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Feeling at loose ends

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    Feeling at loose ends

    Oh, ALT, I hear you loud and clear. We have many things in common. What a load of guano we are expected to carry!

    I am awed by your ability to say "No." I'm working on it. This sounds harsh, but as my father (the controller) is aging and feeling powerless and scared, I now have the control and strength to deal with him. I know that's not the healthy way to feel empowered, but at least I am no longer cowed by him, and that's what matters. Having a respectful, normal, adult relationship with him was an impossiblity. Sounds like you and your mother. Plus,your mother controls all, and your father has allowed himself to be emasculated.

    Regardless, you have a child whose happiness and healthiness depends on YOU. You're absolutely right in focusing on that, and doing what's best for you and yours.

    My best to you!
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Feeling at loose ends

      Hello All-- I cannot tell you how touched I was to log on and see someone had asked after me! We are still at the coast where it is incredibly hot--heat index of over 100 daily. We depart at 6 this evening. I have been until last night more relaxed than I have been in quite a while. I suppose I am ruminating on going back home with all its daily grind...My mom came through her surgery okay but they had to go back in because she developed a clot in her leg. She is okay so far-- my sister went down in her continuing bid to be kid of the year--I did call every other day-- where I must admit my mom managed to get the guilt jabs in in even a short conversation (Example: Me: "I saw your next door neighbors at the place we ate last night. Isn't that a small world?" Her: "Did they even recognize you? Did you even speak to them? You are so much larger than you used to be I am sure they did not even know you". Me: "They knew me-- they spoke and asked about you" Her: "well, they would know more about how I am doing than you, it has been so long since you came over here"). At any rate it has been relaxing though I am mulling over some non drink stuff and can't sleep tonight. Hub jumped on me about my comments about my sister sucking up--he is such a peacemaker I guess that is his way--of course as all of us who are married know-- we just want the spouse to agree (ha!) I am hopeful the new school year will bring some good changes. It is a hopeful feeling and I have not felt it often of late. Thanks so much for asking about me. You will never know how much that meant to me!


        Feeling at loose ends

        Hey! I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and glad to hear that you went on vacation and didn't cancel. Best wishes to your mom. I hope she recovers quickly.


          Feeling at loose ends

          I hope for the sake of my dad she does recover quickly-- she cannot drive until August 22 and she is like a caged animal. As he said to me today, she has redecorated the house and solved all the worlds problems 100 times in her mind since she has been stuck at home! I am about to head to the pool then will have to pack up. Hopefully the vacation high will continue for a little longer!


            Feeling at loose ends

            ATLThrash;1162405 wrote: I hope for the sake of my dad she does recover quickly-- she cannot drive until August 22 and she is like a caged animal. As he said to me today, she has redecorated the house and solved all the worlds problems 100 times in her mind since she has been stuck at home! I am about to head to the pool then will have to pack up. Hopefully the vacation high will continue for a little longer!
            :H:H:H Your dad sounds like he has a good sense of humor!


              Feeling at loose ends

              He does- as well as a great selective listening component (hee)!

