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MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

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    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

    Miss Behaving;1295615 wrote: Far out Enja .... completely coincidentally I just read "Mary Ann in Autumn" today and posted about it in the Undies forum. I loved the "Tales of the City" books in the 1980s and seeing your photos today just brought it all back to life - :thanks: Particularly the sea lions

    SF is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and your photos do it proud. Mr B and I have a trip to the US planned for 2013, and I told him 5 mins ago that we need to schedule in an additional few days for SF. He was happy to agree :-)

    PS - which apartment is the pentshack?? :-)
    Hey Miss B! I hope we can meet up when you come over.

    :H About the pentshack! The one in the book sadly doesn't exist but you can go to the multistory parking garage where they filmed the view from it for the TV version. Armistead M apparently also called his old apartment on Russian Hill the pentshack and it's on Union Street.
    :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

      stirly-girly;1300065 wrote: Enja, just another thank you from me for spending so much time showing us around San Francisco. I am still in awe of the architecture. And of the gardens. Everything is so neat and so clean. I love the manicured hedges and the fact that the flora is so varied. You live in a truly beautiful city. Just amazing. And Piglet and Miss K look like they've had the time of their lives. Lovely. Again,
      :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

        RedThread12;1300077 wrote: Hey, Enja, et al!!!

        I haven't been over here AT ALL, (my bad) to see who was going where, but Love, Love, Love the Bay Area and it makes me "wish it were my home" sick to see all of these oh-so-familiar places. And THANK YOU for the frescoes (or murals ). I live in Oklahoma, and have been listening to a book, "The Worst Hard Time," about the Dust Bowl. Those images are of and from exactly that time, and I have never seen them before. Will do so next trip. I'm deciding that it's definitely worth noting that NO ONE that I have ever been around, which includes my parents, grandparents, aunt, and many, many more "elders" who went through that period, talk about it. Can't wait to see the paintings.

        Nice to meet you here RedThread and hope to do so in person if/when you make it out to SF!

        There are many more murals in Coit Tower and the Rincon Annex - definitely worth seeing if you're interested in that time. I tried to link two excellent pdf files but it's not working because they are too large but if you go to OUSD Teaching American History Grant III and scroll down until you see this section - you'll be able to download them.

        Featured Resource: November 2009

        WPA Mural Art > San Francisco

        Annotated photographs of the Rincon Annex WPA Mural (41 pp) pdf

        Annotated photographs of the Coit Tower Murals (46 pp) pdf
        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

          I am sooooooooo sorry....:l
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!


            Are they there yet? Are they there yet?


              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

              enja;1301859 wrote: Hey everyone Once again I need to start out with an apology for disappearing shortly after contacting your new Mystery Host and making plans to send Piglet and Miss K off on their next adventure. First of all rest assured that the little guys are fine - I didn't do a runner with them.
              What happened was the day before I was getting ready to send them I discovered that I had made a HUGE miscalculation regarding a personal investment transaction that resulted in us losing a massive amount of $ :upset: I can't remember when I last had such an unbelievable shock - I was staring at the screen in disbelief, I was shaking so much I could barely type, all the time my mind was screaming this cannot be real?.I'd been sure that everything was in order and in fact I was just "checking in" a few days before the transaction date to ensure that all would be 100% on the day when I realized the error. Then I felt really sick when I thought how on earth am I going to tell my husband? I felt so dreadful about losing the money it sent me into a complete depression - I couldn't eat, sleep or do anything for days and days - just going over and over the event and the "if onlys". The husband was wonderful; obviously disappointed but was very kind and understanding, I was sure he'd be livid at best, but the whole episode shook my confidence to the core. Ultimately I realized that
              1. I have an AMAZING husband
              2. It didn't send me diving into a bottle (!!!)
              3. It was a huge blow but it's not catastrophic
              4. Our family is healthy, we live in a beautiful place and have so much to be grateful for
              5. It was time to stop the pity party

              OK, sorry about unloading all of that, now on to the important things here?..Piglet and Miss K! So as not to delay their departure any further I won't be able to take them to a few of the places I was planning to but I do still have some pics which I'll post over the next day or two and they will be on their way. :h
              Sending you hugs, Enja.:l


                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                Thanks for the hugs Mama B and Ex Pattie, much appreciated. :heart:

                Tawnyfrog, they're not there yet but they ARE in transit!

                The last set of SF photos will hopefully be posted before they arrive at their new destination! More drama, of a different nature, ongoing at Chez E at the moment so I can't post them tonight but I did want to give all you very patient people an update.
                :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                  MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                  enja;1308796 wrote:
                  Tawnyfrog, they're not there yet but they ARE in transit!
                  I would expect that Piglet and Miss K should have arrived by now. Except if they're traveling by foot....

                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                    stirly-girly;1315998 wrote: I would expect that Piglet and Miss K should have arrived by now. Except if they're traveling by foot....

                    :H:H Hello stirly! Yes, according to the tracking notice they have indeed arrived at their next destination. I'd rather thought that they would have made an appearance by now but perhaps the next host is waiting for the promised last set of SF photos to be posted first :hitme: Drama still abounds so I'm afraid I've rather let this get bumped.... so without further ado
                    :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                      MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                      Nob Hill, famous for Grace Cathedral, swanky hotels, elegant apartment building and cable cars.

                      Grace Cathedral

                      From the Cathedral steps looking over Huntington Park - the large building with the flag on top is the Mark Hopkins Hotel

                      :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                        MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                        Not a very attractive photo but you can get a sense of how steep it is from the angle of the car going down the hill

                        The apartment buildings here have doormen

                        Looking back at the cathedral - that's California Street alongside, which is one of the cable car routes and many (many!) years ago I used to ride it to/from work

                        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                          MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                          This is The Fairmont hotel - if anyone is old enough to remember a TV drama series called "Hotel" back in the 80s they used The Fairmont for exterior shots and in the opening credits

                          More apartment buildings

                          :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                            MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                            Now we head over to Alamo Square to take some final photos with an iconic SF background - the Painted Ladies and the city

                            THE END

                            There were many, many places we didn't get to visit - Japantown, the DeYoung & Academy of Sciences, the Castro, the Haight, City Hall, Legion of Honor, Union Square, etc. etc. but I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the sights and a little bit of "everyday" SF with Piglet and Miss K, as much as I enjoyed showing them. :h
                            :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                              MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                              Here is one last photo of our intrepid travellers before heading off to their new adventure - I wanted to say thank you for the opportunity of hosting Piglet & Miss K and although I have mainly read, rather than post on MWO, I hope venture out to some other threads in the future. This amazing place has truly been a life saver for me and has helped me achieve what I was beginning to think impossible and for that I'll forever be grateful. :h :l :h
                              :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                                MWO World Tour Part II-Piglet!

                                Enja, I have loved your photos of your beautiful city. Lots of nostalgia there for me! Thank your for all the effort you went to - it was above and beyond the call of duty Best of luck on the rest of your journey and looking forward to seeing you around other threads :l
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

