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AF for Augst

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    AF for Augst

    I'm in for August!

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      AF for Augst

      Had some real hurdles in the past couple of days, my biggest client is going out of business and my 13 year relationship is really on the rocks (no pun intended). In the past the slightest hint of this kind of trouble would have me flying to the store to stock up. Although I have not gone without temptation I'm getting through it all sober because I finally "get it". Nothing is better with alcohol. Upward and onward with a very sober August!
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        AF for Augst

        allswell;1156986 wrote: Had some real hurdles in the past couple of days, my biggest client is going out of business and my 13 year relationship is really on the rocks (no pun intended). In the past the slightest hint of this kind of trouble would have me flying to the store to stock up. Although I have not gone without temptation I'm getting through it all sober because I finally "get it". Nothing is better with alcohol. Upward and onward with a very sober August!
        "Nothing is better with alcohol." Isn't that the truth? We justify having a drink because of stress, but alcohol only makes things worse. The problem or stress is still there. Day 22 for me!


          AF for Augst

          Day 3 for me. So far so good. Tonight after 6pm will be my test- the first night my hubby is working until 10pm and I have the kids alone. Wine is my downfall. There isnt any in the house. Went to the health food store and started the supplements and am listening to a hypnosis cd. Good Luck everyone!!


            AF for Augst

            Only day 7 ... But it is a start - the best AF stretch I have had in a long time


              AF for Augst

              Alexaluke--How are you doing? Good for you for getting supplements and the CDs. Stay strong!

              EG--7 days is great!


                AF for Augst

                Day 16 for me, I have a broken car and modem lol so I will check in more as soon as I can!


                  AF for Augst

                  I'm staying af for august day 76 for me


                    AF for Augst

                    Day 3 starts.
                    This is often where I crash and burn, so I'm being extra careful today. Off to buy some jasmine tea and a decent film for this evening. Something life-affirming, but not Hollywood.
                    What the heck ... I may even go for summut with subtitles, and without explosions:-)


                      AF for Augst

                      Thanks for thinking of me Flyaway. Made it through the night even after a visit at my neighbors and the girls were drinking wine. I just said I was taking care of the kids so I didnt want to drink. I missed it but felt great to enjoy my kids and have some tea and go to bed sober last night. On to Day 4!! May be hard tonite- hubby home so will be harder to resist but I wont have it in the house. HAve a great day everyone!!


                        AF for Augst

                        Hang in there everybody! We can do this! Day 75 here and trust me, it does get easier.
                        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                          AF for Augst

                          Day 3 ending:
                          Today hasn't been so bad. I've been lying on the sofa reading 'The Zen of Recovery' (AGAIN!) whilst at the same time watching 'Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring' which is the most beautiful film I've ever seen, like .. ever! It was recommended to me by Spotty Youth from the video shop after spotting me browsing the arthouse section miles away from the 'Bang Wollop Cheesey Pants' section where I am usually to be found.

                          'I'm feeling a bit thoughful today, has this got lots of spiritual..ness in it?'
                          'It's not your usual fare, if that's what you mean, and Transporter 3 is overdue by the way' squeaked the spotty, young herbert.
                          I decided to ignore both his patronising tone and his appalling collection of skin diseases.

                          'I'm a bit fed up of explosions and Hollywood if I'm honest. I'm off the booze for a bit, I'm bored and I'm seeking something with a bit more depth.'
                          He paused for a moment and looked me up and down. 'It is a beautiful film, are you questioning your sexuality?'
                          'I'm not questioning anything except the meaning of life and all that's in it'
                          'Having your period?'
                          'Stop being so genitalist m'laddio, and any more of that I'm going to set about you with a good stout stick'
                          'So, just pretentious then', followed by 'Arrgh', and 'Ow, where'd you get that stick from?' *

                          Every day is a learning experience. Today I have learned that as long as I'm not bored I can get through the day without a little helper. I have also found that Korean films are superb, and further, it's quite clear that my current circle of friends and colleagues are entirely suspicious of my need for an experience that doesn't involve sport, talking about women or minor violence.

                          * the above conversation may bear only a slight relation to actual events.


                            AF for Augst

                            This is a great and growing group here - a few with strong wings who've been flying for awhile and a few of us who are building up those wing muscles.

                            I've been spending a lot of time reading everything I can find about the devastating effects alcohol has on the body. My 53rd year on earth is coming up this month. I want more.

                            I can feel my body healing already. The depression has lifted. The sores on my face are gone. The color has returned to my face and the bloating is gone. My husband remarked that I looked like I lost 10 pounds and 10 years in just one week. Remarkable.

                            There's still a lot of healing to do.

                            Vanilla, might I offer a suggestion for your movie tonight? Find something that will make you releases endorphins naturally. One of my favorite movies that is somewhat meaningful, yet funny at the same time is called, "The Closet." It is French. There is a scene that makes me laugh so hard I cry - everytime. I rent this movie once every year or so!
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              AF for Augst

                              Thank you Turnagain, that film sounds superb. The guys on IMDB and RottenTomatoes seem to have loved it and, for me, the thought of Depardieu and Auteuil back together again makes me shiver with anticipation. I saw them both in Jean de Florette, a simply delicious film.

                              I know what you mean about the body healing. I'm waiting for the un-bloatedness to begin. I've been through this a number of times now, and it tends to kick in at around day 7 or 8.

                              Good sign is that I was absolutely ravenous this morning but when I'm drinking I can only stomach a coffee and a fag first thing. My body is beginning to feel like its supposed to.

                              Its only a few days clear but I'm fairly happy with little steps, small rewards.


                                AF for Augst

                                Akazia--It's a pity about your car and modem. Hope that you can get them fixed soon.

                                Merry--WTG on day 76! :goodjob:

                                Alexa--I hope you made it through the night. Nicely done staying sober with the neighbors.

                                DA--Day 75! Woo Hoo!

                                VOP--Your dialogue with the film clerk had me rolling on the floor! Are you a writer? :H

                                Turnagain--Congratulations on your progress. The physical changes come quickly, don't they?

