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30 days today! Anticlimactic?

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    30 days today! Anticlimactic?

    After such a rough day yesterday, I am honestly not even excited about it.

    I am more anxious about going back into work in an hour and a half, and beginning to confront/deal with who knows about (what I thought could remain) my secret. I have imagined conversations with the one who did the info spreading. I won't see him until Monday, but I definitely want to make sure he doesn't show/tell any more people. It's hurtful. And, although it is public information, I still don't think it is appropriate to walk around work with your i Phone playing show and tell with someone's mugshot.

    I had a message on my phone yesterday, from someone who wants to interview me for another job. Until yesterday I was feeling safe and welcome at work. Not so much anymore. I feel judged and scrutinized. I am entertaining the idea of a new job. We shall see.

    But, here I am, 30 days AF. It's been easier since I have avoided every possible situation that could involve alcohol. I'm incredibly lonely, but not drinking. So, that counts for something.

    30 days today! Anticlimactic?

    Congratulations on your 30 days AF :goodjob: I'm sorry you've had a rough day yesterday, but be proud of this wonderful achievement! Keep up the great work!


      30 days today! Anticlimactic?

      i know there is nothing i can say to make today any easier for you but i hope you make it through without too much confrontation. IMO getting sober is lonely no matter if you are surrounded by people or not. i feel alone like no one understands (except this board). you half to know how well you have done so far and that is something to be proud of. just go in there with you head held high and tell all the gossiping losers to "PISS OFF".
      I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
      sober since 2/4/12


        30 days today! Anticlimactic?

        sorry i meant * have to know......still waking up
        I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
        sober since 2/4/12


          30 days today! Anticlimactic?

          You are doing GREAT! Congratulations to you and as I said in the other thread, hold your head up high. You have done something I haven't done in years, although I hope to reach that milestone soon. You've done something most people who have a drinking problem haven't done.

          And yes, call about that other job! And feel GOOD about yourself. You deserve it.
          Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


            30 days today! Anticlimactic?

            I'd have to side with Medic and his comments from the other post. Small brains and to hell with them.
            It reminds me of when I was in college 25 years ago and got a STD from a girl I worked with and that got out to everyone in the office. It completely sucked but we all overcome and you will too!
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              30 days today! Anticlimactic?

              :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS AF!!:yougo::yougo:

              I think that accomplishment is awesome and especially so in light of your going back to school, your sweetie being away and the workplace exposure related to the DUI. Getting through this sober is an impressive show of commitment to sobriety! Good on you!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                30 days today! Anticlimactic?

                Congrats on the 30 days,!!! I sort of understand the anticlimactic part of your post. I think I went through a honeymoon cloud as Ive heard it explained.

                Just keep plugging away at it, its an amazing thing you have will be happier with yourself every morning you wake up.. I wish you the best of luck
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  30 days today! Anticlimactic?

                  WELL DONE!!! Like all the others said, hold your head up high, we all up and thats just part of the journey.
                  HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY

