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Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

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    Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

    Please tell me vacation sober is just as fun as when you are drunk. We leave in two weeks and I am scared it will be my downfall. I don't think I have vacationed sober since 1988, when I was 13 and had my first margarita with my friend's mom in Mexico.

    Any advice you can give? I am having a hard time picturing myself out by the pool without drink in hand. I'm actually considering cancelling. I'm really that concerned about tripping up while out of town.
    ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb

    Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

    Going on a vacation without drinking is actually more fun. I was so worried when my fiance and I went to Fiji that I'd crave the poolside drinks and wine at dinner at the very least. I understand.

    One thing you can look forward to is a clear head in the morning. It is priceless even more so on vacation. And is addictive once you get into it.

    You can actually do more activities if you feel like it and really get the most benefit out of the relaxation then you'd even realize. I've been on a few sober vacations since I started AF and one thing I always do is look forward to them.

    At the pool I order virgin drinks and they are just as satisfying. I only feel like one.. compared to my 3 to..... 4? 5? pool cocktails that always made me bloated.


      Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

      Someone said in another thread today, in effect, you will never regret not drinking. So true! Why do you feel you will fail? Honestly, if you're that worried and really feel that it's a possibility that you'll drink and canceling is an option, cancel. Your sobriety is the most important thing in your life right now. More important than your job or your family because you can lose both of them without your sobriety. If you want your family to be #1 in your life then you can't drink.


        Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

        Margaret, I'm going on my first ever nondrinking vacation starting next week. I'm determined not to falter because I really am committed to staying sober. I'm too new at this to give advice, but just wanted you to know that I'm in the same boat. Right now I'm not worried, but am aware that I shouldn't get complacent either.

        If I find any specific tips for us, I'll post them.

        Stay strong - it will be so worth it. I DON'T WANT TO CRATER AND HAVE TO START OVER!


        I agree with Fly, I would cancel if I really though I couldn't do it.

        Strength to us both!! We can do it.


          Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

          I recently had my first AF vacation.
          It was not always easy when I had a craving, but I did not give in. I agree with choice though, I think it was more fun. I wanted to do more, I remember EVERYTHING, and it lasted longer since I didn't get tired and want to sleep extra because of AL. The thing is, I could have had a drink, but 1 would not have been enough, and it would have led to me being in a state either physical or mental I would have regretted. So instead I enjoyed every minute. I would do it the same all over again, and I look forward to my next AF vacation.
          Good luck!

          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


            Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

            Sun - thank you for these words -- makes me look forward to trying it out AF!


              Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

              sunshinetoday;1161848 wrote: I recently had my first AF vacation.
              It was not always easy when I had a craving, but I did not give in. I agree with choice though, I think it was more fun. I wanted to do more, I remember EVERYTHING, and it lasted longer since I didn't get tired and want to sleep extra because of AL. The thing is, I could have had a drink, but 1 would not have been enough, and it would have led to me being in a state either physical or mental I would have regretted. So instead I enjoyed every minute. I would do it the same all over again, and I look forward to my next AF vacation.
              Good luck!

              Good for you! I've been to several events where I would normally have been drinking like there was no tomorrow, but stayed sober. And it really was more fun and enjoyable, and I had no regret or embarrassment the next day and
              I remembered everything!


                Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

                FlyAway;1161859 wrote: Good for you! I've been to several events where I would normally have been drinking like there was no tomorrow, but stayed sober. And it really was more fun and enjoyable, and I had no regret or embarrassment the next day and I remembered everything!
                I agree totally. I go to Karaoke shows sober now and I have more fun both during and after. Being sober is so much better. I was at a karaoke/band show last night (they had a few bands before Karaoke) and I stayed sober the entire time and had fun, the Karaoke host got real drunk, had a tab that according to how the bartender said it was big, and was acting like a dick so he got cut off and had to drink water. And I was thinking to myself when he did get cut off that wow I no longer have to worry about being cut off because I am no longer drinking. And that was a real good feeling.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

                  FlyAway;1161859 wrote: Good for you! I've been to several events where I would normally have been drinking like there was no tomorrow, but stayed sober. And it really was more fun and enjoyable, and I had no regret or embarrassment the next day and I remembered everything!
                  I agree totally. I go to Karaoke shows sober now and I have more fun both during and after. Being sober is so much better. I was at a karaoke/band show last night (they had a few bands before Karaoke) and I stayed sober the entire time and had fun, the Karaoke host got real drunk, had a tab that according to how the bartender said it was big, and was acting like a dick so he got cut off and had to drink water. And I was thinking to myself when he did get cut off that wow I no longer have to worry about being cut off because I am no longer drinking. And that was a real good feeling.

                  And also pop taste better then AL any day.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    Going on vacation for the first time...SOBER.

                    Great story, Drifty - congrats on being able to be in a setting like that and not partake - a show of real intelligence and strength! I'm impressed.

