My cup is full, my house is safe, my heart is warm. Luvs yas all to the moon and back.

          P.S. if the Frog turns up, please let her know that the spew bags are hanging behind the door.
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            Underoos and Guests in August

            sapphire1;1160351 wrote: Morning ratbags,

            Juju, Missy, Mr. Gee-u-r-a-star Bloke, and all to follow. Off into the wonderment that is life; excited by the inevitability of change; invigorated by the energy of the wind and rain and mild chaos of the weather at the moment; fusking grateful as all heck for the privilidge of the opportunities that are mine; even more humbly thankful for the clear headed gift of sobriety (I gave myself that one with the help of you special folk). Determined to tread softly on this delicate earth, and even more gently and compassionatley with those who need my help!!!!!

            My cup is full, my house is safe, my heart is warm. Luvs yas all to the moon and back.

            P.S. if the Frog turns up, please let her know that the spew bags are hanging behind the door.
            Lovely post Sapphy:l
            Good morning Undies.
            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              Underoos and Guests in August

              Good morning undies and sundries...the day is good and while I'm not bursting at the seams with the joys of life like Saphers it is still ok. Behaving myself actually.

              Good to see the other thread with Sheri back. And especially good to see the MWO level of care and keeping tabs on each other and their progress. Sheri's post are some of my fav's. Speaking of keeping an eye out, throbbage to all in London at the moment. Shite time.

              Have a great trip Missy enjoy the sun and the swims for me! and update on houseguests status Froglet, dead alive missing in action....clubbed with the spurtle yet or have you gone all gooey?


                Underoos and Guests in August

                RingingCedars;1160354 wrote: Lovely post Sapphy:l
                Good morning Undies.
                Morning R.C. thankyou my dear. How goes it with yourself my girl?
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                  Underoos and Guests in August

                  myhappyplace;1160372 wrote: Good morning undies and sundries...the day is good and while I'm not bursting at the seams with the joys of life like Saphers it is still ok. Behaving myself actually.

                  Good to see the other thread with Sheri back. And especially good to see the MWO level of care and keeping tabs on each other and their progress. Sheri's post are some of my fav's. Speaking of keeping an eye out, throbbage to all in London at the moment. Shite time.

                  Have a great trip Missy enjoy the sun and the swims for me! and update on houseguests status Froglet, dead alive missing in action....clubbed with the spurtle yet or have you gone all gooey?
                  Morning Happstar,

                  Good to hear that you are behaving yourself? What exactly does that mean BTW.....does it mean that you are not in dire need of the naughty corner, or worse still, detention after school ...write out one thousand times: I must not call Miss Somers a fusking old troll"........she was and prolly still is (my fourth year science teacher)
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    Underoos and Guests in August

                    sapphire1;1160382 wrote: Morning Happstar,

                    Good to hear that you are behaving yourself? What exactly does that mean BTW.....does it mean that you are not in dire need of the naughty corner, or worse still, detention after school ...write out one thousand times: I must not call Miss Somers a fusking old troll"........she was and prolly still is (my fourth year science teacher)
                    :H Saphy! I had been straying to the naughty corner...sensing some toughish times ahead but not as bad as what has been...and the old habits were starting to kick in. Best part is that this time Mr Haps is on board. When I found here back in Feb he was very cynical. And that's changed, I think coz of the Undies.

                    My nightmare teacher was Miss Peachy - sounds delightful but a right screwed up bitch with a penchant for wacking 5 years old over the back of the legs with a feather duster, and not the fluffy bit. And if she is still alive I will order Reggies mates to "take care of her"


                      Underoos and Guests in August

                      Nearly edited that too but have to add, by tough times I mean re sorting living arrangements NOT the parents/sister dying, losing business, no money crappage. So this is NOT something I will let get us in a hole of drinking coz it has become a habit to escape the woes that everyone can go through.


                        Underoos and Guests in August

                        sapphire1;1160351 wrote: Morning ratbags,

                        Juju, Missy, Mr. Gee-u-r-a-star Bloke, and all to follow. Off into the wonderment that is life; excited by the inevitability of change; invigorated by the energy of the wind and rain and mild chaos of the weather at the moment; fusking grateful as all heck for the privilidge of the opportunities that are mine; even more humbly thankful for the clear headed gift of sobriety (I gave myself that one with the help of you special folk). Determined to tread softly on this delicate earth, and even more gently and compassionatley with those who need my help!!!!!

                        My cup is full, my house is safe, my heart is warm. Luvs yas all to the moon and back.


                        That is beautiful. It sounds like a prayer of thanks for blessings received. Stunning.:h
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          Underoos and Guests in August

                          Okey dokey - enough belly button gazing - orf and into it undies et al international guests of renown and all undies to check in: Ficks, Kaza, Beags, thinking of you...and Aspy had my googies with Vegie this morning such a treat...


                            Underoos and Guests in August

                            sapphire1;1160380 wrote: Morning R.C. thankyou my dear. How goes it with yourself my girl?
                            I am well Sapphy....just the rest of the world that's fucked up.:H
                            Not including my MWO friends. :l
                            Psalms 119:45

                            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                            St. Francis of Assisi

                            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                              Underoos and Guests in August

                              Morning all.
                              No Froglette ?
                              Perhaps she already has Stockholm Syndrome.
                              Must pop over and see how Sheri is.
                              Shitful luck about the house Saucy babe, but in a year's time you will be in an amazing place, not having to worry about rising creek water and thinking that you like 'this' place better anyway.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Guests in August

                                Juja;1160231 wrote: Medication for anxiety and depression literally saved my life--suicide seemed like credible options a number of times compared to the dark, deep well of depression, and the terror of anxiety I have experienced throughout my life. When I read anything that dismisses antidepressants or tranquilizers, I want to scream, "But I'm alive because of them!" I can remember where I was standing when certain anti's kicked in, and I felt like myself again. Believe me, Bridgers, I set "helpful" people straight when they suggest that maybe I go off my meds, that they're bad things, and I don't need them. I get really pissed off about it. What do they know, they aren't ME.

                                Again, none of this is AL related. I can't drink when I'm in those states of mind.

                                Have a wonderful, anxiety-free, depression-free, AF Tuesday, dear Aussie friends.

                                I have some friends who maintain that there is no such thing as depression. It simply means that you have 'the shits'. It took all my strength not to bitch slap them. Unless you've been there, you have no idea
                                what it can be like.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

