As long as it doesnt hurt too bad, or hurt those around me (hey, I'm even a better Mom sometimes when I'm drinking because I'm not uptight-rationalization) then wake up, read the news about all these awful events that have occured in just one day, I, I'm really doing okay. But...this is not living, whirling events, thoughts, etc etc.
Why is it so hard to smile when I am not drinking (mainly when I get home). Why do I think drinking helps me smile, for that initial moment of feeling buzzed...but then the sinking feeling of depression and guilt, but still makes the smile look a little more real.
Would love to live what seems to be a real life for others, walking their dogs, going to church, jogging, getting involved with organizations. I say I would love to...but have no desire really. I guess others always look perfect from the outside...but damn I would much rather have a drink then walk the dog. Keep busy they say, just so easy to pick it up. Everything goes away for awhile.
Joined this group...quit for almost a week, slipped, and havent looked back.
Thank you for all that have got this far, rambling I suppose. So much easier to express thoughts when you have had a few.
I guess I am curious what your rationlizations do you move past wanting that drink to living life. As many times as I have hit bottom you would think that would be enough but, what finally gave you enough strength to put this poison down.