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Time to try again...

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    Time to try again...

    Ben - great news that you were able to resist the beer temptation. Here's one of my favorite lines for being in a bar with friends and thinking of an escape excuse. I think it's so funny:

    "..........(insert friend's name), I've gotta go........just remembered I don't feel good, and I need to leave. I know, weird, huh?"

    BTW, I'm going on vacation next week - it will be the first I've ever tried to do without drinking, but I'm determined!

    Laurel, I have read about librium being used to help people get started on not drinking so as not to have withdrawals. I don't know anyone who has taken it. How long do they want you on it? Would like to hear more as you go along if you come back to this thread. I think the reminder that alcohol is poison is a powerful one we should all remember on a constant basis!

    Tonstant - here's how you do a link.

    Click on the "Insert Image" icon at the top of your screen (just hold your cursor on top of the images and you'll see it - has a mountain and sun).

    On my computer when I do that, it asks me to allow if I trust the website at the top of my screen (a yellow bar pops up). This may be different on your screen depending on which version of Windows you're running.

    Click the yellow screen and select the drop down box that says "Temporarily Allow Scripted Windows"

    Click the "Insert Image" mountain/sun icon again. A box will pop up that says "Insert URL"

    Delete what's in that box and then copy and paste the URL address you want to add
    (For the Toolbox link, open a different browser window, Open up MWO again separately in that new window go to the Toolbox, open it up, click on the link at the top of your page, right click on it),

    Select "copy", and then go back to the insert URL box on your other screen, right click in it, and then click paste, and then OK.

    Whew - ok I'm officially spent after making my brain do that.

    Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

    Great job everyone on maintaining your resolve. I'm there too! Feeling so great, and hoping that this is truly my time to give it up.


      Time to try again...

      I just want this anxiety to go. I am committed to embracing sobriety, but I can't stop feeling so shaky and scared. It seems to be a lonely place right now. Can anyone offer any advice?
      AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
      Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
      Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
      Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


        Time to try again...

        Rollerblader, for me, the the anxiety left when I stopped drinking. Can you go to a doctor? Maybe they could give you something to get you started - some anti-anxiety med? I'm not a meds person but if I had to do it to get started, I would definitely consider.....

        I know some people will come along with additional advice. Have you tried the Toolbox? I think many have had luck with some natural avenues like lots of water with lemon, etc. I know the Toolbox is full of ideas. Here's a link:

        Be sure to scroll through the pages - some things get buried.


          Time to try again...

          Rollerblader;1161777 wrote: I just want this anxiety to go. I am committed to embracing sobriety, but I can't stop feeling so shaky and scared. It seems to be a lonely place right now. Can anyone offer any advice?
          It IS a scary place, but once you get past the fear, which passes quickly, it becomes a great place! Waking up sober is a gift to be thankful for every day. Not doing embarrassing or hurtful things while drunk is a great feeling. Going into work feeling productive offers much more security. As for lonely, just hang out here a lot. You won't feel lonely for long!
          Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


            Time to try again...

            Ben, That's great about being able to go to a restaurant and stay AF! I did that once about two days in and was ok, but it still makes me nervous, wondering if I will have the willpower next time to say "Just some iced tea please." Ok, this is going to sound like a broken record: Let's just get through today.

            Unwasted, Thanks, and phfew, I'm tired after reading all that too. But I will try it, thanks. I feel like you and I are at about the same place in this journey, so it feels good to have a buddy.

            Laurel, I'm going to remember that line about battery acid and congrats on going for help. I haven't even had the courage to make an appt. with my doctor and 'fess up, but as soon as a few pounds come off I plan to do that.
            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


              Time to try again...

              Bean--Do you have a sobriety plan? If you want sobriety to stick you should have a plan as to how you're going to accomplish it. Desire and muscle most likely will not be enough. You can download the MWO book from the Health Store at the top of the page. Or there are some books in the "What We're Reading" forum on the main forums page. The MWO book talks about supplements that you can get at a health food store and prescription meds that your doctor can give you that can help you through this. You can also buy hypnotic tapes to help you stop drinking. Some people meditate. Some exercise. Some use visualization. In the tool box you'll find all sorts of techniques that have helped people along the way. I personally don't use prescription meds, but have found that L-Glutamine helps tremendously with cravings. As for the anxiety problem, Gaba is a great supplement for anxiety. Some find it more useful than prescription meds.


                Time to try again...

                Ben, hope you're still doing well - let us know.

                Tonstant, we do sound like we're on similar paths. Thanks for posting and let's do keep up with each other. You and Fly have good advice and I enjoy reading your entries. Fly, I'm with you on the natural rather than prescription route. I used the L-Glut and lots of lemon water when I began.

                Strength to us all!


                  Time to try again...

                  I am finding that it is helpful looking just 2 or 3 days ahead at what is coming, and see in my mind how much better it will all go if I don't drink. For example, on Saturday morning I am leaving on a 10 hour drive from CA to Arizona with my son. Obviously, drinking on Friday night would be a huge mistake. Driving 600 miles with a hangover is unimaginable. Then, I am just hanging out with my son at his apt. Sat. night, so that'll be easy. Sunday, I fly back to CA so I'll be too busy to drink! So looking ahead at the best case scenario gives me motivation to follow through and handle it that way. My biggest concern is that I have a 2 hour layover in the airport, and the bar is literally 10 feet from my boarding gate. I have sat in there many times and put away 5 or 6 ice cold 20 oz. beers before boarding the plane. (But, there is also a Burger King right next to the bar! Maybe a burger and a diet coke this time, instead of no food and just beer.)
                  When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
                  You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
                  On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

                  You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

                  Then You Stand.


                    Time to try again...

                    Keep it going Beano! You can do it.


                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Time to try again...

                      Good plan, Ben. I find that food helps tremendously!


                        Time to try again...

                        Ben, I can see where planning out ahead can be beneficial and it sounds as if you are looking ahead to see how to avoid drinking, which is good. In the airport, keep reminding yourself that boarding a plane after having had several beers is really not a good idea. I know someone who was tossed off a plane for being drunk, and it just isn't a good picture to present to the flight attendants, your seatmate and others on the plane.

                        I went to a wedding about a month ago where I was determined not to drink because the bride's mother is my secretary and I sure didn't want her to see me pound down the drinks. I managed not to drink at all, but I was very curious to see two women at my table who also work with me and how they drank. Each ordered one glass of wine and sipped it for hours. In that same space of time i would have downed at least three or four glasses and have been on my way to drunktown. I also would never have noticed how little they drank. I was so glad I didn't embarrass myself that way. Just wish I had made that my first AF day as the subsequent weeks were not pretty!

                        My point is just that when we are drinking, we don't notice that most people around us do not get carried away and most people who board planes don't drink in the bar ahead of time at all.

                        Great work, though, on making it through another day! And on having a plan for the weekend!
                        Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                          Time to try again...

                          How ya doin' Ben?
                          Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                            Time to try again...

                            How ya doin' Ben?
                            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                              Time to try again...

                              Doin' real good, thanks! We even went to Applebee's for dinner this evening... first thing I see is the drink menu, with a picture of a tall, frosty beer. I was indeed VERY tempted. But, my resolve was strong and I stayed focused on what I had ahead of me - driving home, first of all (not that I was the only one who could drive, but still. In the past I simply would have said, well, my wife can drive home so I can have beers if I want...). Also, I need to go to bed and sleep well, as I have a 10 hour drive tomorrow. So, I have remained AF since this past Sunday, and this weekend should be fairly easy. As I said before, the airport will be the biggest temptation, especially since I will be alone. (If nobody sees me, I can hide it, lie about it, right? I hate having those thoughts!!) But I am looking forward to making the long drive tomorrow with a clear head, and well rested!

                              Thank You so much for continually asking me how I'm doing; checking up on me. I honestly appreciate it! And I am being very honest with myself about all this (for once), so you can rest assured I will always answer you truthfully as well - even if I fall off. Still going strong though!

                              Thanks again,

                              Ben ("Beano")
                              When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
                              You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
                              On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

                              You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

                              Then You Stand.


                                Time to try again...

                                ... also, I should add, that even though I started this thread, in search of help and support, I don't mean to make it all about me! I am quite interested in hearing the stories of others, and lending my support to all of you in any way I can... :thumbs:
                                When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
                                You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
                                On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

                                You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

                                Then You Stand.

