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Need support

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    Need support

    Hi all. Have not posted in such a long time. I have been drinking far too much in the last two months and really need to quit. I am so depressed about this and feel I am a total failure. I am starting Campral today and hope that helps me. I cannot take Topamax because of side effects. I would like some words of encouragement, because I feel so alone in this. Please help! Boo Boo

    Need support

    Dear Boo Boo,

    I am sorry to hear you are struggling but so glad you have reached out for support. Those of us who have come to know you through chat adore you. I wish you only the best. We will have to compare Campral notes. I have it on order and it should arrive within the next week. There is total hope for us all. Don't ever lose hope Boo. You have taken a step in the right direction.

    Much love,


      Need support

      Boo Boo, I am sorry you are in a bad place right now. I have heard good things about Campral and I hope it works for you. You are NOT a failure. Come around here more. You will get all the support you need.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Need support

        Boo Boo

        I am glad you started today after we chatted last night. I know you've been in a bad place but you took yours before I took mine! Be proud and strong, we are all here pulling for you. We love you. Keep coming to chat! :h :l
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          Need support

          Hi Boo.

          My heart goes out to you, but we are all here for you.

          Love & Hugs, Paula :l :h :l


            Need support

            Boo Boo.... I've been worried about you and have missed you being around. I sensed you might be struggling with all you had going on in your life. This is tough battle wiithout stress added to complicate things even further. I'm so glad you are reaching out for support and I know you are loved around here and will get tons of encouragement to get back on your feet again. Love ya tons.....:h

            Your Kudzu Kuzin,
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              Need support

              Hi Boo'
              you're not alone. We're all pulling for you


                Need support

                Hey Boo, you're not alone. Seems like just about everyone on the planet is drinking a bit more these past few months... My little doggie included!

                We're all here for ya! Maybe catch ya later in chat.
                :l , Judie
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Need support

                  Hi Boo Boo,

                  I think of you every day, when I use your pen. Lately, I have been missing you in chat, especially knowing that things have been hard. Glad you have your campral. Come on back for campral fest, so we can give you all the support you need.

                  Hugs times ten,


                    Need support

                    Dear Boo Boo,

                    No way are you a failure. You are here trying to get a handle on this. You can do this! We are all here cheering you on!



                      Need support

                      Aww Hi Boo
                      So nice to see you again. Hop back into the program, you are so far from being a failure! This is far from easy. All you have to do is read the boards to see how most people struggle -at least at first - with this. Its a process and most people are bound to have bad and good moments.
                      We are here
                      Love and BIG HUG
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Need support

                        Hi Boo.........

                        I've really missed you!!
                        How about those War Eagles????

                        Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

                        :l Nancy
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Need support

                          Remember, I was even going to hunt you down via your mailing address from the fundraiser! Watch it, girl, I just would!
                          We have missed you. Don't feel ashamed or like a failure or any of that crap. I KNOW those emotions all too well. Read my freaking posts from last wk.
                          Start on that campral, get some abs days under your belt, and find yourself something to do other than focusing on NOT drinking. That has been key for me.
                          I wish you so much happiness, Boo.
                          You deserve it.


                            Need support

                            Oh Boo,

                            We are missing you, and we love you so, no matter what shape you're in. Our arms are open, just keep posting. A failure you are not; you just got in a muck with things in your life so heavy. Welcome home, love.


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Need support

                              A big thanks to each and every one of you. I feel better today. Last night was not easy, but I did it. Although, my family policed me! Followed me everywhere, except the bathroom! I will stay in touch. It really helps having you support me. With oodles of love, Boo

