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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

    Hi all! Awesome pic Ruby! So sorry about your niece Ruby.... hope all goes well.
    Hugs and love to everyone - no time for more - am getting ready for work. Closing shift today and am nowhere near ready - must go and shower. Back really late when you are all in bed!

    Love, Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

      ATLThrash;1168416 wrote: I feel as old as dirt at times myself! I have had some whoppers in my day with the health-- I used to laugh at it because if I didn't I would have cried all day long!
      I feel the same way! If anything can go wrong, it will for me! I just have to laugh it off, otherwise, I would drown myself in a pity party! :l :l
      I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
      but I'm sure not who I used to be!

      There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

        rubywillow;1168730 wrote: Everything with a mouth is starving here, so time to feed them all, again.
        LOL! Ruby, my husband eats every hour and now that he is unable to get up, I may just let him starve! :H:H
        I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
        but I'm sure not who I used to be!

        There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

          I was a labor and employment lawyer (defense side). When companies got sued for employment discrimnation or wanted to run non-union I would be the lawyer they would call. Loads of interesting stories. My husband says now it is even more because with the economy like it is people are much more invested in their jobs and if they get fired they are looking for any way to hang on. Some of the companies do a good job, some don't. I always prided myself on being one of the lawyers who tried to teach companies how to not break the law instead of defending scuzzy ones...I worked for FedEx in house for a few years before I married and they are an awesome company (to give an example) in terms of trying to do the right thing (IMO). Almost time to get ready to go to get my son so we can rush to karate and then for me to come back here and get ready to go to his school for a meeting tonight. As long as I see Project Runway I will be thrilled!


            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

            Good morning family! Bird, I am so excited about your new job! That is so wonderful! :goodjob: Abielle, congrats on 34 AF days! You are doing great! :wd: Ruby, I will continue praying for your niece and the baby. Keep us informed. Alt, sorry you had no water last night. We had a thunderstorm that took out our electricity for 4 hours, but it was nice to sit on the patio and watch it rain! We needed it so badly. Fen, I thought you would be here by now. I laid you out some pecans. My fingers are still so swelled. I wonder if this is normal. I go get my stitches out next Tues. I need someone to help me. I have dug the hole on our 35 acres already, but I need someone who will help me carry out my husband's 200 lb dead body! Please come soon! I hope you all have a wonderful day! I love you! Vicki

            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

              Sick-- I am sorry -- I am new here-- what do you have stitches for? I hope you recover soon! I wish we would get some rain soon-- Lord we need it (okay I am not officially ancient-- Iused to laugh about how my grandparents would call and give me the hospital and weather report and now I do it!) Maybe the hurricane will spawn some wetness over Atlanta way. On another note, my mother called today while I was out walking-- she says she has a question-- I have noticed that when she says that it is basically a ploy to get some sort of dig in and she thinks I will call because a question is a specific thing that requires an answer...since she did have surgery a few weeks ago though and decied to tell me via email I better call her..on the way to carpool where we cannot talk while waiting in line acc to the school. The call will be 5 minutes max!


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                Vick, remember I've a hole for a body the FBI dug once and they won't come back to look for a body there again! :H
                Atl, it's HOT here, isn't it? Hoping for rain too, just no storms! My Momma did that too before she passed away. Sorry to say I dreaded the calls then.

                Really, can it get any more precious??

                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                  hi peeps....snuck out of work a little early without one bit of guilt...
                  ATL my brother is an attorney in Atlanta and my sister in law is a pediatrician. I was born and raised there and still think of it as home.
                  Vicks...babe...I won't quit without another job. I complain alot, but I ain't that stupid!!!
                  Awsome on the new job birdie:goodjob:
                  Sunni - I am glad you have enjoyed discussing my coconuts so freely.....:H
         is your grumpy self today???:h
                  I am a cancer survivor too.....10 years on 9/
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                    ALT, I had carpal tunnel surgery 10 days ago. I let it get too bad and I was in so much pain, so I finally went to the doctor and he did the surgery that next morning! I am feeling so much better and don't have those shooting pains anymore. PTL! So you live in Atlanta, too, where Ruby lives! We are going to a Joyce Meyer conference there in a month and we are going to Ruby's beautiful cabin. You should join us! Ruby, I am on my way, hubs is in the back of the truck passed out from pain pills! Let's keep this a secret, okay? :lalala:
                    I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                    but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                    There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                      I SOOOOOOOO wanna go on that trip Vicki...jusy bad timing empty wallet!!
                      AND.....why are you driving young lady???
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                        oooops..I get it...that was a joke...duh!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                          hey there everyone looks like everyone is doing their best keep it goiong and well still looking for work and working off what we owe hoping to be done with that after this rental and then start making money and well tomorrow we'll start picking more avocodoes and hope sales are better this weekend .. but we still have so many and sue is now making awesome quamoly ... well love and big hugs later
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                            Mama-- If your brother is in a big firm I bet one of us knows him-- we were with some of the heavy hitters in ATL and my husband still is-- after practicing here for 20 years he knows lots of folks. Of course I understand if you want to keep anonymous! We go to Piedmont Pediatrics and I love our son's doc-- her name is Elizabeth Griffith. Atlanta is a fun place--lots of fun for a young person for sure.

                            Sick-- I am so sorry about that carpal tunnel-- I know that can be awful!

                            Rubes-- I tried to call my mom back and no answer -- left a message so at least I responded -- of course hers referenced how I never answer when it is her -- gee wonder why? I have a school meeting tonight so she will likely call and my husband will answer and she will try to see if she gets different answers to the same question-- she is the most suspicious person ever born (with no reason to be). Maybe she has hacked into my email again and would like to ask me a question about something that I wrote to someone about her that she was never meant to see like she did a couple of months ago!


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                              Can't believe your mother would do that, ATL. Unbelievable! Someone hacked my son-in-law's Facebook account, saying 'Is anyone overseas? I need help right now. Emergency!' His friends were going crazy trying to get him, even his brother. Of course it was someone over there running a scam.
                              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST

                                GREAT... now he has gout in his knee! From his knee down to his foot is doubled in size today! Is alcohol really worth all this pain, babe? Atleast he can't drive for a few days, so he's going to have no choice but to dry out! If I could ever get him to going 2 weeks AF, I think he would realize how much better he felt! He also takes MY pain pills like candy! What to do...what to do with him? Where is our sweet Grateful? Hope all of you had a better day than I did! ALT, call me Vicki. I hate being "sick of being sick, even though I am! Love you all, Vicki

                                Oh, no, can someone please make this pic smaller? I have been working on it forever and getting really frustrated!

                                I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                                but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                                There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                                "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13

