Saucy-the school that my daughter's school does an exchange with is Somerville House-in Brisbane. Do you know it?
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MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
myhappyplace;1169030 wrote: Brisbane is fancy-schmancy Tipps...didnt you know??
Pizza night photos on hold til tomorrow, busy giving white room treatment to errant children/piglets.
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
Saucy - I knew we'd have fun visiting with you.
Poor Piglet - did you get him out of there? Good for you on nipping things in the bud with the little guy. We don't want him to follow the path that Tigger did. He got into all sorts of messes with "Headless Barbie" - he almost got eaten by a trout!! :upset: And then went on to cross-dressing and other antics. :shocked: You did good to send Miss K away for a bit. We don't want Piglet getting in situations like Tigger did. :no:For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
Awwh, a house with animals and children is always a funny farm! :Hsigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
Morning all, Piglet here! It is a bit of a yucky day, you wouldnt believe it but this is actually a picture of Brisbane's highest hill, Mount Coot-tha. HP and her family live on a hilly bit near there. HP and I have decided to wipe the slate clean, which she reckons is a good idea since she forgot to pull the memory card out of the puter and stick it back in the camera so we dont have photos of pizza night....she says she is not spending another minute trying to get photos off the internal memory...I said this is what happens when you have a drink...she said do you want to go back in the box...I said no fear, I would just like Miss K back...she said she would consider it, coz maybe I am not so cross your fingers!
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
Rain rain go away!! HP says I shouldn't say that coz we need the rain - but we cant go on an adventure like she planned. The rain and a few work things have come up. Feel like kicking the cat but that would get me back in the box. And they're both too tall and have sharp teeth. Oh - goodie lunchtime! Wrap your laughing gear round that, an Aussie pie!
Woohoo! Boredom breaker! HP says since I've been so good Miss K can come over for a play!! There is to be no PS3 though :upset: HP has put out some textas and paper so we can draw. And says there is a surprise Ozzie afternoon tea. I think she has some sort of weird relationship with food, what do you reckon??
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
Watching a scarey movie, Alien vs Predator with a big locust and Miss K. She is a bit scared so I have been giving her a hug and snuggling a little.
OK, movies finished....What's that Miss K?? You want to do some more drawing?? Sure, anything for you little lady...
:H:HThat's funny Miss K made HP into a devil :H:H
MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!
tawnyfrog;1168998 wrote: Don't know. KTAB was official cartographer last time and I don't want to blow the friendship by asking him again. Anyone else up for the task? Who's good with 'puter graphics? Come on, come on ... don't be shy ...Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?