Anyway, just curious about what the rest of you think.
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High Functioning alcoholics
High Functioning alcoholics
Is there really such a thing? I probably would have been considered one. I rarely missed work because of drinking or hangovers, I never drank on the job, and I could hide my hangovers pretty well (although I find we always think we are hiding things that we are not hiding from anyone.) I generally got my work done, but I am much more productive now.
Anyway, just curious about what the rest of you think.Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.Tags: None
High Functioning alcoholics
I don't know about "high"-functioning, because I wasn't exactly splitting atoms in my spare timeBut, like you, I was able to get on with my daily work while inebriated. I think that is what is generally meant: the fact that the drinking doesn't impair one to the point where they are no longer able to function in society.
High Functioning alcoholics
I am not so sure on that one. When I attended AA meetings I was labelled as a functioning alcoholic. because I run a successful business while still drinking in the evenings.But I have been moderating very succesfully since Nov last year. So does that make me an alcoholic?
An alcoholic is someone who cannot stop drinking no matter what. I think alot of people are problem drinkers but not necessarily alcoholics.
I see myself as a binge drinker and nothing more.Be strong-
We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T
High Functioning alcoholics
Wow. I hear you loudly and clearly. I am a senior executive in a Corporation and have intimate knowledge of the subject. Sometimes I wish they'd realize and help me seek assistance. Most times I have gratitude that I am undiscovered!! I live in constant fear of being "outted" as an Alkie. Drinking is a vital "networking" segment of our corporate structure ... unfortunately, they have no idea that some of us can't stop. Have skipped MANY functions in fear of overindulging and allowing them "to know."
I wish you luck ... and a more sober existance.Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
:wings: :huggy
High Functioning alcoholics
Bzz- Yes, I could function in society, but I have no doubt that I am an alcoholic. And I have no doubt that I am a much higher functioning person since I quit drinking!
Rebirth - Congratulations on being able to moderate! I know that I cannot do that at all. I practically grew up in the AA world since my father was a recovering alcoholic who was steeped in AA. My sense is that they label almost everyone an alcoholic, but then again, I'm not the AA type myself.
Masquerade - My father actually had to quit his corporate, New York-based business (and this was in the sixties. There's a reason "Mad Men" resonates with me!) because it revolved around drinking. I, too, had to watch myself very closely around my organization's events. I am hopeful those days are behind me.Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.
High Functioning alcoholics
Hi All
I so often read about the High Functioning alcoholic. It is always used to describe the person and their job. Yes many function at work as an alcoholic but are they high functioning people in the rest of their lives. We are not just our jobs. Our lives include the relationships we have with others. Al prevents us from being high functioning in this area. I have never met a high functioning alcoholic in this area.I am just bringing up one aspect of life--- relationships. Their are many other areas to life. If we stop and explore the whole aspect of our lives can we say we are high functioning.
Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08iStay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08
High Functioning alcoholics
I think I was high functioning in many ways but not optimaly functioning--I was doing alot of things for my family and keeping things nice and neat, organizing my family events, volunteering etc. However, my mind was total chaos and the sign of my turmoil was my lack of physical fitness. I do think Al was the main thing to blame for it too-- well I am to blame for it as I drank the booze (hee)--weight gain and no loss because of the extra 750 cals a day in booze! I am now resolved to try to make all the areas of my life work not just enough to get by!
High Functioning alcoholics
I agree completely with Caysea. I have my own successful business and was always able to have the i's dotted and t's crossed for the clients however outside of work my life and mind were a complete mess. I suppose for most alcoholics the job, bringing in the bread and butter, is the last thing to completely unwind when your in a complete downward spiral.2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.
High Functioning alcoholics
Perhaps Caysea and ATLThrash bring up the same point in different ways: We may be high functioning in one area, but other areas - whether they are relationships, health and fitness, our home upkeep - suffer. I guess I'm wondering if those who call themselves "high functioning" are just fooling themselves. Although, to be fair to ourselves, there are lots of sober people who aren't exactly high functioning in all areas either! I can think of quite a few I work with....Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.
High Functioning alcoholics
Too true-- as Casea pointed out- pretty much some area slips. If it didn't there would not be an incentive to quit for many. If I knew that my health would be fine and I was slim and in good shape I bet I would see no reason at all not to drink. I get loads done, have a great husband and child and generally have a nice set up. I am one of the lucky ones that has not lost their life, health (so far) , job or family or had legal issues by drinking. Still--it has had ill effects for me. Not just being huge-- I am sure the cals I drink did alot of that-- but the chaos that seized my mind as I drank more and more. At some point I really ceased to feel "normal" in some way.
High Functioning alcoholics
Absolutely right. It's doubtful anybody who drinks long-term is as high-functioning as they think. While I was managing to get by at my job, I could have done way better without the booze, and also there are other areas in my life which have been completely neglected.
High Functioning alcoholics
tonstantweader;1166216 wrote: Perhaps Caysea and ATLThrash bring up the same point in different ways: We may be high functioning in one area, but other areas - whether they are relationships, health and fitness, our home upkeep - suffer. I guess I'm wondering if those who call themselves "high functioning" are just fooling themselves. Although, to be fair to ourselves, there are lots of sober people who aren't exactly high functioning in all areas either! I can think of quite a few I work with....
But then, eventually I am, too. I am not as efficient as I could be (and used to be) and I've been missing a day about every two months, or showing up late. And if I had my act together I would be in a position, through either reputation or promotions, to start routing out some of these lazy idiots.
In a relative sense, maybe I'm still ahead of the curve, but who cares? Some people suck at life so I get a pass to drink? Because my version of mediocre is better than theirs?
That's when I know there's a problem. When I start comparing myself to others as an excuse, instead of trying to do my personal best.
High Functioning alcoholics
It's fascinating to read these takes on this concept. I wonder if those who are either labeled high functioning alcoholics or who see themselves that way are also competitive and somewhat type-A when quitting? I've quit drinking before (what's the old saying? I can quit anytime I want to, after all I've done it dozens of times?) and when I did, I put my all into it and stayed dry, got fit and healthy, and felt great for a several years. Then I started the slow slide back and now am just as committed, driven, and determined as before with the difference that I now know I cannot ever drink again.Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.