Gosh ....Biz that is something now. I hate to even post about my problem after that but here goes.....my kid got pissed off at me today about dumb stuff and then I went to town. So her sis calls me saying she got a knife (suppossedly to cut herself with) and ran away and she couldnt find her...well I came home and headed straight for the pond cuz she cant swim and then I am all over the woods looking so then I cal 911 and 2 cops come out and so then here she comes walking down the road and they talk to her awhile and then they talk to me, say she says we dont communicate, so they leave and I cry cry then try to talk to her and she doesnt want to talk so then she want on pc and I say no cuz she broke my flower pot and took my clothes off the line when she ran away...now she is mad again and so I'm thinkin I wanna quit my new job so I will be home more and try to connect with her....does it ever end??? geez so I gotta call her counselor tomorrow morn...I am just sick
No announcement yet.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Gosh ....Biz that is something now. I hate to even post about my problem after that but here goes.....my kid got pissed off at me today about dumb stuff and then I went to town. So her sis calls me saying she got a knife (suppossedly to cut herself with) and ran away and she couldnt find her...well I came home and headed straight for the pond cuz she cant swim and then I am all over the woods looking so then I cal 911 and 2 cops come out and so then here she comes walking down the road and they talk to her awhile and then they talk to me, say she says we dont communicate, so they leave and I cry cry then try to talk to her and she doesnt want to talk so then she want on pc and I say no cuz she broke my flower pot and took my clothes off the line when she ran away...now she is mad again and so I'm thinkin I wanna quit my new job so I will be home more and try to connect with her....does it ever end??? geez so I gotta call her counselor tomorrow morn...I am just sick
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
NoraC;1170325 wrote: Hey Jan. I went off it. Mistake.I'm actually trying to get some Naltrexone. I've been doing a LOT of reading about it. Not having much luck getting a prescription for it so think I'm going to go thru River Pharmacy. I haven't been doing great with the cravings and this is supposed to work on the cravings. I'll keep you posted.
Ironing! YUCK!!:H:H
Vicki sent me addresses but, in a fit of uber stupidity, I accidently deleted the lot. I'd love to be able to get them all again (hint, hint, Vick, but not if you have to type them all out again. I can wait till your hand's better).
Biz, what a terrible tragedy for your family. I know it's never far from your mind, but this development must be like ripping the scab off the wound again, making all the raw emotions come up again. Here in Australia we've just had a similar case broken. Daniel Morcombe was a 14 year old boy who disappeared 7 years and nine months ago. His body was never found, but a couple of weeks ago an arrest was made and a search for Daniel's remains began. Bones were found along with shoes the same as he was wearing when he went missing. Only yesterday the DNA testing confirmed that the remains were, in fact, Daniel's. This has been a really high profile case from the beginning, with the parents showing amazing strength and dignity. This is news they did and yet didn't want. A nation has been moved by this tragedy, and the grace and generosity of the parents sharing this very personal grief with the media has brought child abduction into the limelight. I would like to learn more about your case. Maybe you or another jammer can point me in the right direction. Also, maybe some of you might like to google Daniel Morcombe.
Thanks all, for the lovely comments on my photo. RC, I like my hair a bit darker, too, but my hair throws a lot of red and if I go any darker I get a brassy effect. The only way I can go darker is by having it done at a salon, and that's out of the question at the moment. Clairol Nice and Easy Colour Blend is the go. Natural Baby Blonde. It is actually a bit darker than the pic. The flash lit it up a bit making it appear lighter.
Maybe if you just back up a bit, but don't leave all together. You're much too precious here to leave us all wondering about how you're doing. And we would! You know how we worry and care about anyone MIA.
Vicki, well done taking time by the pool for yourself. I might seem a bit tough at times but only because I was the ultimate co-dependent and enabler in my marriage, and it never worked. All it did was suck the life out of me. It achieved nothing. And well done, taking my stand in the spirit in which it was meant.
My one year thingy was finding and joining MWO, not sobriety. Last year in Dos Gatos I was hauled onto the Taco Truck and festooned with toilet paper for Halloween after a rather unfortunate 'slip up.' November was a bit scary, too, towards the end, but it wasn't until December that I started getting it all together.
Fen, how are things progressing at Tick Hollow? I keep singing "So follow me, follow, down to Tick Hollow, and there let us wallow in glorious mud." Don't ask me why, but it's become one of those obsessive thought things and I'm probably going to be stuck with it for life. I'm so glad I don't worry about my obsessions any more...just go with the flow and appreciate the ones that keep me organised and functioning well.
Oh dear, have run out of time again, and missed some of you. Tony, Rog, Ruby, Bird, dear MB, I'll catch you another time. Love and hugs for now, though.:h Mish :h
Never give up...
AF since 25th November, 2011
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Nora, I'll be spending tomorrow at Tick Hollow. Going to prime the bathroom and paint the floor of the loft with some porch paint...clean the main living area and start moving stuff in....yay!!! I picked up some nice art at a garage sale today and yesterday. Things are really starting to come together there.
I hope you are doing okay...:l
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Oh bird! Teenagers are so hard to deal with...call her counselor tomorrow. Perhaps the two of you can have an appointment together? She wants communication but refused to talk with you? You were right to deny her computer time after her stunts. Hang in there...:l
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Haven't been able to be here all day much, but Birdie Baby, teens think everything is the end of the world. Wish we could let them see reality. Consider having her volunteer at nursing homes, for the Red Cross, etc., so she can see what angst is about. I know you're worried sick though.
I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow. And Biz, you have been on my heart all day. Just nothing I can say since I can't fathom how anyone could do that. She needs to be removed from society, definitely.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
ATL - so sorry about your headache. I tried acupuncture for my alcoholism but didn't have any results. But, I know people that have had great results for other things. My niece actually used it when she was trying to conceive and has 3 beautiful children now.
Bird - I'm so sorry. :l The teenage years are so hard. I am so sorry but you are right. You do need to stand firm on this. I hope that talking to the counselor tomorrow will help. Oh friend.....I am so sorry.
Mish - thank you friend. Glad to hear another positive thing about the Naltrexone. It would be so expensive for you to send me the med. But, I appreciate you thinking of me. I am frustrated that I'm having so much trouble getting a Doctor to listen but I am still optimistic about this.
Fennel - I'm so happy to hear that Tick Hollow is coming together!!! I honestly would love to see it when I'm back there. Probably next year though.
Take care everyone............."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Good Morning everyone
Bird - so sorry to hear of your problems - just do your best as a mother - I wondered often if my daughter and I would BOTH survive those teen years. They are hard and I empathize with you.
Mish - laughed at your song for Fen re Tick Hollow! Yes, lots of mud there when it rains!
Biz - hope you are hanging in there - have things quietened down a bit re the reporters? When does the trial start? You and Mrs Biz are in my prayers....
Fen - Tick Hollow is coming along SO nicely - you have worked really hard there - it should be so nice for you when it is finished.
Grateful - sorry to hear about the flood damage - but so plaeased you are all okay....
Tony - hope you have weathered the storm okay? let us know..
ATL - Happy Anniversary - hope you and hubs have a good time out together - wherever you end up - hopefully not at Lowes !!! :H
Ruby - good talking yesterday - try and take things easy and get thee to the dentist!!
Rog - hang in there and stay strong - you are an amazing young man!!
Jan - are you feeling a bit better today?? As RC says - right foot, left foot, repeat.....
RC - how are things going with you today? Hope work is picking up for you...:l:l
Vicki - so pleased to hear you spent some time out by the pool resting and doing nothing - yeh for you! About time you started doing that!!
nora - Lovely to see you here last night - I was going to post then got caught up in something else and ended up going to bed without posting, but 'hi' now!!
Love and hugs to all,
Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Howdy everyone.......my power has been out for the past couple days. This is the first time I've been able to contact anybody. "That's quite a list of people you have their Sunshine"....I'm not on it but I'm doing fine ! Ha! Hope everybody is recovering from the storm. I know a lot of you might of only got a glancing blow.....but the rest of us had some pretty hard rain and heavy winds. Keep Jamin' man ! Tony
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Hey everbuddy. It's Monday!
Biz, I've read all the news articles I could bring up about your tragedy. I can't imagine how you and your wife have kept your sanity all these years. A child's loss is an unhealing wound, but to have him snatched from you by someone you trusted with his care! I was particularly appalled at the reports of her coming to you for money, and stealing from you during your grief. Maybe God has forgiven her, and maybe you can someday, but she has the legal system to answer to now. You'll need to be strong together over the coming legal wranglings. Maybe she'll plead out to save you all reliving the worst time of your life. You'll be in my prayers throughout whatever happens.
MB, I know you won't be reading this but wish we'd plan to have lunch while you're in Atl. Next time, OK?
Mish, my hair has a mind of it's own, and I think it's lost it. :H Never does the same thing two days in a row.
Sunni, I guess you'll be at your 2nd home today? (work) Are you planning your fall garden?
Birdie, hope the counselor will give you some good advice today. Let us know how your little chick is doing, OK?
Vick, hope both of you are feeling better today. I'm getting excited about the visit - it'll be here before you know it!
RC, hope you have a great day at the shop. Keep smiling, hon.
Fen, your pioneer skills are being tested, huh? I enjoy a good remodelling challenge, as long as it's not a rental! We have 2 vacant houses, another being remodelled, and someone already wants the one that won't be ready for months yet.
Tony, did you wash away? We haven't had rain in forever.
T, wishing you luck this week with your phone ringing.
Nora, I hope you get things worked out with your medicine. You need one less thing to worry about. What's the update on your sick family members.
ATL, I haven't had time to get to my e-mails. I cleaned my office and the coke room, made dinner, did some canning so by the time I fed all the animals I was whipped. Didn't even stay up to watch my fav shows.
Hubs has already called with his daily 'to do' list, like I don't have my own 10 page one! Anyone still watching 'True Blood'? It's not as good I don't think, as it first was.
It nice and cool outside right now. This weekend is the annual arts and crafts festival about a mile from here, next to one of my rentals. Over 35 years, and sometimes the crowds are unbelieveable. Glad it's just 3 days. Law enforcement HATES it, because everyone for 20 miles in every direction has a yard sale then. We used to have a 'RESIDENT' tag for our car just to be allowed on the local roads!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
I'm going to take pictures at Tick Hollow today, as I finally found my camera!!!! It was beneath the passenger seat of the fennelmobile.
I hope that everybody here has a fabulous Monday. :h
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Hi all
I do not want to go to work. I feel not that great. I called my kids counselor and talked to her a bit. I wish I could just curl up in my hammock and stay there all day. I just might do that and just go to my teaching job this afternoon. It is such a nice morning it shouldn't be wasted in a loud shop huh? I need the birdies and flowers to soothe me....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!!FOR AUGUST
Bird, do what your heart and body are telling you to do today. Glad you got to talk to the counselor. Try and convince your baby 'this too shall pass' and things will get better. And don't forget this puts a lot of pressure on her sister. They are both wonderful girls.
Fen, we were missing Hubs work camera for over a year (they bought him another one). Found it in a pair of boots he never wore. I use my I-phone almost exclusively now. Oh, and they're buying him one of those too (so they came keep him on an even tighter tether!) He's just figured out all the bells and whistles on the phone he's had for two years. He said they asked if he wanted an I-phone or a Blackberry, told them I-phone since I've had each. So we'll be adding yet another phone to our drawer full. Can't wait to see the pics!
And Tony, stay off the roads! This flooding is just devastating. The news is saying it may be a week before power is restored everywhere.
Poor Grate! She certainly doesn't need this trouble!
A friend sent me this. It's so touching, but I'll warn you it is haunting.
Taylor Storch Video - Mother Hears her Daughter's Heart Beat Againsigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.