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MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

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    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

    This has nothing to do with this thread, but have you all read Zenny's DRUMMER thread and voted?

    Keep the piccies coming Enja. they're great.

    That is one handsome policeman, did you get his number by any chance?

    Chinatowns are just so colourfully tacky and tasteless...... but fun.......


      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

      Checking in with thanks here too. Eye candy of all sorts going on with this visit! From architecture, horticulture, doggie delicatessen and boutique, divine looking healthy treats and on it goes. I would love to explore those bottles and potions in Chinatown and purchase a doggie biscuit in that bakery for My Mia. Looks like you're having as much fun as we all are Enja. Look forward to more adventures with P and MK.
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

        expat3;1265195 wrote: :H Just brilliant Enja!
        Did you get the policeman's phone number for me???:h
        Thanks, expat!

        That policeman was a real sweetie :lilheart: didn't get his number but I'll ask for you if I see him again! Now I'm not usually the type of person who is bold enough to just walk up to an officer of the law (or anyone really....) and ask if I can take their photo, oh, and btw would they also be kind enough to pose with a couple of very special cuddly toys as well! I started chatting with him because California Street was cordoned off at Kearny, which is the main tourist street in Chinatown and I wanted to know why. A crane on top of the old B of A building was lifting about 6 tons of steel when it malfunctioned around the 50th floor - there was a danger than it could fall so they blocked off the streets and he was there to make sure nobody crossed the line. If you look closely at the top left of the building you can see the box.

        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

          greeneyes;1265293 wrote: Fascinating and gorgeous pictures!!!!! The little outfits are hilarious!

          It has been a long time, but I remember tons of laundry hanging out everywhere when I saw parts of Chinatown. Did you see that, enja?
          Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying pictures and like the little outfits - they were quite a bargain at less than $5 for both!

          I have seen laundry like that hanging outside, on lines and coat hangers, but there wasn't really any on Sunday - maybe Monday is still laundry day there.
          :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

            mama bear;1265349 wrote: Fabulous Enja
            ditto what expatty said..I am booking a ticket right now!!
            LOVE the jammies, and the flowers and the Victorian row houses
            hard to believe so much of the city burned down in 1901.....
            Thank you, mama b. The fire (I'm guessing you mean the one after the '06 earthquake) burned for about four days and was fueled by broken gas lines - efforts to put it out were hampered because the water lines were also broken. The fire burned about 500 blocks but was stopped spreading further west in the city by Van Ness Avenue which was used as a firebreak. Our home was built in 1896 so it's survived the '06 and '89 earthquakes - hope it does just as well in any future ones! :thumbysup:
            :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

              Wally22;1265404 wrote: Wonderful pictures again. Chinatown looks fabulous. Are all your officers that gorgeous???
              Piglet and MK look wonderful dressed in their jammies.
              Thanks, Wally! I think it was my lucky day finding the poster boy for the police force. :H :H
              :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                stirly-girly;1265475 wrote: I just adore the picture. Damn near fell off my chair laughting when I first saw it. Now if you take a closer look at Piglet, you'll see that for once, he's not smiling. His expression is sort of "Hmmmm - I wonder what shape my ears will be in when Enja takes my cap off? And MissK is saying "Do I really have to wear this?" She wouldn't crack a smile if her life depended on it. :H It is a priceless picture tho'. One that will go down in MWO Tour history. Brilliant!!!:goodjob:

                Poor Piglet was very
                stoic while I tried various ways to get his little cap on, unfortunately for him the only way it would stay on was to tuck his ears behind....did you notice the little pigtail that's attached to the back of the cap? :H Miss K is still not speaking to me.....:upset: :H
                :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                  MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                  JackieClaire;1265497 wrote: Sorry I haven't commented before but I'm absolutely green with envy at your beautiful city. Piglet and Missy K must be having a ball.

                  Well done you,Enja.:l

                  Oh and how is the shoe shopping in San Fran
                  Thanks, JC!

                  Shoe shopping is FAB-U-LOUS....I know all the best places - grab your coat and handbag and we'll be off. :yay:
                  :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                    Recluse;1265568 wrote: Like everyone else, I'm really enjoying the pics, especially Chinatown. Thanks, enja.
                    Thank you, :l as you know I wouldn't be here posting and having this wonderful adventure with Piglet and Miss K if it weren't for you!
                    :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                      Thank you Enja I am loving the pictures, you have a really good eye for photography have you trained?
                      As for the little outfits they are just brilliant.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                        Rags;1265658 wrote: This has nothing to do with this thread, but have you all read Zenny's DRUMMER thread and voted?

                        Keep the piccies coming Enja. they're great.

                        That is one handsome policeman, did you get his number by any chance?

                        Chinatowns are just so colourfully tacky and tasteless...... but fun.......

                        Didn't get the policeman's number, but I'm working on it for expat (and a few others) :H

                        I love going to Chinatown and luckily for me if I go downtown or to the FiDi I have to pass through it.
                        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                          RingingCedars;1265712 wrote: Checking in with thanks here too. Eye candy of all sorts going on with this visit! From architecture, horticulture, doggie delicatessen and boutique, divine looking healthy treats and on it goes. I would love to explore those bottles and potions in Chinatown and purchase a doggie biscuit in that bakery for My Mia. Looks like you're having as much fun as we all are Enja. Look forward to more adventures with P and MK.
                          Thank you, RC! I'm definitely having lots of fun showing Piglet and Miss K around EssEff! :h
                          :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                            Late last night when we were all in bed,
                            Old Lady Leary left a lantern in the shed.
                            Well, the cow kicked it over, winked his eye and said:
                            "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!"
                            FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!


                              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                              Tawny, Miss Behaving and Zenny, thanks to y'all too. :l I hope that I haven't missed anyone out...I'm finding it a little bit confuzzling when replying because the posts seem to jump around when I quote and I'm not always too sure which direction I'm going in...:nutso: So if I missed you out, please accept my apology and have one of these :l
                              :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                                Lovely lovely pictures Enja.
                                It was cold when I was there in July/August. Looks much warmer now

