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Can I die now......?

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    Can I die now......?

    I dont know wat to say... My husband left me bout 2 weeks ago.. He apparently "cant/ does'nt wane be married anymore. And today happens to be our 3year wedding anniversary. Fucking fab. Iv been on a drunken, selfharming binge since he left me, and im not to sure wat the point is. Iv had 3 bottles of red wine tonite. Oh,and a sneeky few tequilas. I feel so ashamed,but im at the end. My heart is broken into a million pieces, anf yet I still love hime with all the little broken pieces. God.... This hurts.

    Can I die now......?

    Hi Liz,

    It' looks like you're making an effort to reach out so I am here. You can go to the NEED HELP ASAP section if you need immediate help or you can send me a PM if you would like. I have also been left by a husband so I would be happy to chat with you if that would help. Do you think you could stop the drinking for just a few minutes and get on the computer and chat?



      Can I die now......?

      Liz, go to bed now. Tomorrow will look better. Nothing does through pain-filled, alcohol eyes. Don't drink anymore, you're not punishing anyone but you. I know it's hard to understand right now, but don't make permanent decisions tonight - they hurt no one but you and your parents, siblings, children. Please, come back tomorrow when you head is back on this site, OK? There are people who want you to be here.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        Can I die now......?

        Oh Hun, my heart goes out to you right now. Like Hazel said, do you think you could stop drinking for a couple of mins and maybe have a chat with her? Or better still try and knock it on the head for tonight and get some sleep? (easier said then done I know). Thinking of you. Sending you a hug.xx:l
        ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?


          Can I die now......?

          So sorry that you have to go through this. Eventually you are going to have to deal with this without the alcohol. Although I completely understand wanting to get plastered through this. Why don't you get online and vent as much as you need too. Hang in there. Post often.


            Can I die now......?

            Liz, I'm sorry you are going through so much pain right now. I don't know what will happen with your husband, nor do you. You can't control his choices. But you CAN control yours. I can guarantee you that drinking will make your situation worse. My husband left shortly after I quit drinking and honestly it was for the best. It was painful at the time, but I remained sober and came out on the other side for the better. You can choose to be sober too. No matter what happens, it will be better if you deal with it sober. The alcohol will make you feel bad emotionally, physically, spiritually and will not help you make solid decisions that are in your best interest. Please stop now and treat yourself kindly.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Can I die now......?

              Afternoon Liz, how are you today?
              ?I thought I'd begin by reading a sonnet by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.?

