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MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

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    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

    Or should I say someone....

    Miss K!! Fancy seeing you here!! And you have your jumper back on!!

    Talk about the bloody bad penny...

    Be quiet HP, thats rude and I thought I heard you tell the locusts it's rude to mutter too....



      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

      Yummo! Afternoon tea in the car - this is what happens when you are a busy mum sometimes or so HP tells me...but these are Vegemite Scrolls - LOOK JC!!! but sneaky HP ordered wholemeal - Shhhh dont tell the locusts...


        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

        expat3;1171080 wrote: :H
        Your cat is too cute-watching everything through his half closed eyes:H I think Miss K should travel with piglet. That way he won't be so "lonely" on all of his long trips! Of course those two locked in a dark box for days on end... What would a pig/koala mix look like?
        Not sure yet about that Expatty, have to check the quarantine laws etc and of course she will have to pass all the toxology scans and I am not sure if that's possible....


          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

          Oh Saucy, you've given me such a laugh with these last pictures, especially the Scrabble ones...:H:H

          Oh, and those vegemite scrolls look scrumptious!!
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

            Vegemite scrolls.....................drool.

            Loving the pictures,HP. :l

            And I see Piglet suffers from coulrophobia. I hate them with a passion as well.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

              They scare me witless.


                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                Personally the worst ones for me are the laughing ones.


                  MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                  HAPPY SPRING PIGLET and all you undies and that tiger from SA.


                    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                    Miss Behaving;1168515 wrote: Oh, Oh, Oh!!! I told Zen I thought that Piglit had goe to Sapphy!! So I bit :H (but it was the "heading off to mainland" clue)
                    Yeah well just as well that poor little porker wasnt sent to Van Diemans Land Missy, cos I still have five months left before I get my licence back!! The trip would have been very dull indeed, from the inside of a bus:H:H
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                      sapphire1;1171976 wrote: Yeah well just as well that poor little porker wasnt sent to Van Diemans Land Missy, cos I still have five months left before I get my licence back!! The trip would have been very dull indeed, from the inside of a bus:H:H
                      Saphster - I doubt that a visit with you would be at all dull, in fact I bet it would be just the opposite. Tigger went to visit people who didn't take him far from their home and we had lots of fun. His visits with Starty, Froglet, LadyJan and Oney are just a few that come to mind. You'd be surprised at what is there when you stop and take a good look at your surroundings, as others might see them. Tigger and I had fun just walking around my neighbourhood. He got to see things he'd never seen before like a pistachio tree and a banana palm.

                      Things that were every day sights for me were things that Tigger and many peeps here had never seen. So it's not too late if you want to change your mind. My guess is that Piglet would have a blast visiting you and so would we...
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                        sapphire1;1171976 wrote: Yeah well just as well that poor little porker wasnt sent to Van Diemans Land Missy, cos I still have five months left before I get my licence back!! The trip would have been very dull indeed, from the inside of a bus:H:H
                        Yeah Saphy what Stirly said!!! Not much to report today but the weather is beautiful and we have been doing stuff....but HP had to take a locust to the doctors coz he ran into a pole at school - HP says wtf - and now is taking another to I will check in tomorrow!!! We are very busy this weekend and I am having fun coz I have stayed out of the box....


                          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                          Bewdiful bewdiful day today!!! Morning all MWO'ers!! I have been a little slack and HP reckons I should report that I DO NOT spend all my time in a box - well some of it but who am I to argue apparently no-one of consequence - ok get on with it....most days we go for a walk with the black dog up to Green Hill Reservoir and around the dog park...

                          This reservoir is the largest storage unit of Brisbane's drinking water - HP didnt know that until I googled it...and the area around it is a dog off leash zone. There are some great murals there of people who walk there dogs on most days...HP says we have been walking a little later than she normally does in case they have her locked up...probably for being cranky I reckon...

                          Dont you even think of it black dog!!

                          HP thinks I will need a bath before I leave her.. not sure if I like the sound of that!


                            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                            Oh! Oh! Oh! OMG!! Look who I found??

                            Oh Pugdog! I miss you! The lovely rides on your back, your little snuffly least I have Miss K to keep me happy..


                              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                              We meditate too... well HP does... I do most days...I wrap up to stay warm in a scarf that HP reckons will give me a feeling for where I am heading to next...

                              Oh no...Miss scratchy claws is at it me from the kitty HP..


                                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                                Ok HP says she has to work - yeah right - so I am heading off to do some research for my next trip...

