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AF for Augst

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    AF for Augst

    Day 78 and I am home from the water park. I had a great time, and got burned a little bit but I will be ok. While I was there I saw that AL was being served (beer and wine coolers with 1 beer only) and my AL voice tried the 1 beer won't hurt and I deserve a beer for all the hard work that I did. But I didn't listen to the voice. I said no and told the voice that I quit drinking. Thing is 1 beer will hurt, and 1 beer will undo all the hard work that I did to make it to day 78 and that makes it 11 weeks today.
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


      AF for Augst

      good for you Alison! That is a hard voice to shake, especially at summertime festivities.


        AF for Augst

        Day16 and I can't believe that I have been this successful. Yesterday was a big hurdle. Family wedding with lots of AL flowing for more than 6 hours. I did it! There was a bit of craving but really not much (BAC is working!). It was strange though. I felt uneasy and had a hard time making small talk. I am guessing I have to learn how to socialize without drinking. My Dad asked me why I was not drinking and I said I was taking a break. He said that I should not have planned it around this party. I told him I might never drink again. He looked at me funny and then just hugged me and god me he was happy for me and proud of me. I was floored! It is the first time I have told anyone other than my husband in my family that I am not drinking, maybe ever. It felt scary but good. I am looking forward to the day when I can say loud and proud " I don't drink"......


          AF for Augst

          Your example is giving me strength, GT. I'm on Day 16, too. This next week is Trigger-O-rama Temptation Palooza.

          Tomorrow is my b-day. Husband wants to break out a 'special' bottle we brought back from Argentina.

          Wednesday, we head outta here to go to a family wedding at a resort in the Lower 48.

          I've been quitting and failing for more than 5 years now. I really thought once I broke the daily habit that I could drink moderately. I can't.

          This Saturday, while reading through some posts on the forum, something clicked. I was able to say out loud...."I will not drink again....NO MATTER WHAT."

          It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. AND this decision is like putting on booze-repellent armor...that will help me stand strong in my plan:

          I will not have even a sip of that special bottle for my b-day (We'll just start having more dinner parties with friends who like fine wine to liquidate the Argentinian stash in the basement)

          Our hotel fridge will not be filled with will be full of cool icy water.

          And yes - I'll happily toast the bride and groom with my glass of sparkling lemon water. I plan to offer my services that evening as a designated shuttle driver to help overindulging guests get back to their hotels safely.
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            AF for Augst

            Your example is giving me strength, GT. I'm on Day 16, too. This next week is Trigger-O-rama Temptation Palooza.

            Tomorrow is my b-day. Husband wants to break out a 'special' bottle we brought back from Argentina.

            Wednesday, we head outta here to go to a family wedding at a resort in the Lower 48.

            I've been quitting and failing for more than 5 years now. I really thought once I broke the daily habit that I could drink moderately. I haven't been able to do that so far.

            This Saturday, while reading through some posts on the forum, something clicked. I was able to say out loud...
            "I will not drink again....NO MATTER WHAT."

            It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. In fact, it actually felt really good! This decision is like putting on booze-repellent armor...that will help me stand strong in my specific plan this week:

            I will not have even a sip of that special bottle for my b-day (We'll just start having more dinner parties with friends who like fine wine to liquidate the Argentinian stash in the basement)

            Our hotel fridge will not be filled with will be full of cool icy water.

            And yes - I'll happily toast the bride and groom with my glass of sparkling lemon water. I plan to offer my services that evening as a designated shuttle driver to help overindulging guests get back to their hotels safely.

            Last year, had this set of circumstances presented itself, I would already be drinking. Would've cracked the first cold one right around 11 am and would've found a way to drink til I was buzzed everyday for the next week and a half. I would've returned from the trip full of remorse. I would probably try to quit again...but then fail. AGAIN. Most likely this next bender would've lasted until January 1. At that point, I would've probably try to 'quit' yet again. It might've lasted a week or so - or even a month or two. Then, something would come up and I'd figure I'd have 'just one.' And I'd be back where I started. Actually I'd be further back and my body would be even more damaged.

            I can see that in the future, because this has been my past.

            So...NO MORE for me. This is it.

            I don't drink. I choose life.
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              AF for Augst

              i would like to participate!

              i would like to join with you all to be AF for August. i really need help and support...desperately
              I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
              sober since 2/4/12


                AF for Augst

                Hi TA - Good job on day 16. After looking at my journal I realized I was one day off and I was actually at 17! Nice to know that we can have enough AF days to lose track! Now I just need to learn to type without typos in my posts - caught 2 of them in my 2 posts today. Good luck on your trigger week - stay strong! I have another hurdle next weekend. It is my anniversary on Friday and we have a Family reunion where drinking has always been a major issue for me (and frankly everyone else too!) I am going to use your example and offer to be the designated driver. Have a good week!


                  AF for Augst

                  Day 83 and gearing up to another AF weekend! How is everyone doing?
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    AF for Augst

                    Only on Day 2, but feeling good about it. Day 1 was less scary than I thought it would be! Feeling happy and positive after waking up hangover-free :-)
                    AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                    Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                    Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                    Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                      AF for Augst

                      DriftyAlison--You battled the voice at the water park and won! Kicking ass on Day 83!

                      Getting There--What a sweet story about you and your father! He sounds so proud of you! Getting through one hurdle makes the next one easier. It's good that you've got a plan for handling the family reunion. Just keep on staying strong and saying, "I'm not drinking."

                      TurnAgain--I love your resolve! When you just decide "I don't drink" it makes everything easier. No more thinking about booze. No more rules. No more planning when to start drinking, how much you plan on drinking, remorse when you drink more, embarrassment the next day, etc.

                      Starfairy and Roller--Welcome!

                      I'm on Day 31 and doing well!


                        AF for Augst

                        Doing well! Day 21 and counting!


                          AF for Augst

                          FlyAway - Great job on day 31! Thanks for your helpful support. Last night on my way home from the airport I found myself practicing saying "I don't drink" out loud to myself in the car - it sounded good. I am feeling pretty great. Some SE's from BAC but so much better than the SE's from drinking! I feel clear headed and motivated at work and best of all I don't feel guilty. I could get used to it!


                            AF for Augst

                            Good work everyone! I am watching videos and its reaffirming that I don't miss getting drunk,being drunk, and defiantly don't miss the aftereffects of AL. Day 83 complete (there is no way I am drinking for the night. Got a busy day ahead.
                            I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                            Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                            Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                              AF for Augst

                              Hi All, I'm pretty new here and am just joining the fight for an AF August.

                              Starfairy, are you ok?

                              This is only day 5 for me, but I've gotten 30 before..........determined to make this work.

                              Hope you all have a nice sober evening! Life really is so much better this way.


                                AF for Augst

                                Starfairy is supposed to be going out to dinner tonight with friends. No drinking is the plan. I'll be thinking of you Star and sending along positive vibes.

                                Getting There--Awesome job!

                                Unwasted--Congrats on Day 5!

