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Just Starting out Again

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    Just Starting out Again

    Hi All,

    This is my second time here on this site but this time I am going to stick to this site and follow what i decide. After a binge spree I have decided to quit cold turkey because the tapering stuff was not working. Would appreciate some pointers on this and I am planning to post my progress every day here.

    Warm Regards,


    AF Day 0:thanks:

    Just Starting out Again

    Hey vijay... Well done for giving it another shot. I have only been on here a couple of weeks, (and yes I have slipped) but this is truly a wonderful place full of people with a lot of love. Hope to speak to you more!
    ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


      Just Starting out Again

      Hi Vijay,

      I'm right there with you buddy and an intense few days coming up thanks to my slip up - so will check in with you often.

      Hi Geekteeth also

      If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


        Just Starting out Again

        Hey english writter...stay strong mate!
        ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


          Just Starting out Again

          Update Day 2

          Was not a pleasent experience especially I am doing this without any medicines.

          Shakiness- very mild, Headache- none, Stomach Pain- Slight but subsided, Insomnia- could not sleep till 4, Hallucination- slight towards early mornings but drifted off and could sleep, DT-none. Appetite and Bowels- absolutely normal

          Experience- Every time drifting and rolling on the bed thought about putting the ethanol in so that i can avoid trouble. But guess this is only a matter of couple of days, should get over this unpleasentness.

          Stay Strong,


          AF 2 days


            Just Starting out Again

            Hi vijay I did this without any medications to, pure cold turkey.I more or less stead in a room.The main withdrawals lasted for about 2 weeks,slowly everyday i had some good food lots of water and small exercise like walking.By coming and posting here & reading as much as you can about alcoholism/abusive drinking that will all help,also the tool box here in the monthly thread is well worth a read plus otter posted about books that are the natural way of keeping sober,you will find that in the meds thread,goodluck it can be done,It will get better once you ride it out. (my post a bit all over the place as i am on phone)

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Just Starting out Again

              Thanks Mario,

              Good to hear from you again. You are right, you dont need meds if you are ready to sweat it out carefully. I remember taking your advice and did it last time for close to 2 months with zero withdrawal barring the sleeplessness.




                Just Starting out Again

                Hi all,

                Day 3 Update

                No Shakes, headaches, hallucination, Nausea etc. Feeling good, as I put a lot of vitamins and serotonin boosting foods with hydration. There is a slight pain in the abdomen, guess thats something which will take time considering the punishment i gave by consuming 5 ltrs of whisky in 6-7 days.
                But overall, back to normal and started working too. Guess now its only a matter of taking one day at a time and sticking to the discipline and loving your body.




                  Just Starting out Again

                  Very well done on Day 3!


                    Just Starting out Again

                    Hi All,

                    I think so far the most important update from me.

                    Day 4- Absolutely normal, completely out of withdrawal. Slept like a baby last night, no sweats, dreams, halls etc.
                    I think the diet pattern and the vitamins worked and body and mind has come back to normalcy. All i did was flushed the toxins with Water/electrolytes, Put in lots of fresh foods, Sertonin boosters like turkey, tuna, sunflower seeds etc, Vitamins primarily B, C and Niacin......worked like magic without anti withdrawal or anxiety drugs.....
                    Yah one more magical stuff which helped me Camomile tea..had 2-3 cups every day to fulsh out the bad stuff, put GERD in control and primarily for a good sleep without anxiety.

                    Thank you all for all your support and will be posting soon.

                    Warm Regards,



                      Just Starting out Again

                      What a great update! Do you still have that pain in your abdomen?


                        Just Starting out Again

                        Hey Thanks for your concern FlyAway. Its gone, I guess it was a post binge trauma in form of swelling in the pancreas or inflamattion. Feeling excellent now and the appetite has returned to normal which is hopefully an indication that the healing process has started.

                        Thanks once again and thanks a ton to all the helpful folks here!



                          Just Starting out Again

                          Day 5

                          Feeling amazing and refreashed....Wow this rocks..when you feel this good you wonder why did you ever drink so much.
                          Update on the diet- same complex carbs, turkey, tuna, freshies, vitamins(b, c, niacin)+ added a multi vit with folic and increased a little bit of dairy products like fresh cheeese. Hydration is very importnant min 2 litres of water, ion and electrolyte drinks.

                          I know i might be boring everyone with my daily updates but this helps me to keep a log and be on track...also if this may help someone, I will be very happy.




                            Just Starting out Again

                            Hi Vijay. I'm on day one today. Already shaky and anxious, and feel so consumed with depressing thoughts. I am trying to get through the worst of it while my husband is away, I want him to come home to the fun-loving shiny woman he once married, but it's very lonely and scary. But I will stick to it! I want a life of sobriety. Can anyone give me any advice on how to deal with these first few days? Thank you
                            AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                            Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                            Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                            Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                              Just Starting out Again

                              Dear Rollerblader,

                              You will sail it through. I have fallen innumerable time before but if you are determined you will be able to stay sober. Do not take it as day 1, take it as 1 day at a time. It just like learning something...say skating- you dont get it in day 1 but eventually you will get hang in there and wait for your body to throw the toxins away. I am not too sure how much you been having and your dependency level so I will not comment upon the quitting pattern( I will leave that to the long term abstainers-mentors in the forum) but generally its advisable to consult your GP. I can recommend some diet patterns and vitamins which i have been taking, which I am sure you have read in the previous messages in this same post...

                              Hang in there are going to make it..not just for you but for your family too.

                              All the best


