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MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

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    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

    You are so right Stirly! However we have boy plans for Piglet - watch this space! ( for when I can get another wifi cxn! )
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

      stirly-girly;1177165 wrote: Aw, Missy B - just love the pictures, especially the "snow bunnies". I have to say this tho' - Piglet always has a huge smile on his face and appears to be having a great time. Miss K on the other hand has a rather suspicious look in her eye. This picture is a good example. He's smiling from ear to ear and she's saying - Who's the lady with the camera? I don't think she much likes someone else being around Piglet. Wants him all to herself...

      I thought the exact same thing Stirly. Like "who are you and what're you lookin at?" LOL
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

        Well, today is the big day!! The day we go to the World Cup!! Missy is getting concerned that I am getting a bit hyper and overexcited. Miss K keeps rolling her eyes and going on about how boys never grow up, and she and Missy have called what Missy says is a ?feminist alliance?. I don?t know what that means, but Miss K doesn?t adore me like she used to, and is starting to use words like ?assertive? and ?supportive?. They are heading off for a massage this arvo to escape what they say is madness, but they?re good sheilas really.
        But I haven?t caught you all up with what we have been doing since we were up the mountain.
        We drove up to Auckland from Tongariro, and Missy said she needed to pick up some whanau. (That?s ?family? for those of you who don?t speak Maori)
        So here is an introduction to William!!!

        William?s whole name is Willliam Webb-Ellis. He keeps going on about The Cup. It?s a bit boring and Missy keeps reminding him that it is just a game!!!
        Actually I get on better with William?s mate. He?s a good bloke, and Missy wants me to tell you all that he is not the real Tigger, but is distantly related.

        Anyway, William and Tigger have been hanging out at the RWC venue for the last couple of days. So they showed us around, but it was very windy and Missy didn?t want us blown into the harbour, so you cant see us in all of the photos!!!

        But the best bits were that William and Tigger had picked up our tickets for tonight so we don?t have to queue

        It is great to be here with my friends who I haven't met before but I have such a lot of affection for!!!! Missy reckons it is what MWO is all about!!

        And we are off to the game!!!![/video]]The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited - YouTube
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

          Good stuff Missy! Go the Tongans!! sorry all our canadian friends....


            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

            Ah well .... Canada played an excellent game and deserved to win. And us Tonga supporters had a great time anyway
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

              There is going to be a slight hiatus on piglet photos! We are out on holiday in a remote area and while I can pick up a signal on my iPad, the iPad does not seem to interface with photo bucket!

              I've had things to do in the local town for the last couple of days, but now am going to have a weekend of not going anywhere!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                Enjoy your holiday Missy!


                  MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                  Sorry that I haven?t posted for a couple of days folks, but we have all been chilling out and relaxing!
                  Well, last I posted, we were just off to the Canada vs Tonga game. We all squeezed into a backpack, because we didn?t want to get lost, and Missy reckons that keeping an eye on all four of us can be a bit of a challenge!! Miss K has been given strict instructions to stay in the top pocket, and keep her jumper on. She points out the fine print on the back of the ticket that says ?no streaking?!!

                  So here we are queuing up to go to the Canada vs Tonga game, and Piglet got a bit of attention from some Tongan boys. They came up from Auckland in a convoy of 7 buses and about 50 cars.

                  And just to prove that I?m an internationalist, here I am making friends with some Canadians!!

                  Wow, its pretty red out there!!! Whangarei is hosting not only the Tonga and Canadian teams, but also the Japanese, and the town has had a ?Paint It Red? campaign which has been fun. And at about 4pm, there was a ?flash mob haka? ? about 1000 people doing the haka in the main street. We could hear it but we didn?t get there fast enough to see it. It made our spines tingle anyway!!!

        [/video]]Whangarei Flash Mob Haka 2011 - YouTube

                  Well, I enjoyed my first rugby game! It was lots of fun and everyone had a good time.

                  Just as we were leaving to get out of town a bit ahead of the traffic, a streaker leapt a fence right in front of us, raced onto the field, outran all the Police who were chasing him and pretended to score a try right under the posts. Unfortunately Missy wasn?t fast enough with her camera, but here?s a clip!! :H

                  Video - High winds can't stop rugby streaker - The Age
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                    Given that everyone else is in full winter kit, I am guessing the streaker was probably suffering from shrinkage...I couldnt really see too much even on the telly last night...You must have Miss K under control Missy, I was sure for a minute you were going to say that it was her streaking...


                      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                      After all the excitement, Missy refused to move away from the place we have been staying for a couple of days. So we sat and chilled, and watched the tide coming in and going out again ......

                      Its pretty cruisy up here, everyone just lies around and chills out!

                      I did manage to find some distant relatives, but they were a bit shy and didn't want to have their photo taken with me :upset:

                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                        Anyway, my friends, as I said it is just a flying visit here in NZ ....... we drove home today, and I have a few more photos that we took en route, and then I am flying off to my next destination!!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                          myhappyplace;1178969 wrote: Given that everyone else is in full winter kit, I am guessing the streaker was probably suffering from shrinkage...I couldnt really see too much even on the telly last night...You must have Miss K under control Missy, I was sure for a minute you were going to say that it was her streaking...
                          I had a moment of panic I have to admit HP, until I remembered that I had made sure that she was zipped up in the back pack before we left and that at that point she still had her jumper on :H:H
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                            Oh Missy!! the little piggies are soooo cute! want one....


                              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                              They were incredibly cute HP :H:H I walked past that fence-line every day to try to get a better photo, but only ever saw them again once in the distance.

                              We also saw lots of lambs, but there were so many that I never decided which were the cutest. And it didn't help knowing that most of them will end up as Xmas dinner somewhere :upset:
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                                Keep them comimg Missy! I'm having a wonderful time here following Piglet. Couldn't spot him in that Magnolia.

                                The Lambikins will end up on the dinner table before the piggies .

