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Crisis leading to relapse

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    Crisis leading to relapse

    Been absent for a while - due to child in hospital.
    Had a really difficult time and unfortunately did not have the strength to get through it without drinking
    (a lot) Anyway, crisis over now and determined to get back to reality and address my problems.

    I was doing well with a moderation programme where I allowed myself 21 drinks a week.
    3 a day or 6 one day and 0 another. or whatever
    Never a single drop more per week - it was working for me.
    I found that knowing I was "allowed" these drinks meant that I didn't spend the day thinking about whether I was going to drink or not, and some weeks I drank much less than the 21.

    I am really dissapointed in myself now - at a time when I needed to be strong and capable for my child I just went to pieces, and straight back to really heavy drinking.

    I feel such loathing for myself
    My husband is really disapointed in me as well, all this and Christmas coming up - feels so impossible.

    Crisis leading to relapse

    Hiya Changeling..

    Try not to be too hard on yourself....I had a child in hospital for 2 weeks at the beginning of the year.....It is so worrying and stressful..
    I hope he/she is ok now..
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Crisis leading to relapse

      Sometimes life overtakes us and we do things that we shouldn't. Nobody is perfect.
      I know all about the guilt and shame when you feel that you have let someone down badly, but you can't alter the past. You have turned a corner and you're back in the fold. I hope that your husband can see how hard you are trying. Christmas is a trail for many, many shouldn't really be....and the pressure can seem too much. I am giong to try and relax my way through it. Does that make sense?
      I'll be thinking about you .



        Crisis leading to relapse

        Hi Changeling

        I did something similar earlier in the year, my daughter was in hospital for a week having brain surgery, while we were in a didn't drink but the day we got home I was drunk for most of the day. You will get through this, life throws these things at us unfortunately........

        Glad that things are ok for you now.

        Paula :l


          Crisis leading to relapse

          Hi girlie has never been in hospital, but last year, the young man I look after who has special needs, had a VERY serious op and was hospitalised for some time......I love him dearly, and he's not even my son, but i used all my 'off' shifts to fill my face, so can only imagine the stress you are going through...Try not to beat yourself up, (HA!!!!) this must have been a very worrying time, but you seem to be travelling towards the other side and getting back on track...just congratulate yourself for this,and keep going...much love to you and your daughter



            Crisis leading to relapse

            yep i know about relapse as ive relapsed myself , but the important thing to realise is that we CAN get through these relapses everyones circumstances is different i know but we all have strength inside and muster our inner resources and get through it
            i wish you the best


              Crisis leading to relapse

              Hi Changeling,

              It's more important that you get up again than the fact that you slipped. Keep the faith, my dear. You will get up again and fight this fight!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Crisis leading to relapse


                Many thanks to everyone that supported me in this thread.
                Just a quick update, my son had a serious car accident but is receovering well now and was out of hospital over christmas.
                He still has a long recovery ahead but is doing really well.
                Thanks to the support here I am coping well and staying sober and strong for him (and for me)
                first time in years I have got through something big without drinking to oblivion.
                Thanks for being here everyone.
                Happy New Year


                  Crisis leading to relapse

                  Thanks for the update Changeling. Happy 2007 and I hope your son gets well quickly.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Crisis leading to relapse


                    That's wonderful news, both about your son doing so well and you coping very well! Especially since the holidays usually add stress to everthing.

                    Happy New Year and Congratulations!



                      Crisis leading to relapse

                      Changeling, so happy to hear the good news. A great way to start the New Year! Best wishes to you both:h
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Crisis leading to relapse

                        Thanks for keeping us updated changeling, a big :l from us

                        Paula xx


                          Crisis leading to relapse

                          :l :l :l :l
                          Enough is enough


                            Crisis leading to relapse


                            Glad your son is on the mend, and you are doing well also.............HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Today is my first AF day in a while, not feeling too well, but tomorrow wil be better.

                            Welcome 2007!!

                            :l :h


                            Mary Anne

